Embark on a journey into the lives of the four Herods in "Almost." Three of them relentlessly pursued the Messiah or His Church for the wrong reasons. Yet, our focus eventually shifts to the last Herod, who is now pursued by the Messiah, driven by all the right reasons.
These pages explore the significance of King Agrippa's response to Paul. This response compels us to reflect on our missed opportunities. In the second part of this book, we explore stories of individuals who could have had different lives only in some cases to fall short. They represent the "almosts" of history, reminding us of the missed opportunities that haunt the human experience.
But the purpose of this book extends beyond mere examination. It beckons us to turn our gaze inward, scrutinize our lives, and refuse to settle for an existence characterized by "almost." No, we are called to pursue something far greater-a life where we make our calling and election sure.
Join us on this exploration as we learn from the past and passionately pursue a future where we make our calling and election irrevocably secure.
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