A FAMILY FOLLOWS INSPIRATION Children possess active energy and imagination. The energy that inspires them to create activities in reading, art, music, and writing.
When son, Kelly, was seven, his artwork given to his mother, Joyce, inspired her to write 12 children's stories. father, Tom, a composer, as a 5th-grade substitute teacher was given a sketch by Katie Buell, a young student at Park Lane Elementary, Canyons School District.
Kelly's young artwork, Joyce's stories, Tom's music, and Katie's sketch became an inspiration to every child and parent of a child. One thing led to another and "All About Me", a journal activity book that has found its way to Amazon and book stores.
Dedicated to public education and designed for creativity, the activity book opens the way to singing, reading, drawing, and writing. Students will discover who they are, what they can do, how they create daily memories and how they can think of others.
As an owner of the book or as a gift-giver of the book, give it a read and capture your own inspiration.