About the Book
Like that Phony Guard Shack that is Pictured on the Front Cover of this Inspired Book, which is used to keep the Guards at the Little White Outhouse in George Washington's Backyard from Freezing during the Winter, "The All-American IMPEACHMENT of Chief Criminals," will hardly Serve the Purpose of Cleaning Up the Stinking Snake-infested Swamp in Washington: beCause, it Requires ACTION on behalf of the Electors, who must take some Time to Educate themselves with a Capital E, which those Electors are not much Interested in: beCause, like the Dietary Sinners, they Want a Quick Remedy for their Age-old Dietary Sins; and there is no Quick Remedy. For Example, in Order to Build a Proper Stone Bunker for a Guard House, someone would have to Do a LOT of Difficult WORK, at a Great Expense: beCause, that Bunker would have to have an Underground Entrance into it, and Secure Port Holes to Shoot from with Machineguns, which that Shanty does not have: beCause, it was really not Designed for Defending anything from an Invading Army, which might Explain how it was that the British Burned Washington Down, in 1814, with hardly any Resistance! After all, American Presidents are supposed to be Loved by the Masses of People, who Voted for all such Scapegoats to Represent them: beCause, that is what DUMBmocracy is all about, who have no Voice in Government, except for those who Represent them. Indeed, WE, the PEOPLE, are supposed to be Free to Say and Do whatever we Want to within the Limits of the LAWS, which are supposed to be Formulated by our Representatives; but, that is Assuming that they are not STUPID People, since we can Elect them without Testing their Qualifications; but, should that be the Case, or should they have to Answer the Important Questions in: "The Complete SURVEYS of our VALUES!" (SURVEYS of Religious, Spiritual, Political, Governmental, Sexual, Social, Moral, Economical, Business, Labor, Habitual and Miscellaneous VALUES!) By The Worldwide People's Revolution!(R) Book 059, which every Elector should Study for each Presidential Candidate, before Choosing the Best one to Preside over the Executive Branch of our Good Government? Likewise, should every Elected Senator, Congressman and Congressional Stooge have to Fill Out and File the Complete Surveys of their VALUES on the Internet for everyone to Study, before Electing them into any Offices of the Governments of Cities, Counties, States, and the Federal Governments, Worldwide, seeing that each Nation has similar Problems with Swampy Governments, which are Occupied by Big-mouthed Algaegators, Poisonous Snakes, Habitual Liars, Deceptive Political Rabbits, Porcupine Lawyers, Highly-Perfumed Painted Skunks, Mosquitoes, Ticks, Fleas, Bedbugs, and whatever might make up such Governments, most of whom are simply NOT NEEDED? Indeed, it is Possible and most Practical for each Beautiful Planned City State to Govern itself, with Like-minded People, whereby Republicans do not have to put up with "Dimwitcrats," if they do not Want to; nor do Democrats have to put up with "Reprobates": beCause, they have their own Beautiful Planned City States, whereby they can Manage themselves however they Want to, and have an Unlimited Supply of Good Money to Work with: beCause, that is the Primary Duty of "The New RIGHTEOUS One-World Government!" (HOW to Establish a Righteous One-World Government without Going to WAR!) By The Worldwide People's Revolution!(R) Book 056: beCause, there are more than "101 Good Reasons and Great Advantages for Establishing a Righteous One-World Government!" (Government By the People, Of the People, and For the People!) Book 104. But, of course, the Masses of People would have to take the Time to STUDY all such Good Books, and Think about the Great Provable Truths within them, which should be Tawt in all Public and Private Schools: beCause, very few Children have any Great Interest in making themselves into Eternal TAX SLAVES of an Evil Empire!