The Aletheon is a fathomless gift to the world - immense in both its scope and profundity. It is a supreme masterpiece of wisdom, instruction, and Divine Self-Revelation.
During the final three years of his life, Avatar Adi Da created this scripture-moved by his indefatigable impulse to 'say everything' to everyone. His work on The Aletheon ended on the very day of his passing when he called for the title page of The Aletheon and finalized the wording on that page, thereby forever bringing to a close his final great writing-labor of love.
Adi Da had written many extraordinary and comprehensive books before The Aletheon. The early years of Avatar Adi Da's active Teaching-Work were an astounding demonstration of his willingness to submit himself to ordinary egos, and to work by reflecting egos to themselves and calling egos to true esoteric practice. What is unique about The Aletheon is that it was written after that time of submission to ordinary beings had been completed, when Avatar Adi Da was demonstrating the culminating phase of his outshining revelation. In writing The Aletheon, Avatar Adi Da had utterly relinquished his previous modes of self-submission and teaching, and expressed only his own purest communication of Truth.
In summary The Aletheon includes:
* Penetrating consideration of true and false understandings of God, religion, and human existence altogether
* Adi Da's unique revelation of the Divinely Enlightened condition
* His confession of his own purpose and work
* A description of the practice he offers to all who are moved to become his devotees. The Aletheon contains four chapters, twenty-seven parts, a full biography, and extensive reference materials.
First Word through Part Five opens with Avatar Adi Da's Self-Disclosing statements - relative to who he is and what the purpose of his word is. He also presents his fundamental arguments relative to conventional religion versus the true esoteric process, the primacy of devotion, and the seven stages of life.
Part Six through Part Eight presents Avatar Adi Da's 'overview' statements about and definitions of the Reality-Way of Adidam including the essential essay Atma Nadi Shakti Yoga.
Part Nine through Part Ten includes his more extended and detailed statements about the Reality-Way of Adidam including fundamental summary statements relative to devotion, right life, and 'Perfect Knowledge'.
Part Eleven through Part Thirteen includes two essential texts relating to the beginnings of the Transcendental Spiritual process; The Teaching Manual of Perfect Summaries and Hridaya Rosary.
Part Fourteen is devoted entirely to essays on Perfect Philosophy.
Part Fifteen through Part Eighteen contains many of Avatar Adi Da's most fundamental and ecstatic Communications about the 'Perfect Practice' of Adidam.
Part Nineteen through Last Word presents a completely astounding series of Self-Confessional Divine Statements by Avatar Adi Da including The Boundless Self-Confession, and a great many more.
Over 2300 pages, The Aletheon is also available in an eight-volume softcover edition. The contents of the hardbound and softcover editions are identical including the full text of The Aletheon, over one hundred photographs of Avatar Adi, a full biography, and extensive reference materials. Both editions come in a beautiful slipcase adorned with a stunning logo-image, created by Avatar Adi Da Samraj.