THIS UPDATED COMPILATION of Aliaa's story includes the addition of Addendum: Sieoné - a treatment of the abilities and history of the multi-dimensional entities integral to the series. This ground-breaking Sci-Fi Fantasy tells the story of how Aliaa comes of age, and the consequences of her intervention to life on a planet she saves.
Included in this compilation:
BOOK ONE: THE AEON OF TAN LÖ (Aka: Tanan of Tyrrel)
After growing up on Earth, Aliaa is flung into the far reaches of the universe by paranormal entities to resolve an apocalypse. While searching to rescue a life there, her intervention saves the psychopath Tanan Lö, enabling him to introduce tyranny into his world. Enduring centuries of subjugation under Tan's regime, Aliaa's followers start on a journey to rescue their planet from Tan's legacy.
Tan Lö comes of age on Kuliptis striving to become a captain of a space transport to execute his ideas. Achieving this, he is infected with parasites whilst on an excursion past his solar system. There, he is rescued by Aliaa, profoundly influencing his ideals; allowing him the means to produce the dystopia he craves.
Living on Kuliptis, Clara's family is torn apart when a paranormal creature discovers its memory can be accommodated by Clara's daughter. Unable to gain control of Clara, the creature coerces her half-brother to abduct her while she is infected with a telepathic block designed to isolate her from Aliaa and her protectors.
Trapped in isolation, Clara gives birth to a daughter, but the creature must wait until the child is old enough to accommodate a possession.
However, there is one who can defeat it: Clara's son, who escapes with the help of a guardian protecting him. He learns how to fight, but only has two years to save himself, his family, and Kuliptis, from a most horrific fate.
A twelve part series of extracts depicting the history, abilities, circumstances, and creation of the remarkable entities intrinsic to "The Aliaa Chronicles" series.