Have you wondered how you can begin with the alkaline diet?
Have you thought of how to prepare alkaline meals? Does it seem difficult cooking what you weren't used to cooking from birth? Well, worry no more, this book focuses on providing you with easy, quick and healthy alkaline recipes, while at the same time bringing to your knowledge, the benefits of alkaline diet.
The number one thing to consider before delving into alkaline recipes is what alkalinity implies. So very quickly, what is alkalinity? This is a term that is used to explain the pH level in the body. There are basically three variants of pH levels in the body, and they are acidic, neutral, and alkaline. The pH level ranges from 0 to 14, where 0 to 6 is acidic, 7 is considered as neutral, and 8 to 14 is considered as alkaline. PH is the measurement of how acidic or vulnerable and alkaline or safe the body is.
From 0 to 6 is mostly believed to be toxic to the wellbeing of the body, while 8 to 14 is considered as being safe and healthy. It is said that when the pH level is acidic, it opens the body up to diseases and illnesses, but if the pH level of the body falls within 7 to 14, then it is within the zone that can defend the body against certain illnesses and diseases.
The proponents of alkaline diet have it that it is good for you to cut down on your intake of acidic foods and increase your intake of alkaline foods such as vegetables and fruits as a way to stay healthy. Some of the results of eating alkaline based foods are that you begin to notice changes in your weight; this is good for people who are overweight or would like to watch their weights.
You can see the acid or alkaline alteration of your urine in your urine, as well as for your saliva in your saliva. But this does not directly affect the pH level of the blood, as it is in fact mean to be as it is. If the pH of the blood becomes altered in this sense, and is not treated, it can be detrimental to the body, it can even lead to death.
In this book, you will find various alkaline diet recipes that you can use. So, what are you waiting for? Get this book for yourself and start reading.