Simple. Easy. Delicious & Nutritious Alkaline Soup Recipes to Help You Thrive!
Restore ENERGY, balance, and zest for life with over 30 quick and tasty alkaline recipes you can easily make even on a busy schedule...
Here's exactly what you will get:
-both raw and cooked, plant-based (but can be customized!), alkaline or almost alkaline recipes (following the 80/20 rule)
-all the recipes are clean, healthy & natural + can be made within 5-25 minutes (depending on the recipe)
-even if you're new to the alkaline diet, don't worry, inside you will also find simple-to follow food lists, and bonus alkaline diet & lifestyle crash course, so that you will know exactly what to do to start experiencing all the alkaline benefits without feeling overwhelmed
-all the recipes are naturally gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free and vegan/vegetarian-friendly in their design (but you can add in some other ingredients if you want to), they are rich in good fats, high in nutrients and all the good stuff for optimal balance, most recipes are even compatible with keto or paleo
-perfect for low sugar, low carb, and detox diets!
-no nutritional dogmas, cults, or religions - no bashing and shaming- no pseudo-science...just simple to follow wellness tips and effective recipes to help you nourish your body and enjoy more energy
Author's Goal:
My goal is to inspire at least 1 million people to eat, drink, think, and LIVE more alkaline.
Whatever diet or nutritional lifestyle you can always add more fresh, alkaline foods into your life! So that you can experience more vibrant health, energy, and, if desired, lose weight naturally, without feeling deprived...
One of the most accessible tools to do so is with Alkaline Soups!
-you don't need any fancy ingredients, in fact, you can easily find most of the ingredients in your local grocery store
-you don't need any fancy equipment, a simple pot (to make warm soups), and a blender to create raw and almost raw soups) will do!
-alkaline soups can also be combined with other meals to create balance and help you add more precious nutrients to your diet!
Ready to get started?
Grab your copy now, join the Alkaline Soup party, I can't wait to "see you" inside this book!
Give your body what it needs to thrive, put your wellbeing first, and you will transform your life!