What if midnight struck and suddenly you were the captive of alien masters? Would the warriors and alphas of unknown planets have bad intentions?
When I was 7, I thought about becoming an astronaut and explore space. Of course, when I imagined myself in space, I was always wearing this full body suit, floating around the moon with several hunks beside me, cheering me on.
The good news: I reached space.
The bad news: it wasn't in the way I hoped.
I was kidnapped. By a dildo.
It's embarrassing and it's a long story. But that's how it happened.
When I met an alien prince, I thought he'd experiment on me. You know, laid flat on the medical table with a scalpel and weird alien technology to see how Earth-people were like.
Oh, he experimented on me alright.
But I was with him all the way.
Because you see, we were wrong.
Aliens weren't green blob things.
They're tall hunks with 6 pack abs, thick thighs, wide chest, and really looooong...you know.
Eat your heart out, Chris Evans.
Publishers note: This is a full length, standalone scifi romance novelette with lots of steam. It contains intimate and romantic scenes with an alien alpha prince with a comical flavor. As always, the book has no cheating or cliffhangers and has a happily ever after. This book has it all to satisfy your thirst for excitement, fun and love.
About the Author: It's raining men when it comes to Nina's writings. Hot encounters with amazing alphas, dominant daddies and bold beasts - the things we dare to dream of. If you're looking for something naughty and daring but don't have all day, Nina's books are definitely for you. Join my mailing list for a FREE book, new releases and special goodies: www.ninarains.com