Kate Street's What All Spirit Babies Want Their Mamas to Knowgives you direct access to your spirit baby and will increase your own prebirth communication ability exponentially. However, this is so much more than a book about prebirth communication and spirit babies
It is about the awakening in global consciousness that is occurring right now. A new world is being birthed and it looks very different than the world we've been living in. This new world is one of limitlessness, fearlessness, and amazing creativity. At the foundation of this world is unconditional love. The babies coming in right now carry within them the frequency of the new world. If you are reading these words, it is an invitation from your spirit baby to join him or her in that frequency.
The words within this book will activate you as they trigger your remembering the remembering of your true nature, which is so much more expansive than you've ever imagined
Any questions you may have about the struggles and challenges you've faced on the way to motherhood, whether it's a miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, or difficulties conceiving will be answered. You will feel comforted, supported, and expanded as you are given a complete picture of why things have happened exactly the way they did. And why it's all been perfect.
Within these pages you're invited to drop your limits, fears, and doubts as you expand into the highest version of yourself.
What All Spirit Babies Want Their Mamas to Knowis a paradigm shift and a portal to the new world. Come join your spirit baby there.
About the Author: Kate has a BS in psychology and an MS in health and wellness, but all that pales in comparison to the education her three children continue to give her on a daily basis. During a difficult period of her life, where she experienced two miscarriages and had a challenging time conceiving, she started experiencing prebirth communication with her first son. Because she trusted and believed in this communication, it continued to grow stronger.
Now, over a decade and three boys later, she helps other mothers connect with their unborn children through personal readings, videos, and meditations. Although Kate is very metaphysically minded, she likes to keep it real. She loves junk food, swearing like a sailor, and drinking champagne. She lives in New England with her sexy soulmate, her magical boys, three kitties, one fish, and one big, fluffy dog. All of Kate's spirit baby materials, including her blog, can be found at lovefrombaby.com