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AJAX : Creating Web Pages with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML: Creating Web Pages with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

AJAX : Creating Web Pages with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML: Creating Web Pages with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML


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About the Book


  • It describes what patterns are and how they can help you design object-oriented software.
  • You will learn how these important patterns fit into the software development process, and how you can leverage them to solve your own design problems most efficiently.
  • Each pattern describes the circumstances in which it is applicable, when it can be applied in view of other design constraints
  • All patterns are compiled from real systems and are based on real-world examples.
  • Each pattern also includes code that demonstrates how it may be implemented in object-oriented programming languages like C++ or Smalltalk.
About the Authors
Dr Erich Gamma is technical director at the Software Technology Center of Object Technology International in Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Richard Helm is a member of the Object Technology Practice Group in the IMB Consulting Group in Sydney, Australia. Dr. John Vlissides conducts his research at IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Hawthorne, New York.Features
  • NEW - Added chapter on Management and Planning Tools.
  • NEW - Updated ISO 9000-2000 material.
  • Emphasis on Total Quality Management—Chapters 2-3 on Principles and Practices and Tools and Techniques of Total Quality Management.
  • Accompanying software—Provides a CD that uses the EXCEL spreadsheet capability to solve most of the problems in the text.
  • Material on Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
  • Summary information on ISO 14000 and FMEA.
  • Thorough coverage of real-time databases, operating systems and communications
  • Concepts explained through real-life applications
  • Numerous worked-out examples and practice problems
About the Authors
The authors work for companies around the world that are participating in different aspects of the mobile Internet—including handsets, infrastructure, content, and services. The authors are all active WAP forum participants and leaders. In this book, they bring together their expert knowledge and experience along with a worldwide perspective. Features
  • NEW - Fully updated for the Servlets 2.4 and JSP 2.0 standards.
  • NEW - Online access to all source code, available free for unrestricted use.
  • NEW - Practical, step-by-step guides for using three leading Servlet/JSP engines—Apache Tomcat, Macromedia JRun, and Caucho Resin.
  • Extensive, robust code samples—Contains hundreds of completely portable, fully documented, industrial-strength examples.
  • Step-by-step database integration guidance—Walks step-by-step through using servlets and JSPs with data stored in MySQL, Oracle 9i, Microsoft Access databases.
  • Detailed architectural coverage—Covers a wide variety of architectural strategies and best practices, with detailed coverage of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
  • By Marty Hall, the fields leading expert
  • Simple, clear and concise presentation
  • Balanced exposition to both theory and application
  • Unique introduction that discusses the fundamental concepts, notations, representation and principles that govern the field of EMFT
  • Includes an exclusive chapter on basic mathematics required for problem solving
  • Media Convergence: As the first introduction to mass communication text to place a strong emphasis on media convergence, both in sections throughout the book as well as in the “Media Convergence” boxes that appear in most chapters, this text provides students with a thorough understanding of the forces that exist in today's media environment.
  • Social and Cultural Effects: “Cultural Impact” boxes highlight the ways in which the media influence and represent American culture, both positively and negatively. “Global Impact” boxes provide a macro-perspective on the influence and availability of the media throughout the world. “Profiles” spotlight prominent media figures with miniature case studies of their careers.
  • Historical Context: Chapter-overview sections on “Media in American Life” along with “Dateline” continuums and in-chapter discussions offer students one of the strongest discussions of the history of the mass media available.
  • Economic Issues: Special sections on “Today's Market Structure” outline economic issues in which the media and the economy influence one another to help students understand the effects of economics on today's media culture.
  • Technology: “Navigating the Web” sections show students how each of the different types of media is emerging on the Web and suggest ways to investigate media issues with Internet and World Wide Web resources (complete with URLs).
  • “Media in Your Life” activities ask students to evaluate their own media use as a key to the patterns, trends, and topics they find in each chapter.
  • Student-oriented pedagogy (including helpful sidebars, recaps, glossary, review questions, critical thinking questions, “Key Concept” marginal notations, and references to media sources) aids students' learning.
  • New organization. The book's new division into three parts—Media Processes and Functions, Media Industries, and Media Issues strengthens its professional focus by beginning with mass communication functions.
  • New chapter on journalism. Material has been gathered from the media chapters and presented as an integrated topic to give equal emphasis to three major mass communication functions: journalism, advertising, and public relations (Ch. 2).
  • Focus on contemporary issues. More coverage is included on the trends in mass communication. A new feature called “Discussing Trends” encourages students to consider the impact of these trends on today's media.
  • Adopts authors’ unique Teach-Yourself technique, to help you study at home.
  • Numerous exhibits and tables to illustrate basic calculations.
  • Theory based on an effective, classroom tested technique to guide the reader through step-by-step explanation.
  • A separate chapter on designing network.
  • Contains over 100 theoretical questions.
  • Simple method to calculate Earlier time (Te) and Latest time (Tl)
  • Advance problems on linear programming in various business decisions.
  • Problems from various professional examinations.
  • Contains over 700 solved examples.
  • Over 100 exercises to test your understanding.
  • Includes over 50 formulae.
About the Authors
Prof. P. C. Tulsian is a Professor, Ramjas College, University of Delhi. A prolific writer, he has authored over a dozen books on the subject. He is a fellow member of ICAI and an associate member of AIMA. Recently, he has been conferred with award for ‘Exemplary Services Contributed to the Cause of Profession’ by the Northern India Regional Council of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Prof. Tulsian has been a visiting faculty at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and various management institutes. Vishal Pandey is an associate member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Features
  • explores design spaces for each architecture class and exposes evolution of concepts and design issues
  • provides an up-to-date overview of significant architecture classes, including unique in-depth coverage of superscalar architectures as well as multithreaded, shared and distributed memory MIMDs, and associative and neural architectures
  • identifies which concepts and design choices have been made use of in important processors and illustrates significant trends and surpasses and viable concepts
  • case Studies and tables show micro architectural details of relevant processors, including the Pentium Pro, Power PC 604, Power PC 620 and R10000, allowing comparisons between them
About the Authors
Professor Dezos Sima is Director of the Department of Informatics at the Kando Polytechnic in Budapest where he has specialized in computer architecture since 1972. He has published two books and over thirty papers. Prof Peter Kacsuk is Head of the Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed System at the MTA SZTAKI research institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Terry Fountain is reader in Applied Physics at University College London. He has published four previous books on computer architecture.Features
  • Restructured to deliver in-depth coverage of Java's most critical new features.
  • Extensive code examples help developers make the most of new Java features -- from collections to internationalization, and beyond.
  • By three leaders of the Java community, including Java creator James Gosling, Jini architect Ken Arnold, and Sr. Research Scientist David Holmes.
About the Authors

Ken Arnold, formerly senior engineer at Sun Microsystems Laboratories, is a leading expert in object-oriented design and implementation. He was one of the original architects of the Jini™ technology, and the lead engineer of Sun's JavaSpaces™ technology. James Gosling is a Fellow and Chief Technology Officer of Sun's Developer Products group, the creator of the Java programming language, and one of the computer industry's most noted programmers. He is the 1996 recipient of Software Development's "Programming Excellence Award." He previously developed NeWS, Sun's network-extensible window system, and was a principal in the Andrew project at Carnegie Mellon University, where he earned a Ph.D. in computer science. David Holmes is director of DLTeCH Pty Ltd, located in Brisbane, Australia. He specializes in synchronization and concurrency and was a member of the JSR-166 expert group that developed the new concurrency utilities. He is also a contributor to the update of the Real-Time Specification for Java, and has spent the past few years working on an implementation of that specification.Features
  • This book provides a comprehensive introduction to SNMP-based network and internetwork management.
  • This book is a survey of network management technology and techniques
  • It presents the original SNMP family of standards, which is still the most widely deployed version.
  • This book discusses critical design issues and explores approaches to meeting communication requirements.
About the Authors
Sara Baase is a Professor of Computer Science at San Diego State University and has been teaching CS for 25 years. Dr. Baase is a three-time recipient of the San Diego State University Alumni Association’s Outstanding Faculty Award, and she has written a number of text books in the areas of algorithms, assembly language, and social and ethical issues related to computing. She earned her doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley. Allen Van Gelder is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of California at Santa Cruz,where he has been teaching CS for 12 years. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stanford University and is a past recipient of the Presidential Young Investigator Award.Features
  • NEW - Material on accelerated version of Heapsort, section on computing with DNA, chapter on Dynamic Sets. Pg.___
  • NEW - Expanded treatment of recursion with a clear, student-friendly review of how it works, and why it is a valuable programming technique. Pg.___
  • NEW - Expanded mathematical background emphasizes practical techniques, including solutions to recurrence equations. Pg.___
  • NEW - Review of abstract data types, with Java class definitions for several commonly used ADTs such as list, tree, stack, and priority queue. Pg.___
  • NEW - Pseudocode updated from Pascal-like to Java-like; includes an appendix with Java examples. Pg.___
  • More than 100 new exercises. Pg.___
  • Focus on problem analysis and design techniques.
  • Discussion is grounded in concrete problems and examples rather than abstract presentation of principles, with representative problems woven throughout the text.
  • Over 200 well crafted problems with several coming from companies such as Yahoo!® and Oracle®. Each problem has been class tested for usefulness and accuracy in the authors' own undergraduate algorithms courses.
  • Broad coverage of algorithms for dealing with NP-hard problems and the application of randomization, increasingly important topics in algorithms
  • Electronics Workbench —Includes Electronics Workbench problems and their solutions, rather than PSpice.
  • Application-oriented treatment of linear circuit analysis—Requires only a background in applied calculus, targeting engineering technology or applied engineering programs.
  • MATLAB problems and solutions—Featured throughout.
  • End-of-chapter problems—Divided into three categories: 1) Drill problems2) Derivation problems3) Application problems
  • Text includes a EWB Circuits Data Disk which contains EWB configured circuits from the text.
  • Seven new chapters and exhaustive coverage of process improvement, testing, and quality assurance.
  • Contains numerous real-life examples based on the author's work at the Malcolm Baldrige Award-winning software development laboratory at IBM Rochester, MN.
  • Helps reader keep costs down without sacrificing quality.
  • Written to be understandable to a broad range of students, particularly those without a strong background in mathematics.
  • Provides clear, logical explanations for the rationale and use of statistical methods in social research.
  • Detailed step-by-step illustrations of statistical procedures are located at important points throughout the text.
  • “Looking at the Larger Picture” boxed feature helps deepen student understanding of statistical methods.
  • Contains alternative and group formulas, as well as some non-parametric tests that are not covered in the Essentials version of this book by the same authors.
About the Authors
Richard E. Smith works for Secure Computing Corporation where he provides consulting services in network security to commercial and government organizations, including the National Security Agency. He holds an M.S. and Ph.D. computer science from the University of Minnesota and a B.S. in engineering from Boston University.Features
  • Essentials of Cryptography
  • Networking and Internet fundamentals
  • Encryption Building Blocks
  • Virtual Private Networks
  • Legal Considerations
  • Setting Realistic Security Objectives
  • Secured Electronic Mail
  • World Wide Transaction Security
  • Internet Firewalls
  • Provides extensive coverage of query processing, including major algorithms for execution of queries and techniques for optimizing queries.
  • Covers information integration, including warehousing and mediators, OLAP, and data-cube systems.
  • Explains error-correction in RAID disks and covers bitmap indexes, data mining, data statistics, and pointer swizzling.
  • Supports additional teaching materials found on the book’s Web page at http://www-db.stanford.edu/-ullman/dbsi.html
About the Authors
Hector Garcia-Molina is the Leonard Bosack and Sandra Learner Professor in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments at Stanford University. He has published extensively in the fields of database systems, distributed systems, and digital libraries. Jeffrey D. Ullman is the Stanford W. Ascherman Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. He is the author of co-author of 15 books and 170 technical publications, including A First Course in Database Systems (Prentice Hall 1997) and Elements of ML Programming (Prentice Hall 1998) His research interests include database theory, database integration, data mining, and education using the information infrastructure. He has received numerous awards such as the Guggenheim Fellowship and election to the National Academy of Engineering. He also received the 1996 Sigmod Contribution Award and the 1998 Karl V. Karstrom Outstanding Educator Award. Jennifer Widom is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments at Stanford University. She has served on numerous editorial boards and program committees, she has published widely in computer science conferences and journals, and is co-author of A First Course in Database Systems (Prentice Hall 1997).Features
  • Introductory Quantum Mechanics, Fourth Edition is well known for its wealth of great problems (869 in total).
  • Comprehensive coverage makes the book adaptable to any course.
  • The book uses precise presentation and careful use of appropriate math.
  • A new chapter on the revolutionary topic of quantum computing and numerous revisions throughout the rest of the book bring it up to date.
  • More than 30 new problems have been added.
  • Concise and Clear Presentation—Gives students the physical techniques behind antennas and radio wave propagation.
  • Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) —Provides the first text that treats MIMO and space-time coding techniques at an introductory level
  • Worked Examples—Theme examples in each chapter illustrate how the concepts are used in engineering practice
  • Comprehensive Appendices—10 appendices added on theories, functions and computer assignments among other intrinsic topics indispensable for a thorough coverage of the subject
About the Authors
Sam Anahory is Director of Systems Integration at SHL Systemhouse, an MCI Company, where he runs their Data Warehousing practice, delivering end-to-end data warehousing business solutions to clients. Dennis Murray is the Principal Consultant responsible for Large Scalable Solutions in Oracle Corporation’s Europe, Middle East and Africa advanced technologies group.Features
  • learn the fundamentals of designing large-scale data warehouses using relational technology
  • take advantage of product-independent comprehensive guidelines which cover all the issues you need to take into account when planning and building a data warehouse
  • benefit from the authors' experience distilled into helpful hints and tips
  • apply to your own situation the examples of real-life solutions taken from a variety of different business sectors
  • make use of the templates for project-plans, system architectures and database designs.
  • Boxed materials bring life to the topic being discussed and provide extra motivation for you.
  • Retrosynthetic analysis is introduced in Chapter 5 so you can use this technique throughout the course to design multistep syntheses.
  • There are a lot of new terms you'll need to learn as you study organic chemistry.
  • Margin notes highlight and remind you of important principles, and biographical sketches help you appreciate the history of chemistry and the diverse people who contributed to it.
  • At the end of every chapter that discusses organic reactions is a summary of these reactions. Review these summaries and make sure that you can explain how each reaction occurs.
About the Authors
Paula Yurkanis Bruice was raised primarily in Massachusetts, Germany, and Switzerland and was graduated from the Girls’ Latin School in Boston. She received an A.B. from Mount Holyoke College and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Virginia. She has been a member of the faculty at the University of California, Santa Barbara since 1972, where she has received the Associated Students Teacher of the Year Award, the Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award, and two Mortar Board Professor of the Year Awards.Features
  • Focuses on the physical aspects of the mathematical concepts necessary to describe the vibration phenomena.
  • Provides many example applications, including typical problems faced by practicing engineers.
  • MATLAB… has been introduced where appropriate to take advantage of this industry-standard software for necessary calculations.
  • Mass and stiffness matrices are now defined alongside the discussion of normal mode vibrations, free vibrations, forced vibrations, absorbers, and dampers (Ch. 5).
  • FORTRAN computations have been replaced by MATLAB. FORTRAN plotting has been replaced by MATLAB plotting.
  • Introduction to Finite Element Methods (Ch. 10) now does computations completely in MATLAB. The section on generalized force proportional to displacement has been substantially expanded by detailed computation of rotating helicopter blades.
  • Problem sets have been added throughout.
  • The style used is interactive, conversational, direct, and simple. It is designed in such a way that any student after attending the class can treat the book as a teacher for self-study.
  • A number of pictures are interwoven with concepts through out the book so as to make the reader understand the nuances of some complex problems.
  • The book is contemporary and uses Microsoft Excel extensively to solve a variety of problems. In particular, the learning process is greatly facilitated by the usage of “Paste Function” and “Data Analysis” of Excel.
  • For those who may not always have access to Personal Computer, formula approach is comprehensively delineated for solving problems.
  • Every chapter contains a Discussion Topic that gives ample scope for the students to debate key issues of the topic that will pave the way for grasping the conceptual philosophy and spirit of the subject.
  • Almost all chapters have Progressive Test Questions that act as a monitoring and feedback mechanism in the learning process of the subject matter.
  • Answers with explanation have been provided to all review questions in every chapter. Also, carefully structured Practice Problems have been given at the end of each chapter for the students to work out the solution.
  • Programming with SRGP, a simple but powerful raster graphics package that combines features of Apple’s Quick Draw and MET X-Window System’s graphics library.
  • Hierarchical, geometric modeling using SPHIGS, a simplified dialect of the 3D graphics Standard PHIGS
  • Raster graphics hardware and software, including both basic and advanced algorithms for scan converting and clipping line, polygons, conics, spline curves, and text.
  • Image synthesis, including visible surface determination, illumination and shading models, image manipulation and antialiasing
  • Techniques for photorealistic rendering, including ray tracing and radiosity methods
  • Surface modeling with parametric polynomials, including NURBS, and solid-modeling representations such as B-reps, CSG, and octrees
  • Advanced modeling techniques such as fractals, grammar-based models, particle systems, physically based modeling techniques such as fractals, grammar-based models, particle systems, physically based modeling, and volume rendering.
  • Concepts of computer animation and descriptions of state-of-the-art animation systems
  • Introduces the concept of adaptation as a property or characteristic of certain engineering systems.
  • Describes a geometric "performance surface" for the analysis of all adaptive systems.
  • Covers the major applications of adaptive signal processing.
  • NEW—The text has been made independent of any software package.
  • NEW—All examples and case studies have been redone, and some expanded to make their presentations more detailed.
  • NEW—The numbers of problems has been increased by roughly 25%.
  • NEW—Some sections of the text have included augmented figures, discussion or explanation.
  • May be used without the accompanying software and models with no detriment to understanding.
  • Covers the fundamentals of concrete technology including concrete ingredients, properties and behaviour in the finished structure.
  • Contains only what the student requires.
  • Condensed version of well-known Properties of Concrete.
  • Presents the most complete and authoritative exploration of ISDN available in a text of this kind.
  • Provides thorough coverage of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) including the new technology, standards, and other developments in this leading-edge area.
  • Provides a discussion of frame relay that incorporates the most important advances in both technology and standards in this area crucial to ISDN and private networks.
  • Provides a full treatment of standards, the key determining factor in ISDN and B-ISDN. Students will gain a valuable understanding of the various standards, including, among others:
  • ITU-T recommendations.
  • Frame Relay Forum specifications.
  • ATM Forum specifications.
  • Contains a wealth of pedagogical features (e.g. homework problems, glossary, list of acronyms, and chapter summaries) to facilitate learning, making this the only true textbook-style treatment of ISDN.
  • Core Features to Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials
  • Demonstrates to students the relevance of the material with real-world examples
  • Allows students to easily grasp the often complex subject matter presented
  • Each chapter now begins with an outline describing briefly its objectives and contents
  • Examples and exercises in a CAD tool independent fashion—Xilinx specific descriptions available in Appendices.
  • Full set of viewgraphs and VHDL examples—Available on a Companion Website.
  • Synthesis concepts.
  • Language constructs are presented by association with familiar concepts from digital logic and computer architecture.
  • Departure from conventional pedagogy in teaching hardware description languages.
  • NEW - Coverage of the new ANSI C++ standard—Completely rewritten.
  • NEW - A cross-platform multimedia CD-ROM introduction to ANSI C.
  • NEW - Emphasis on the most important and most usable features of C++.
  • NEW - Practical advice and common pitfall coverage.
  • NEW - The Standard Template Library.
  • One of the most widely praised and accessible presentations of object-oriented programming with C++.
  • Demonstrations of how to step back from coding to consider design strategies, and attempt to “get into the head” of the designer.
  • Problem features in each chapter—Explained based on the way the author sees a particular type of problem being solved using the language.
  • How to write portable C++ code that is compatible with any C++ platform.
The first complete guide to the brand-new Bluetooth 1.1 wireless standard!
  • In-depth coverage of Bluetooth 1.1's dramatic improvements in interoperability and reliability.
  • Thoroughly revised coverage of Bluetooth 1.1 security and power conservation.
  • New Bluetooth profiles, including the long-awaited Personal Area Networking profile!
About the Authors
Jennifer Bray manages Cambridge Silicon Radio's Baseband Bluetooth software development program. She is also an elected member of the Bluetooth Architectural Review Boad of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. She holds a doctorate in wireless communications, and has extensive experience in communications product development, encompassing wireless ATM, ADSL-to-ADM gateways, and CDMA and GSM wireless systems. Charles Sturman is Bluetooth Program Manager for TTPCom, responsible for Bluetooth product development and business development strategy. He is a member of the Radio1 Improvements Subgroup, chartered by the Bluetooth Specification Improvements Group to enhance the Bluetooth standard. He has ten years experience in designing low-cost, low-power communications and computer systems.Features
The official Cisco Systems Coursebook for MPLS and VPN technology.
  • Revised version of the best-selling first edition, also from Cisco Press.
  • Provides a self-study complement to the Cisco CCIP training course, Implementing Cisco MPLS.
  • Extensive case studies guide readers through the design and deployment of real-world MPLS/VPN networks.
About the Authors
Ivan Pepelnjak, CCIE, has more than 10 years experience in designing, installing, troubleshooting, and operating large corporate and service provider WANs and LANs. Ivan is one of the top Cisco routing authorities in Europe and is the author of EIGRP Network Design Solutions and co-author of MPLS and VPN Architectures, both published by Cisco Press. Jim Guichard, CCIE, is a Technical Leader for MPLS and IP backbone technologies at Cisco Systems, and is the co-author of the highly successful book MPLS and VPN Architectures published by Cisco Press. Features
  • Broad, deep, state-of-the-art coverage—Offers the most thorough and up-to-date coverage available for planning, designing, and implementing ad hoc wireless networks.
  • 200+ easy-to-understand examples and end-of-chapter review questions—Teaches through example, and provides extensive opportunities for review at the end of every chapter.
  • Advanced coverage available nowhere else—Introduces research and techniques covered in no other book, including Wi-Fi ad hoc networks, hybrid wireless architectures, ultra wideband ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, and more.
  • In-depth coverage of ad hoc network protocols,/b>—Covers ad hoc network protocols for media access, transport, routing, multicasting, and more.
  • Thorough coverage of building reliable, high-performance networks—Covers QoS, provisioning, security, scalability, pricing, and much more.
  • Provides a basic foundation for the course.
  • Text has been completely revised.
  • Includes full range of exercises of varying difficulty.
  • Incorporates new material on algorithms, tree-searches, and graph-theoretical puzzles.
  • Full solutions are provided for many of the exercises.
  • Includes a chapter on matroid theory, which is used to consolidate some of the material from earlier chapters.
  • considers real-world aspects of the field, coupling theory and practice to arm students with applicable information they can use in their future career.
  • Organizes material in three sections easily arranged to suit course needs:
    • Presents a brief history of the electrical power industry.
    • Discusses electrical power distributions.
    • Studies electrical power transmission.
  • covers subject concepts in considerable depth and detail.
  • offers up-to-date material with a historical perspective.
  • Shows why operating systems are needed and what they do, in great detail.
  • Written at a pace and level that is appropriate for introductory-level students, including numerous illustrations to visually reinforce concepts.
  • Uses the most current versions of popular operating systems, such as WIndows XP, WIndows 2003, Linux, Macintosh OS X, and Novell.
  • New chapter on Macintosh OS X internals.
  • Less focus on mainframe operating systems to allow for more coverage on common PC operating systems.
  • Material on IBM/OS JCL from previous editions has been condensed into a new appendix. These chapters are still available online at http://aw-bc.com/davis.
  • Network operating system coverage has been revised to provide the state-of-the-art in this important area. It progresses from how the Internet infrastructure works, to client-server systems, to examples from common operating systems.
  • All new thought provoking exercises added to the end of each chapter for multiple practice opportunities
About the Authors
Pieter Adriaans is a director of Syllogic, where he is responsible for the development of tools for the management of client/server systems and databases. Dolf Zantinge has broad experience in setting up large client/server projects. He is also a director of SyllogiFeatures
  • Heavily referenced—allows detailed exploration of background or more advanced material.
  • Chapter Summaries emphasize the most important points.
  • Broad, Interdisciplinary point of view, drawing from the fields of seismology and structural engineering.
  • New essays covering emerging concerns in post-colonialism, gender studies, post-modern theories of communication, lesbian/gay criticism.
  • Contains a selection of the most important and representative work from the major schools in contemporary criticism.
  • Material has also been chosen for its international literary concerns.
  • Introductions give a context for each essay.
  • Footnotes help explain the most difficult references.
  • The selection is ordered both historically and thematically, so that readers can identify for themselves links between essays.
  • Engagingly written and combines case studies and personal testimonies with analyses of theoretical perspectives.
  • Bridges the gap between the library of philosophical works on rights, and the various publications produced by campaigning organizations and activist groups.
  • Discusses existing research on human rights and suggests how the ideas of contemporary thinkers may be relevant for furthering our understanding.
  • Provides the reader with thorough knowledge of the philosophical, legal, historical, and sociological material on human rights. These include theories and perspectives, acts and covenants, and statistical data.
  • Effectively covers such important topics as censorship, political prisoners, torture, the death penalty, apartheid, slavery, genocide, and the plight of refugees.
  • Concludes with an overview of emerging areas in the discourse on human rights, including environmental concerns, the role of business and non-state actors, womens rights, childrens rights, and the impact of globalization upon human rights debates and realities.
  • Includes foreword by Dan Jones MBE, human rights educationalist at Amnesty International.
  • 45,000 words and phrases-that's all intermediate learners could possibly need.
  • The real-life examples-based on the Longman Corpus Network, and covering written and spoken, British and American English-ensure that learners can see instantly how words are really used.
  • Learners should concentrate first on learning the important words they will need for everyday use, so these 3000 "Active Words" are highlighted.
  • Learners appreciate on-the-spot help, so the Longman Active Study Dictionary includes Grammar and Spelling Tips every four pages.
  • For extra practice at home, there are Study Pages covering grammar and usage problems, and a Workbook with exercises to help learners get the most from the dictionary.
  • Full-page colour illustrations have accompanying exercises based on certain topics, while black and white pictures throughout the text aid understanding of difficult words.
  • Integrates discussion of the science and practice of clinical psychology throughout the text.
  • “Focus on Ethics” sections appear in every chapter and the “2002 Ethics Code” is reprinted in the appendix, giving this text a stronger emphasis on ethics than any other Clinical Psychology text available.
  • Chapter 4, “Biological Models in Psychology,” is entirely devoted to discussing biological models and their influence on clinical psychology.
  • Chapter 10, “Psychotherapy: Research Issues and Efficacy,” discusses research methods in psychotherapy, since an understanding on how evidence is gathered is crucial to understanding the workings of contemporary clinical psychology.
  • Case examples throughout the text help students develop an appreciation of clinical psychology as an applied science.
  • Section on high-efficiency motors.
  • DC machines are presented in a stand-alone section.
  • More time is devoted to machine characteristics than armature windings.
  • NEMA and NEC standards—Introduced in the solution of application-type problems.
  • Summary of equations—Listed at the end of each chapter.
  • 276 homework problems.
  • Complete end-to-end source of information on almost all aspects of parallel computing.
  • Complete coverage of traditional Computer Science algorithms, scientific computing algorithms, and data inverse algorithms.
  • Modular nature of the book's presentation enables instructors to teach a variety of undergraduate and graduate level courses.
  • Chapter on principles of parallel programming lays out the basis for abstractions that capture critical features of the underlying architecture of algorithmic portability.
  • Chapter on programming paradigms introduces standardized programming models such as MPI, POSIX threads, and OpenMP.
  • Provides an emphasis on portability.
  • NEW–Doubly-fed induction machine properties and behavior—For use as a wind turbine generator to produce electricity.
  • NEW–Pulse-width modulation (PWM) modifications.
  • NEW—Direct Torque Control (DTC) coverage.
  • NEW–Wind power and the use of turbines.
  • NEW—The HVDC Light™ method of transmitting electric power.
  • NEW—Applications in audio, medical and telecommunications engineering.
  • NEW—Coverage of DSP system design includes the use of MATLAB.
  • NEW—More applications of multirate processing.
  • NEW—More hardware included in later chapters which Cover TI and Motorola systems.
  • Real-world application examples and end-of-chapter problems.
  • C language implementation of many DSP algorithms and functions.
  • Outlines the physiological, psychological, hardware and software principles used to create the immersive and interactive experiences characterized by VR systems.
  • An overview of computer graphics provides a foundation for the modelling, graphics and animation techniques utilized by VR systems
  • Explores the mathematical techniques used to create objects and animate features in virtual environments
  • Investigates the challenge of interfacing humans to virtual worlds.
  • Improves the presentation of material on statistical LMS theory and statistical RLS theory.
  • Expands the treatment of normalized LMS filters, and introduces the more general case of affine projection filters.
  • Introduces sub-band adaptive filters.
  • Repositions the teaching of Kalman filters after the treatment of RLS filters, thereby enhancing the unified treatment of square-root adaptive filters and order recursive adaptive filters.
  • In-depth treatment of adaptive filters in a highly readable and understandable fashion.
  • Major revision of the MATLAB codes for the computer experiments—Available on the web.
  • Extensive use of MATLAB experiments—Illustrates the practical realities and intricacies of adaptive filters, the codes for which can be downloaded from the Web.
  • Motivates theoretical developments by connecting them to practical issues
  • Introduces every result and proof with an informal overview to build intuition
  • Introduces models through finite automata, then builds to universal models, including recursion theory
  • Emphasizes complexity theory, beginning with a detailed discussion of resource use in computation
  • Includes large numbers of examples and illustrates abstract ideas through diagrams
  • Gives informal presentation of difficult recent results with profound implications for computing
About the Authors
Bernard Moret is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of New Mexico. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee. Dr. Moret received the University’s Graduate Teacher of the Year award, the College of Engineering’s Teaching Excellence award, and the Student’s Faculty Recognition award. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithms. In this capacity and through his research, he has worked to bridge the gap between theory and applications, emphasizing the need for grounding theoretical developments upon problems of practical importance. Dr. Moret also co-authored Algorithms from P to NP, Volume I: Design and Efficiency, published by Benjamin/Cummings in 1991.Features
  • A uniform framework based on feature-based context-free grammars and chart parsers that are used for syntactic and semantic processing.
  • An enhanced discussion of basic algorithms within the single framework of chart parsing.
  • An expanded discussion of unification-based approaches, scoping constructs, and semantically-driven parsing.
  • Uses a single popular microprocessor — the 8085A — as the primary instructional example.
  • Provides numerous examples of hardware interfaces — and the software to drive them.
  • Emphasizes the hardware/software tradeoffs which exist for implementation of most functions in microprocessor-based systems.
  • 11-step Process Approach to Marketing Research. Discusses marketing research as a step-by-step process.
  • NEW! Marketing Research Association industry certification program for the Industry and other current information from Industry Practitioners.
  • Management Perspective Throughout
  • NEW! End-of-Chapter Cases: 1) Contains new cases designed to teach students to apply the knowledge they have learned in the chapter material and 2) Current examples relevant to marketing research are used to keep students’ interests high (i.e. Apple iPod™).
  • unique vocabulary finder
  • from key words and basic ideas to the word you need
  • thousands of examples showing real usage
  • spoken communication tips
  • The mathematics and physics are integrated so students see the theory and learn the mathematical skills in the context of real physics applications.
  • An emphasis on core concepts helps students stay focused on the principles,without getting lost in complicated peripheral ideas.
  • Innovative treatments and fresh insights bring a new level of clarity to learning this essential topic.
About the Authors
Ignacio Tinoco was an undergraduate at the University of New Mexico, a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, and a postdoctoral fellow at Yale. He then went to the University of California, Berkeley, where he has remained. His research interest has been on the structures of nucleic acids, particularly RNA. He was chairman of the Department of Energy committee that recommended in 1987 a major initiative to sequence the human genome. His present research is on unfolding single RNA molecules by force. Kenneth Sauer grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and received his A.B. in chemistry from Oberlin College. Following his Ph.D. studies in gas-phase physical chemistry at Harvard, he spent three years teaching at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. A postdoctoral opportunity to learn from Melvin Calvin about photosynthesis in plants led him to the University of California, Berkeley, where he has been since 1960. Teaching general chemistry and biophysical chemistry in the Chemistry Department has complemented research in the Physical Biosciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab involving spectroscopic studies of photosynthetic light reactions and their role in water oxidation. His other activities include reading, renaissance and baroque choral music, canoeing, and exploring the Sierra Nevada with his family and friends James C. Wang was on the faculty of the University of California, Berkeley, from 1966 to 1977. He then joined the faculty of Harvard University, where he is presently Mallinckrodt Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. His research focuses on DNA and enzymes that act on DNA, especially a class of enzymes known as DNA topoisomerases. He has taught courses in biophysical chemistry and molecular biology and has published over 200 research articles. He is a member of Academia Sinica, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Joseph Puglisi was born and raised in New Jersey. He received his B.A. in chemistry from The Johns Hopkins University in 1984 and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1989. He has studied and taught in Strasbourg, Boston, and Santa Cruz, and is currently professor of structural biology at Stanford University. His research interests are in the structure and mechanism of the ribosome and the use of NMR spectroscopy to study RNA structure. He has been a Dreyfus Scholar, Sloan Scholar, and Packard Fellow Features
  • Embraces all of the main subject areas associated with multimedia communications in a single textbook;
  • Extensive use of details diagrams and worked examples as an aid to understanding each major topic;
  • End of chapter exercises associated with all topics covered.
About the Authors
Fred Halsall is a Professor of Communications Engineering at the University of Wales, Swansea. Professor Halsall has been involved in research and education in the field of computer networking for the past 30 years. He has published over 50 refereed journal and conference papers. His four textbooks include the successful Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems. He is a Fellow of the IEE and a member of the IEEE.Features
  • The author uses intermediary steps in the elaboration of key concepts to facilitate a better understanding of the physical principles associated with antennas – makes the text accessible to those who have not studied advanced vector calculus
  • Details the operation of arrays of basic wire antennas in order to enhance their collective radiation characteristics
  • The final chapter provides a brief introduction to the key antenna structures deployed widely in industry, as well as a summary of some modern antenna types which are currently occupying research literature – including Fractal antennas, the Planar Inverted F antenna and the Reflectarray
  • SI units used throughout.
  • Combined approach to Prolog and AI allows flexibility for learning and teaching
  • Provides a thorough representation of AI, emphasizing practical techniques and Prolog implementations
  • Prolog programs for use in projects and research are available for download on the World Wide Web.
  • Constraint Logic Programming
  • Qualitative Reasoning
  • Inductive Logic Programming
  • The addition of belief networks for handling uncertainty
  • A major update on machine learning
  • Additional techniques for improving Program efficiency
  • Meta-programming is updated to show how Prolog can be used to implement other languages (including object-oriented programming)
  • A new Companion Web site will contain further teaching materials and updates
  • The first practical treatment of ATM
  • Discusses the three major networks: telephone, Internet, and ATM
About the Authors
S. Keshav is a part of the AT&T Research Team. He has taught at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Columbia University, New York & Cornell University, Ithaca.Features
  • A comprehensive introduction that supplies the reader with the biographical details and historical significance of Maslow and his work
  • A new conclusion that examines the effects in psycho- therapy, education, medicine and management created by Maslows theories of self-realization, values, choice and responsibility
  • A combination of Maslows early thinking on being behavior into one chapter for added cohesion and easy accessibility
  • A new chapter on self-actualization that presents material previously published in TOWARD A PSYCHOLOGY OF BEING
  • An updated bibliography and citation study The presentation of Maslows original text in this revised and highly readable form highlights for the reader the contemporary relevance of Maslows pioneering theories.
  • Four-part organization—Part I presents materials and their applications; Part II presents specific manufacturing processes; Part III emphasizes tolerances, measurement, and calibration; and Part IV discusses the design, tooling, and production aspects of manufacturing.
  • Case studies and case problems—Included where appropriate.
  • Technical, non-analytical approach.
  • Clear and straightforward writing style.
  • Emphasis on processes rather than hardware.
Discover the attributes of the 25 greatest business leaders and how they can enhance your own leadership.
  • NBR - America's leading TV business show - celebrates its 25th season this October and will promote the book.
  • Organized thematically, leaders describe a major challenge in their business lives and how they dealt with it.
  • The focus: actionable insights you can use to deepen your influence and grow your career.
  • Emphasis on advanced testing techniques to produce optimized error free code.
  • In depth coverage of STL with real world reusable code examples.
  • Simple short exercises that simplify complex programming routines.
  • Both authors are highly respected and widely known.
  • New content, new theme, new subtitle! The use case approach is a cornerstone technique, and a more prescriptive approach is employed.
  • Proven "team skills" exercises help the reader roll the requirements process out to the rest of the team.
  • Focuses on core topics. The authors believe it is better for students at this level to understand key topics more deeply, than to have a shallow understanding of a broad range of topics. Their premise is that with a firm foundation in the basics it will be easier for the student to understand the extension of the basic model to more complex cases. Supplemental sections expand on core concepts and are included as optional reading.
  • Modern applications drawn from biology, environmental science, and material science. Spectroscopy applications are introduced early in concert with theory. For example, IR and rotational spectroscopy are discussed immediately after the harmonic oscillator and the rigid rotar.
  • Problem solving. Numerous worked examples help students practice their math and problem-solving skills. EOC problems include concept questions, quantitative problems, and a set of problems related to the web-based simulations and animations. Key equations are highlighted in the text.Math supplements are included in the appendix.
  • Covers modern research and new developments in the field like scanning tunneling microscopy, bandgap engineering, quantum wells, teleportation, and quantum computing to capture students’ attention and show them that physical chemistry is a dynamic branch of science.
  • A chapter on Computational Chemistry, written by Warren Hehre - who has a distinguished reputation as a developer of computational chemistry software and is credited with bringing these techniques to the educational environment.
  • Chemistry Place for Physical Chemistry Website features web-based problems and simulations that require students to generate graphs, answer questions, or write short essays to demonstrate their understanding of the material. Each online problem is an assignable exercise that the student can submit to the instructor.
About the Authors
Thomas Engel has taught chemistry for more than 20 years at the University of Washington, where he is currently Professor of Chemistry and Associate Chair for the Undergraduate Program. Professor Engel received his bachelor's and master's degrees in chemistry from the Johns Hopkins University, and his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Chicago. He then spent 11 years as a researcher in Germany and Switzerland, in which time he received the Dr. rer. nat. habil. degree from the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. In 1980, he left the IBM research laboratory in Zurich to become a faculty member at the University of Washington. Professor Engel's research interests are in the area of surface chemistry, and he has published more than 80 articles and book chapters in this field. He has received the Surface Chemistry or Colloids Award from the American Chemical Society and a Senior Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which has allowed him to establish collaborations with researchers in Germany. He is currently working together with European manufacturers of catalytic converters to improve their performance for diesel engines. Philip Reid has taught chemistry at the University of Washington since he joined the chemistry faculty in 1995. Professor Reid received his bachelor's degree from the University of Puget Sound in 1986, and his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley in 1992. He performed postdoctoral research at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, campus before moving to Washington. Professor Reid's research interests are in the areas of atmosphere chemistry, condensed-phase reaction dynamics, and nonlinear optical materials. He has published more than 70 articles in these fields. Professor Reid is the recipient of a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, is a Cottrell Scholar of the Research Corporation, and is a Sloan fellow. Features
  • Treats digital image processing as a tool for solving practical problems, rather than as a discipline in itself.
  • Concentrates on the fundamental techniques that have proven to be the most important and useful in solving real-world problems.
  • Adds discussions of color, image compression, user interfaces, software development project management, Wavelet Transforms.
  • Expands discussions of analysis of digital imaging systems performance, optics, pattern recognition, image recording and display, CCD cameras and 3-D imaging
  • Expanded coverage of arrays, linked lists, strings, trees and other basic data structures
  • Greater emphasis on abstract data types (ADTs) than in previous editions
  • Over 100 algorithms of sorting, selection, priority queue ADT implementations, and symbol table ADT (searching) implementations
  • New implementations of binomial queues, multiway radix sorting, Bathcer’s sorting networks, randomized BSTs, spaly trees, skip lists, multiway tries, and much more
  • Increased quantitative information about the algorithms, including extensive empirical studies and basic analytic studies
  • Over 1000 new exercises to help you learn the properties of algorithms
About the Authors
Robert Sedgewick is the William O. Baker Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University (under Donald E. Knuth). He is a Director of Adobe Systems, and has served on the research staffs at Xerox PARC, the Institute for Defense Analyses, and INRIAFeatures
  • Emphasizes four themes—“Thinking about Biopsychology,” “Clinical Implications,” “The Evolutionary Perspective,” and “Cognitive Neuroscience”—that are integral to each chapter and that are highlighted throughout by marginal icons. The themes are summarized at the end of each chapter in a “Themes Revisited” section that neatly provides some context for the topics discussed.
  • Places a strong emphasis on behavior. Social issues are presented in a fashion that makes them relevant to the students; sex, hunger, sleep, and drug addiction are topics that are presented in a balanced, and often humorous, manner.
  • Embraces diversity, stressing that the success of biopsychological research often results from the convergence of its diverse approaches.
  • Explores both human and non-human research, as well as both pure and applied research.
  • Provides self-test questions so that a student can assess his or her knowledge before proceeding. Fill-in-the-blank “Scan Your Brain” questions, located after major sections in each chapter, and “Think About It” critical thinking questions, located at the end of every chapter, allow students to test their knowledge of concepts learned.
  • Effectively stimulates interest, illustrates key concepts, and emphasizes clinical applications with numerous case studies woven through the text.
  • Adapted from the Jolt Award winner Agile Software Development Principles, Patterns, and Practices
  • Brings together principles of object oriented design, design patterns, UML and software best practices
  • Uses real-world case studies to show how to plan, test, and refractor
About the Authors
ROBERT C. MARTIN is President of Object Mentor Inc., a leading consultancy in object-oriented design, patterns, UML, agile methodologies, and eXtreme programming. He authored the JOLT Award-winning publication Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices (Prentice Hall) and the best-selling Designing Object-Oriented C++ Applications Using the Booch Method (Prentice Hall). He edited Pattern Languages of Program Design 3 (Addison-Wesley), edited More C++ Gems, and co-authored XP in Practice with James Newkirk (Addison-Wesley). A well-known speaker at international developer's events, Martin edited the C++ Report for four years. Micah Martin works with Object Mentor as a developer, consultant, and mentor on topics ranging from object-oriented principles and patterns to agile software development practices. Micah is the cocreator and lead developer of the open source FitNesse project. He is also a published author and speaks regularly at conferences.About the Authors
Donald A. Waterman is a senior computer scientist at the Rand Corporation in Santa Monica, California. He received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University, M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University.Features
  • Use of the M68HC12 microcontrollers—One of the first on the market.
  • Detailed coverage of programming microcontrollers in C programming language.
  • Real-time programming and multitasking—Covers the design of very simple real-time kernels and applications using MicroC/OS-II.
  • Advanced software development and debugging tools—Includes software development IDEs, background debugging tools, and mixed signal oscilloscopes and logic analyzers.
  • A simple stopwatch example throughout. Illustrates different methods of real-time multitasking in assembly and C.
  • Powerhouse author team with contributions from Doug Lea, Josh Bloch and David Holmes
  • A practical, hands-on, example-driven guide for every working Java programmer
  • Based on J2SE 5.0 which includes many new concurrency features that make concurrency development much more accesible (and necessary)
About the Authors
Brian Goetz is a software consultant with twenty years industry experience, with over 75 articles on Java development. He is one of the primary members of the Java Community Process JSR 166 Expert Group (Concurrency Utilities), and has served on numerous other JCP Expert Groups. Tim Peierls is the very model of a modern multiprocessor, with BoxPop.biz, recording arts, and goings on theatrical. He is one of the primary members of the Java Community Process JSR 166 Expert Group (Concurrency Utilities), and has served on numerous other JCP Expert Groups. Joshua Bloch is a principal engineer at Google and a Jolt Award-winner. He was previously a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems and a senior systems designer at Transarc. Josh led the design and implementation of numerous Java platform features, including JDK 5.0 language enhancements and the award-winning Java Collections Framework. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University. Joseph Bowbeer is a software architect at Vizrea Corporation where he specializes in mobile application development for the Java ME platform, but his fascination with concurrent programming began in his days at Apollo Computer. He served on the JCP Expert Group for JSR-166 (Concurrency Utilities). David Holmes is director of DLTeCH Pty Ltd, located in Brisbane, Australia. He specializes in synchronization and concurrency and was a member of the JSR-166 expert group that developed the new concurrency utilities. He is also a contributor to the update of the Real-Time Specification for Java, and has spent the past few years working on an implementation of that specification. Doug Lea is one of the foremost experts on object-oriented technology and software reuse. He has been doing collaborative research with Sun Labs for more than five years. Lea is Professor of Computer Science at SUNY Oswego, Co-director of the Software Engineering Lab at the New York Center for Advanced Technology in Computer Applications, and Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Syracuse University. In addition, he co-authored the book, Object-Oriented System Development (Addison-Wesley, 1993). He received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire.Features
  • NEW — Globalist image of world politics added — to include Marxism and capitalist world-system theory - offers students another view to encourage thought and discussion.
  • NEW — Addition of discussions — English school, social constructivist, and feminists - encourages discussions in the classroom.
  • NEW — Stand-alone chapter on the global environment.
  • NEW — Conclusion — poses challenging and important questions for the student in terms of the future of international relations.
  • NEW — Expansion of discussion on the European Union.
  • Historical perspective — allows the student to appreciate change and continuity in world politics.
  • Style of writing–accessible to the student yet able to communicate ideas.
  • Conceptual ideas– ways of thinking about the world which transcend day-to-day headlines and events — professor can take the conceptual material and ask students to apply it to a variety of contemporary issues whether in an essay or short paper.
  • Applying theories — brief commentaries that help the student understand how the world works.
  • A chapter opening prologue for each chapter.
  • Learning objectives for each chapter in question format. All textual material is organized around these objectives, making this text a fully integrated system of study.
  • Practice quizzes after each learning segment, and a longer practice test at the end of each chapter.
  • Extensive cross-referencing of concepts.
  • Running glossary on the margins.
  • Difficult words explained in footnotes, which no other textbook includes, so the text will be easily understood even by those not so confident in English.
  • Special sections on Classic Studies in Psychology, Psychology in the News, and Applying Psychology to Everyday Life.
  • A detailed chapter summary at the end of each chapter.
  • A concept map at the end of each chapter charts out the major objectives and their links.
About the Authors

Saundra K. Ciccarelli is a professor at Gulf Coast Community College in Panama City, Florida. She received her doctorate in development psychology from the George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, Nashville Tennessee. She is a member of Division 2 of the American Psychological Association. Ciccarelli was originally interested in a career as a researcher in language and intelligence development in developmentally delayed children and adolescents, and had publications in the American Journal of Mental Deficiency while still at Peabody. However, she discovered a love of teaching early on in her career. This led Ciccarelli to the position at Gulf Coast Community College, where she has been teaching introductory psychology for over 20 years. Her students love her enthusiasm for the field of psychology and the many anecdotes and examples she uses to bring psychology to life for them. While this is her first textbook, she has authored numerous ancillary materials for several different introductory psychology texts. Glenn E. Meyer is a professor at Trinity University. He received his doctorate in cognitive psychology from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He has been teaching introductory psychology for over 20 years. His research interests include physiological and cognitive approaches to perception, color vision, human computer interaction, social cognition of aggression and cognitive neuroscience. He has numerous academic publications in journals such as Science, Nature, Perception, Perception and Psychophyics, Vision Research, The Journal of Experimental Psychology, and Child Development, and has authored several ancillary materials for undergraduate psychology textbooks. He is the supplements coordinator for the Ciccarelli text, authoring much of the ancillary content and overseeing the development of the materials to ensure consistency in content and quality. Girishwar Misra is Professor and former Head of the Department Psychology, and former Dean, Arts Faculty, at the University of Delhi. During an academic career spanning over three decades, he has taught at Gorakhpur, Allahabad and Bhopal Universities. He was a Fulbright Fellow at Swarthmore College, Philadelphia and at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Professor Misra’s teaching and research interests include social psychology, human development, culture, and psychological knowledge. He has been convener and President of the National Academy of Psychology. Apart from numerous publications in national and international journals, he has authored/edited Psychological Consequences of Prolonged Deprivation (with L. B. Tripathi); Deprivation: Its Social Roots and Psychological Consequences (with D. Sinha and R. C. Tripathi); Perspectives on Indigenous Psychology (with A. K. Mohanty); Psychological Perspectives on Health and Stress, Psychology of Poverty and Social Disadvantage (with A. K. Mohanty); Applied Social Psychology in India, New Directions in Indian Psychology, Vol. 1: Social Psychology (with A. K. Dalal); Towards a Culturally Relevant Psychology (with J. Prakash); Rethinking Intelligence (with A. K. Srivastava); and Psychology and Societal Development: Paradigmatic and Social Concerns. Professor Misra is the chief editor of the fifth ICSSR Survey of Psychology and editor of Psychological Studies, a journal of the National Academy of Psychology, India.Features
  • Survey of computer control strategies and an overview of the hardware and software available for their implementation.
  • An introduction to the practicalities of implementing control algorithms on a digital computer.
  • Introduction to a range of methodologies for specifying and designing real-time systems : these include the Yourdon, MASCOT and PAISLey methodologies.
  • Detailed consideration of concurrency problems and of multi-tasking features of real-time languages.
  • Consideration of scheduling problems and real-time operating systems.
  • An introduction to fault tolerance.
  • In-text examples and end-of-chapter exercises.
  • Scott Meyers is one of the world's foremost experts on C++ software development
  • More than 30% new material and complete updates of tried-and-true material to bring it up to 2005 standards
  • There is no better way to bring C++ programmers up-to-date on cutting edge practices than this book. It's a classic--the #1 book of its kind
  • A how to build SOA book written in an easy-to-understand style
  • More than 125 case study examples and more than 300 diagrams that illustrate key concepts and technologies and support the case study examples.
  • Written by Thomas Erl, the author of the #1 Web services book of 2004 and the #1 SOA book of 2004
  • "Procedures for Analysis" sections—Now broken into bulleted lists for easier comprehension. Provides a logical and orderly manner for applying theory.
  • Advanced material—Such as inelastic loadings, stress concentrations, residual stress, stresses in curved and composite beams, and energy methods.
  • Readers are guided through numerous pedagogical features—Includes chapter objectives, boxed equation, and boldfaced headings and sub-headings. Topics and examples appear on facing pages, eliminating the need for students to keep flipping pages back and forth.
  • Semiformal representation and procedure specifications bring the ideas to within a step or two implementation and highlight unifying themes.
  • Application examples provide a glimpse of the ideas at work in real-world systems.
  • Powerful ideas and principles are identified ad emphasized.
About the Authors
Patrick Henry Winston is Director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a past resident of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. He is co-author of a related book, Lisp, which introduces the LISP programming language.Features
  • Completely up-to-date with ANSI C.
  • Acknowledges the human side of computer programming—too often overlooked by other writers.
  • Applies ANSI standard C as found on PCs and Unix systems.
  • Covers unique aspects of C relating to sophisticated hardware typically found on Unix platforms (virtual memory, etc.).
  • A lucid and engaging style of writing
  • Brief caselets on companies highlighting interesting information and unique supply chain practices
  • Interviews with senior executives of firms with demonstrated leadership in supply chain management focusing on issues and innovations from the real world
  • Mini projects at the end of chapters that recreate real-world situations to enhance comprehension
  • Ten full-length case studies that bring out issues and problems unique to the Indian context
  • A six-page study card for students that captures key concepts, definitions and equations from the book
  • PowerPoint lecture slides and an instructors’ manual with explanations, additional information and detailed case-analysis notes
  • Interactive flash cards, quiz, multiple choice questions and practice problems for students available
  • Qualitative and quantitative techniques for understanding the individual and their environment.
  • Educational, vocational, and personal social guidance.
  • Placement and follow-up services.
  • Counselling process, counsellors' skills, and group counselling.
  • Latest trends in the field.
  • This book contains several annotated sample servlets that demonstrate concepts and provide working code for solving real-world programming challenges
  • A convenient Java Servlet API reference (based on the final 2.1 specification)n keeps vital information at your fingertips, making it an exceptionally valuable development companion
  • It provides the advanced concepts and practical techniques needed to make full use oj Java servlets for your Internet development projects
  • Platform-independent, in-depth discussion of fundamental concepts
  • Lucid explanation of the solutions to the problem of process synchronization
  • An overview chapter that introduces relevant concepts and related terms
  • Running marginalia that presents additional information without disrupting the continuity of the text
  • Two detailed technological case studies, on Linux 2.6 and Microsoft Windows XP
  • Over 650 end-of-chapter questions and exercises
About the Authors
Sibsankar Haldar is Principal Staff Engineer at Motorola, Inc., Sunnyvale, California. Alex A. Aravind is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Northern British Columbia.Features
Prepare for the 642-642 QOS exam for IP Telephony from Cisco Systems with the official test preparation guide
  • Master the topics on the new 642-642 QOS exam for IP Telephony from Cisco
  • Learn from the Number 1 selling author of Cisco certification books
  • Rely on proven learning tools from the Exam Certification Guide Series
  • Practice with the 200-question test engine and electronic version of the book on the enclosed CD-ROM
  • Researcher Profiles describe experimental case-studies in detail.
  • Quantifying Ecology boxes clearly explain mathematical aspects of ecology and their relevance.
  • Ecological Issues boxes describe how humans influence the study of ecology.
  • First genomics textbook written for students that focuses on the process of doing genomic analysis and thinking from a genomics perspective.
  • Inquiry approach gives students hands-on practice and builds problem-solving skills.
  • By providing increased security and convenience, biometrics have begun to see widespread deployment in network applications.
  • Contains guidelines, applications, and procedures for implementing biometrics.
  • Explains finger, voice, hand geometry, face, and eye biometrics--for each covers how a biometric is captured and stored, and how it can be spoofed/faked.
  • Practical experience from an SAP consultant and ABAP instructor explaining the essentials an ABAP programmer must know.
  • Provides practical, real world examples of ABAP programs in use in real companies.
  • Contains valuable tips and examples that will help the reader get a quick start in ABAP and understand the SAP and ABAP certification process.
  • Separate chapter on the history of theoretical orientations: "Theoretical Approaches in Cultural Anthropology"
  • This book of case studies provides students with engaging, up-to-date examples of anthropologists at work.
  • DK™ Maps-Dorling Kindersley, a leading publisher of educational maps, has created maps that highlight aspects of human migration and globalization, including maps on such topics as Hominid Origins, The Spread of Agriculture, Western Imperialism, Trading in Human Lives, and Migration in the 19th Century.
  • The subject is presented in a self-explanatory manner so that even self-taught students may not feel any difficulty in understanding it.
  • The matter is so presented that it serves as a tutor at home.
  • Almost all the possible patterns of questions based on the standards of B.Com. examinations of major universities are included in this book.
  • Questions have been set at different levels of difficulty.
  • Questions have been put in a logical sequence.
  • Includes revision questions for practice.
About the Authors
Prof. P. C. Tulsian is a Professor, Ramjas College, University of Delhi. A prolific writer, he has authored over a dozen books on the subject. He is a fellow member of ICAI and an associate member of AIMA. Recently, he has been conferred with award for “Exemplary Service to the Cause of Profession” by the Northern India Regional Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi. Prof. Tulsian has been a visiting faculty at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and various management institutes. Vishal Pandey is an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.Features
In addition to covering Western medicine, the authors discuss non-Western philosophies of and approaches to healing in the context of holism, as well as a greater focus on mind-body issues.
  • "Research Close-Up" boxes cover specific research approaches and introduce literature from the research community. "Across Cultures" boxes examine cross-cultural issues in health, illness, and medical care.
  • Critical Thinking questions appear throughout the chapter.
  • Case Studies open each chapter, illustrating the complex issues raised in each chapter while providing real world relevance.
  • Programming Approach
  • Notes
  • Illustrations
  • Learning Objectives
  • Self-Evaluation Test, Review Questions, and ExercisesFeatures
    • Systematic coverage of the PIC18 family of microcontrollers.
    • Coverage of C language programming of the PIC18-starting from Chapter 7.
    • Chapters (9-17) on programming and interfacing the PIC with peripherals.
    • An entire chapter (Chapter 8) dedicated to the design of the PIC Trainer.
    About the Authors

    Muhammad Ali Mazidi holds Master’s degrees from both Southern Methodist University and the University of Texas at Dallas. He is currently a.b.d. on his Ph.D. in the Electrical Engineering Department of Southern Methodist University. He teaches microprocessor-based system design at DeVry University in Dallas, Texas.

    Rolin McKinlay has a BSEET from DeVry University. He is currently working on his Master’s degree and PE license in the state of Texas. He is currently self-employed as a programmer and circuit board designer, and is a partner in MicroDigitalEd.com

    Danny Causey graduated from CET department of De Vry University.His areas of interest include networking, game development, microcontroller and embedded system design.Features
    • Based on the latest version of MATLAB® 7.5 (version R2007b)
    • More than 30 graphs in color in the chapter "MATLAB® Graphics"
    • List of commands at the end of the chapter for quick recapitulation
    • Appendices on graphic user interface and control system analysis using the LTI viewer
    • Approximately 250 figures and screenshots
    • Programming tips to highlight good programming practices
    • More than 250 solved examples and approximately 200 end-of-chapter exercises.
    About the Authors
    Dr Raj Kumar Bansal is presently Principal of Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajpura, Punjab. He received his Ph. D. from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and his teaching and research experience spans more than threeand-a-half decades. His research interests include power systems, control systems, optimization techniques, and fuzzy logic systems. Dr Ashok Kumar Goel is presently working as Principal, Indo Global College of Engineering, Abhipur. He holds a Ph. D. from Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala. He has more than two decades of teaching and research experience. His research interests include neural networks, fuzzy logic systems, genetic algorithms, and particle swarm optimization. Manoj Kumar Sharma is presently working as Lecturer at the University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh. He holds an M. Tech. from Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana. He has almost a decade of teaching and research experience. His research interests include artificial neural networks, control systems, and energy management.Features
    • Hundreds of “live-code” programs with screen captures that show exact outputs.
    • Extensive World Wide Web and Internet resources to encourage further research.
    • Programming tips, recommended practices and cautions—all marked with icons.
    About the Authors
    Dr. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul. J. Deitel are the principals of Deitel & Associates, Inc., the internationally recognized corporate training and content-creation organization specializing in Java™, C+, C, C#, Visual Basic, XML, Python, Perl, ASP, Internet, World Wide Web and object technologies. The Deitels are also authors of the world’s #1 Java and C++ textbooks, Java How to Program, 3/e and C++ How to Program, 3/e.Features
    • Standards-first approach in both text and exercises - Encourages students tdevelop standards-compliant software.

    • Java-based representatives - Chosen tdetail Web capabilities that can be provided by several competing technologies, enabling students tfocus on the concepts rather than on learning new languages.

    • All software used in examples and needed for exercises and projects is available via free download for multiple platforms - Enables students trun examples and develop assignments on their own machines rather than in a lab.

    • Web Services coverage includes several technologies such as SOAP, WSDL, and Java-based development tools that are likely tincrease in importance in coming years.

    • Multiple types of exercises in each chapter - Includes exercises, research/exploration problems, and projects.

    • Numerous examples illustrate nearly every concept covered - Examples are often small, illustrating a single concept, with larger examples provided as needed tdemonstrate how concepts can be integrated and/or tprovide motivation.

    • End-of-chapter online references tprimary source material - All freely available on the Web for further study or research assignments.
    • New chapter on Animal Nutrition and the Consumers of Animal Products addressing contemporary concerns for safety in human diets.
    • New chapter on Feed Additives.
    • Major revisions of chapters on food analysis, lipids, metabolism, energy systems and protein evaluation.
    • Now includes comments on the nutrition of the horse and feeding standards for this species.
    • New chapter summaries and problems and solutions to aid student learning.
    • Updated suggestions for further reading.
    About the Authors
    P McDonald was formerly Head of the Department of Agricultural Biochemistry at Edinburgh School of Agriculture. RA Edwards was formerly Head of the Department of Animal Nutrition at Edinburgh School of Agriculture. JFD Greenhalgh is Emeritus Professor of Animal Production and Health at the University of Aberdeen. CA Morgan is an animal nutritionist at the Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh.Features
    • Specially developed graded learning material organised in units based on NPE themes to allow infusion of different perspectives for a particular theme
    • Supplementary readings given in the course books to enhance reading skills
    • Learner-centric exercises hone language skills, discourage rote learning and encourage usage of applied grammar
    • Word meanings in primary classes and Shabdkosh from class 4 give meanings with usage, synonyms, antonyms, etc
    • Attractive layout and illustrations spur the imagination of the learner
    • Ample scope to enhance the Higher Order Thinking Skills ( HOTS) of language, positive thinking, synthesis, analysis, and exploration
    • Varied interactive exercises that reinforce the grammar concepts already learnt in the course books
    • Creative writing exercises including dialogue writing, slogan writing, advertisement, speech writing, short paragraphs, notice and letter
    • Card games with every workbook till class 5 to aid interactive as well as independent learning
    • Ample scope to enhance the Higher Order Thinking Skills ( HOTS) of language, positive thinking, synthesis, analysis, and exploration
    • Varied interactive exercises that reinforce the grammar concepts already learnt in the course books
    • Creative writing exercises including dialogue writing, slogan writing, advertisement, speech writing, short paragraphs, notice and letter
    • Card games with every workbook till class 5 to aid interactive as well as independent learning
    • MATLAB and Simulink are introduced for design—For design, analysis, and implementation of DSP algorithms.
    • Use of the code composer studio CCS—For the TMS320C54x and TMS320C55X for lab experiments, projects, and applications.
    • Emphasis on the mixing of C and assembly programs.
    • Three entirely new chapters on Peer-to-Peer Systems, Web Services, and Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems.
    • More than 25 detailed case studies of well-known systems, 8 of them new including studies of the Grid, Cooltown, Bluetooth andthe (in)security of the WiFi WEP protocol.
    • Updated coverage of XML and its security extensions, the Advanced Encryption Standard and security design for ubiquitous systems.
    • Coverage of the background and evolution of XML
    • Explanation of how to validate XML documents using DTD and schema
    • Detailed explanation of Ajax, Web Services, and related technologies
    • Coverage of manipulation XML with XSLT
    • Numerous examples on integrating XML with Java and .NET
    • Detailed coverage of XML security
    • Top authors from each HOT and emerging XML area drill deep to bring you competency and confidence within the areas of XML that are normally outside of your everyday world.
    • Code samples, examples and context make the XML developer comfortable and confident in launching into new areas of XML
    • Authorship comes from Java, Microsoft and Open Source backgrounds to provide all sides of the story.
    About the Authors

    RON SCHMELZER (lead author) ties all the XML chapters and topics together for us just as he does with his organization "ZapThink". Founder and senior analyst of ZapThink, Ron is a well-known expert in the field of XML and XML-based standards and initiatives. He has been featured in and written for periodicals, and has spoken at numerous industry conferences including XML One, Comdex, and Internet World on the topic of XML.
    TRAVIS VANDERSYPEN Programmer with EPS Software corporation. Five years development experience in XML, UML, XSLT, Fox Pro, HTML etc. Travis writes articles and speaks at multiple conferences on Microsoft.NET related topics.
    JASON BLOOMBERG Ashton Services. eBusiness industry expert and proven thought leader with over 6 years of technical hands-on and management experience with Internet/Web technology, and over 9 years of IT consulting experience. Program Director of on-line retail research for IDC Research, East Coast director of Technology for WaveBend. SAM HUNTING is truly an expert in XML/SGML DTDs, XTM (XML Topic Maps), and XML Schemas. He has crafted every phase of XML development, from client interviews, through developing requirements and specifications, to programming schemas, writing their technical documentation, and user interface development for XML tools.
    MADHU SIDDALINGAIAH is a Physicist specializing in emerging technologies like Java and the Web. Over the past 10 years, Madhu has worked with world leaders in high technology fields which include satellite instrumentation, communications receivers, and 3D graphics. His former employers include NASA Goddard, Naval Research Laboratory, Watkins- Johnson (now part of BAE Systems), and Fairchild Space & Defense (now an Orbital division).
    CHAD DARBY the founder of J9 Consulting, a Java consulting firm. He has experience developing n-tier web applications for Fortune 500 companies and the Department of Defense. Chád has published articles in Java Report, Java Developer's Journal, and Web Techniques. He has also been an invited speaker at conferences including SD West 99, XML DevCon 2000, and JavaCon 2000. He has co-authored several Java related titles for WROX.
    MIKE QUALLS Web Master for Minokc.com. Advanced ASP and Visual Basic Web Developer.
    DAVID HOULDING an Infrastructure Architect with eight years of design and development experience and a strong academic background. Experience with modeling, design and development of infrastructure for secure distributed object systems using web, wireless & voice access technologies. Features
    • Unifying Themes: The book has three main threads that serve as unifying themes for current research in the field of cognition: Neuroscience; Consciousness; Individual Differences; Development; and Culture.
    • Intuitive Organization: The authors have attempted to follow the flow of a piece of information that enters the cognitive system. The information is perceived, attended to and placed in working memory, identified, and committed to memory. Later, the information serves as the basis for the higher-level processes of language, problem solving, and decision making.
    • Cool Experiments: In addition to the classic findings one would expect to find in a serious textbook on cognition, the authors have sought to include intriguing empirical investigations that will pique student interest either because of their setting or their empirical question, yet still address fundamental questions of cognition.
    • Everyday Relevance: Multiple examples and STOP and THINK exercises appear in each chapter, encouraging the student to see just how relevant and interesting cognitive psychology is. The exercises can serve as homework assignments, as discussion generators for the classroom, or both.
    • Strong Coverage of Research Methods:Chapter 2, Research Methods in Cognition, presents an overview of experiments and descriptive data analysis within the context of cognition research, so even though students may have taken a research methods course before, they may learn something new. The chapter can be skipped without a loss in organizational flow.
    • Advance Organizers: Chapter Opening questions aid students in seeing the relevance and applicability of research on cognitive processes. These questions open each chapter and are referred to throughout the text.
    • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
    • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
    • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
    • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
    • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
    • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information n about the topic.
    • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
    • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
    • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
    • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
    • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
    • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
    • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
    • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
    • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information about the topic.
    • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
    • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
    • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
    • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
    • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
    • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
    • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
    • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
    • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information about the topic.
    • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
    • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
    • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
    • Unit page with Teacher’s notes helps the teacher in developing a comprehensive lesson plan.
    • You already know lists the topics learnt previously.
    • You will learn outlines the topics that will be taught in the chapter.
    • You now know at the end of the lesson aids recapitulation of recently learnt topics.
    • Titbits provides interesting information on the topic at hand.
    • New words aids retention of scientific terms.
    • Something more are interactive tasks related to the topic that also encourage environment consciousness.
    • Test papers at the end of the book aid revision.
    • Unit page with Teacher’s notes helps the teacher in developing a comprehensive lesson plan.
    • You already know lists the topics learnt previously.
    • You will learn outlines the topics that will be taught in the chapter.
    • You now know at the end of the lesson aids recapitulation of recently learnt topics.
    • Titbits provides interesting information on the topic at hand.
    • New words aids retention of scientific terms.
    • Something more are interactive tasks related to the topic that also encourage environment consciousness.
    • Test papers at the end of the book aid revision.
    • Unit page with Teacher’s notes helps the teacher in developing a comprehensive lesson plan.
    • You already know lists the topics learnt previously.
    • You will learn outlines the topics that will be taught in the chapter.
    • You now know at the end of the lesson aids recapitulation of recently learnt topics.
    • Titbits provides interesting information on the topic at hand.
    • New words aids retention of scientific terms.
    • Something more are interactive tasks related to the topic that also encourage environment consciousness.
    • Test papers at the end of the book aid revision.
    • NEW - Revised organization-Chapters are now completely self-contained.
    • NEW - Up-to-date coverage of science and social issues-Such as terrorism and its effects, the present and future of technology, and cultural diversity.
    • NEW - Thoroughly Revised Scientific References-Contains over 350 new references and many new passages.
    • Pedagogical aids-Include chapter outlines, objectives, bold-faced terms, summaries, self-tests, exercises, and questions.
    About the Authors
    Karen Duffy is a Distinguished Service Professor at the State University of New York, College at Geneseo. She received her Ph.D. in social and personality psychology from Michigan State University and is a family mediator for the New York Unified Court System. Dr. Duffy has authored several other books, including Community Mediation: A Handbook for Practitioners and Researchers and Community Psychology. Eastwood Atwater was a psychology professor at Montgomery County Community College and lectured at Gwynedd-Mercy College. He also conducted a private practice in psychology. His Ph.D. was from the University of Chicago, where he studied with Carl Rogers. Prior to his death in 1996, he authored books including Adolescence, Fourth Edition, and Human Relations.Features
    • A critical guide focusing on Exterior Routing Protocols that compliments Vol. I's focus on interior Routing Protocols.
    • A core textbook for CCIE preparation endorsed by Cisco Systems.
    • Valued tool packed with lessons on configuration and troubleshooting of Cisco routers-Normally would cost thousands of dollars to learn in industry training centers.
    • Same clear and straightforward writing style as in Doyle's Routing TCP/IP, Volume I.
    About the Authors
    Jeff Doyle, CCIE No. 1919, is a professional services consultant with Juniper Networks, Inc., in Denver, Colorado. Specializing in IP routing protocols and MPLS traffic engineering, Jeff has helped design and implement large-scale Internet service provider networks throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Jennifer DeHaven Carroll, CCIE No. 1402, is a principal consultant with Lucent Technologies. She has planned, designed, and implemented many large networks over the past 13 years as well as developed and taught classes on theory and Cisco implementation of all IP routing protocols.Features
    • The consequences of a twenty-five-year old industrial disaster
    • The role of information technology in Indian education
    • The fractures and possibilities inherent in North East India
    • The contradictory objectives of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad
    • The survival strategies and role of women in the fish processing industry
    • The politics of gender in cinema and literature
    • The debate on economic migration and the politics surrounding it
    • The representation of global issues on local media and its result
    • Revision of the popular first edition, updated to cover the CCENT 660-822 exam topics
    • Unique content developed in conjunction with the Cisco certification team, the developers of the CCNA recommended courses and CCNA exams
    • Includes self-assessment review questions, example output, and a detailed case study

    • Treatment of smart cards and data security.
    • It covers timer operation, serial port operation, interrupt operation, assembly language programming, 8051 C programming, program structure and design, and tools and techniques for program development.
    • Concise treatment of all features of the 8051 microcontroller.
    • Comprehensive coding and design examples.
    • It is a tool for professors who wish to develop the ability of students to formulate and solve problems involving linkages, cams, gears, robotic manipulators and other mechanisms.
    • Coverage of a broad range of machines and mechanisms with practical applications given top consideration.
    • Updated coverage of many topics-Including mechanisms and machines, motion in machinery, velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms, design and analysis of cams, gears and drive trains, static and dynamic force analysis, and an introduction to robotic manipulators.
    • Knowledge gained in previous courses is reinforced-For example, matrix methods become meaningful when applied to equations describing velocities and accelerations in a spatial linkage. Computational and analysis skills learned and sharpened in studying kinematics and dynamics of machinery can be carried forward, even to unrelated courses
    About the Authors
    Charles E. Wilson is a Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in mechanical engineering from the Newark College of Engineering, the M.S. in engineering mechanics from New York University, and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. He is a licensed professional engineer, and has been awarded fellowships by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Department of Energy and National Science Foundation. J. Peter Sadler is a Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky. He has previously held faculty positions at the State University of New York at Buffalo and the University of North Dakota. He received the B.S.M.E, M.S.M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.Features
    • Presents a broad introduction to fluid and turbulence physics and computational modelling techniques.
    • Incorporates an advanced applications section.
    • Uses easy-to-programme computer algorithms for the PC.
    • Includes a substantial review of the latest turbulence modelling techniques.
    • Features the predominant commercial CFD codes: PHEONICS, FLUENT, FLOW3D and STARCD.
    • SI units used throughout.

    • Accessible introductory approach—To the statistical procedures and computer algorithms involved in data mining.
      • Provides students with a non-technical introduction to the field with minimal technical.
    • Real business case study based.
      • Provides students with real business data. Provides instructors with data-based cases for classroom demonstrations and class assignments.
    • Balanced view of the role of data mining in business and marketing research—i.e. Compares modern, data-adaptive methods with traditional methods, reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of both.
    • Relevance of data mining.
      • Shows students how data mining can provide useful information to business and marketing managers.
    • Concise yet complete.
      • Provides students with just the right amount of information to supply an adequate management introduction without overwhelming them by details.
    • First book to include “Text Mining” topic.
      • Shows students how and why of text data organization and extraction.

    • Introduces the theory and practice of compiler design.

    • Covers topics like context-free grammars, fine state machines, and syntax-directed translation.
    About the Authors

    Alfred V. Aho is Lawrence Gussman Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University. Professor Aho has won several awards including the Great Teacher Award for 2003 from the Society of Columbia Graduates and the IEEE John von Neumann Medal. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the ACM and IEEE. Monica S. Lam is a Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, was the Chief Scientist at Tensilica and the founding CEO of moka5. She led the SUIF project which produced one of the most popular research compilers, and pioneered numerous compiler techniques used in industry. Ravi Sethi launched the research organization in Avaya and is president of Avaya Labs. Previously, he was a senior vice president at Bell Labs in Murray Hill and chief technical officer for communications software at Lucent Technologies. He has held teaching positions at the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Arizona, and has taught at Princeton University and Rutgers. He is a fellow of the ACM. Jeffrey Ullman is CEO of Gradiance and a Stanford W. Ascherman Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. His research interests include database theory, database integration, data mining, and education using the information infrastructure. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of the ACM, and winner of the Karlstrom Award and Knuth Prize.Features
    • NEW - KENPAVE Windows program—Based on the mechanistic-empirical method; written using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0; combines the flexible and rigid pavements into a single package together with the addition of new input programs and computer graphics.
      • Demonstrates to students how theory can be put into practice, and gives them a better understanding of the pavement design process.
      • Serves as a useful tool for the structural design of raft foundations—an important subject in geotechnical engineering.
    • NEW - Revised material on the AASHTO overlay design method.
      • Reflects the AASHTO design guide which was revised in 1993.
    • NEW - Added developments and information throughout—i.e., a new method based on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion; and new comparisons between KENLAYER and the latest Windows version of MICH-PAVE.
      • Keeps the book and students current, and broadens the scope of knowledge contained in both.
    • NEW - Three additional appendices—Superpave; Pavement Management System; and Preview of 2002 Design Guide.
      • Provides students with the most current information available while new publications by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials are being approved and implemented.
    • Case studies drawn from global and Indian companies such as Darden Restaurants, Hard Rock Café, Hewlett-Packard, Titan Industries, and Hidesign
    • Balanced coverage of examples from the service and the manufacturing sector
    • Expanded coverage on outsourcing as a supply chain strategy
    • A chapter on maintenance and reliability available online as a free download
    About the Authors
    Jay Heizer is the Jesse H. Jones Professor of Business Administration at Texas Lutheran University. Barry Render is the Charles Harwood Professor of Operations Management at Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College. Jagadeesh Rajashekhar is an Adjunct Faculty at Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University.Features
    • NEW - Improved art program following the lead of Hibbeler's Engineering Mechanics series-three dimensional, realistic art helps students better visualize and connect with the situation.
    • NEW - Improved coverage of loading-especially with new coverage of snow loads.
    • NEW - Approximately 50% new or revised problems
    • NEW - Instructor's Resources and course management on the OneKey website.
    • Over 100 photographs dispersed throughout the book-Presents the solution of realistic applications and explanations of the theory. Some of these photos are used in the problem sets.
    • Expanded coverage of the matrix stiffness method.
    • Procedures for Analysis included in most sections of the text, along with example problems illustrating the procedures.
    • Provides a logical, method for students to follow when applying the theory presented in each section.
    • Realistic engineering situations-Clearly illustrated to show the necessary geometric relations and loads. Provides situations that students are likely to encounter in practice.
      Unique—presents expanded material on lattices not available in other texts.
    • Assumes only a background of elementary probability concepts, transform calculus, and linear system theory.
    • Over 160 examples are integrated throughout the text. And more than 380 end-of-chapter problems are provided.
    • Comprehension tests literal, inferential, predicative and evaluative comprehensive powers of the learners.
    • Word play helps in vocabulary building and encourages application of word skills.
    • Say it right stresses the importance of correct pronunciation through phonetic drills at the primary level. At the upper primary and middle school level, emphasis has been given to syllable and stress in words.
    • Language play deals with the fundamental elements of grammar and their usage.
    • Pencil talk initiates the learners into the world of writing.

    • Coverage of advanced object-oriented topics and languages like C#, Java™, JavaScript™, Perl™, PHP, XHTML, XSLT, and JSP™ is integrated throughout.

    • Historical boxes and interviews with James Gosling, Larry Wall, Alan Cooper, Bjarne Stroustrup, and others set the material into context.

    • Valuable historical foundations are presented in Chapter 2, outlining the origins, purposes, and contributions of the most important languages discussed in the rest of the text.

    • In-depth discussions of the design issues for the primary constructs of the imperative languages are presented in Chapters 5-14. Design choices for several example languages are presented and evaluated, including variables (Chapter 5), data types (Chapter 6), expressions and assignment statements (Chapter 7), control statements (Chapter 8), subprograms (Chapters 9 and 10), data abstraction facilities (Chapter 11), object-oriented programming (Chapter 12), concurrent program units (Chapter 13), and exception and event handling (Chapter 14).

    • Two alternative programming paradigms concludes coverage, functional programming in Chapter 15 and logical programming in Chapter 16.

    • Each new student copy includes an access card for the Companion Website, which includes lab projects, self-assessment quizzes, and a language reference library.

    • explores an innovative method (based on the Taguchi Method) of design optimization for performance, quality, and cost — the Robust Design.

    • shows how to do many things which involve: 1) making product performance insensitive to raw material variation, 2) developing designs that are robust against manufacturing variation, 3) using designs that are the least sensitive to changes in the operating environment, 4) taking advantage of a structured development process that allows engineering time to be used most productively, 5) using orthogonal arrays to study a large number of decision variables with a small numbers of experiments, and 6) investigating and putting to work a measure of quality called signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio to predict the quality of a product from the customer's perspective.

    • focuses on the actual engineering problems rather than statistical theory.

    • features a series of real case studies that relate the method to the fabrication of integrated circuits, circuit design, computer tuning, and mechanical routing.
    About the Authors
    Shopna Ghosh, MA, Bed, Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Administration, has over 38 years of teaching experience. She has subject expertise in history, geography and English. She was on the board of The International School, Sri Lanka, and has authored many books. Sumita Banerjea, MA, Bed, Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication, has authored many books and has also written extensively for various newspaper and magazines.About the Authors
    Shopna Ghosh, MA, Bed, Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Administration, has over 38 years of teaching experience. She has subject expertise in history, geography and English. She was on the board of The International School, Sri Lanka, and has authored many books. Sumita Banerjea, MA, Bed, Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication, has authored many books and has also written extensively for various newspaper and magazines.Features

    • Includes concise coverage of basic Oracle SQL programming and Web connectivity.
    • Covers advanced topics such as SQLJ, PL/SQL, JDBC, PSP, Java Servlets, and Oracle XML.
    • Three continuous sample databases—grade book, mail order, and portfolio databases—are introduced early in the book and used throughout the text to illustrate key concepts.
    • Suggested database projects readers can use to practice covered concepts are presented in the final chapter.
    • End-of-chapter exercises ask students to apply the concepts of the chapter to the three running database examples.
    • Comprehensive coverage of methods with detailed easy-to-follow practical experiments.
    • Basic analytical theory which is essential for understanding the subject.
    • Greatly expanded sections on instrumental analysis including aspects of miniaturisation.
    • Increased emphasis on minor/trace component analysis and revised statistical handling of data.
    • New chapters on sampling, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance.
    • Updated to more thoroughly integrate coverage of PHP 5.1 and MySQL 5.1 to help developers prepare for PHP 6
    • Carefully steps the reader through the basic set up of PHP, MySQL and Apache, and how to combine these technologies to quickly create simple, interactive web applications
    • After you have studied this lesson… lists topics to be discussed in the chapter.
    • Step-by-step guidelines on new topics ensure a clearer understanding of the topics.
    • Dialogue between young learners highlights practical problems before giving the solutions.
    • Remember makes the learner aware of computer etiquettes.
    • Activities, Examples and Learning games are provided to reinforce learning and understanding.
    • Tech Talk provides a glossary of computer-related terms with their meanings.
    • Revision tests the knowledge and applications of the chapter learnt.
    • After you have studied this lesson… lists topics to be discussed in the chapter.
    • Step-by-step guidelines on new topics ensure a clearer understanding of the topics.
    • Dialogue between young learners highlights practical problems before giving the solutions.
    • Remember makes the learner aware of computer etiquettes.
    • Activities, Examples and Learning games are provided to reinforce learning and understanding.
    • Tech Talk provides a glossary of computer-related terms with their meanings.
    • Revision tests the knowledge and applications of the chapter learnt.
    Preparation and practice for the ALL NEW CCNA Security exam from the all-time best selling CCNA self-study test preparation series
    • All new CCNA Security coverage from the No. 1 selling CCNA product line
    • Includes coverage of all CCNA Security topics on the test, as well as a CD testing engine for exam practice and preparation
    • Expert guidance from best-selling author Kevin Wallace and Michael Watkins reinforces conceptual knowledge, hones configuration skills, and better prepares you for the CCNA Security exam
    About the Authors

    Michael Watkins, CCNA/CCNP/CCVP/CCSP, is a full-time senior technical instructor with SkillSoft Corporation. With 13 years of network management, training, and consulting experience, he has worked with organizations such as Kraft Foods, Johnson and Johnson, Raytheon, and the U.S. Air Force to help them implement and learn about the latest network technologies. In addition to holding more than 20 industry certifications in the areas of networking and programming technologies, he holds a bachelor of arts degree from Wabash College. Kevin Wallace, CCIE No. 7945, is a certified Cisco instructor working full time for SkillSoft, where he teaches courses in the Cisco CCSP, CCVP, and CCNP tracks. With 19 years of Cisco networking experience, he has been a network design specialist for the Walt Disney World Resort and a network manager for Eastern Kentucky University. He holds a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Kentucky. He is also a CCVP, CCSP, CCNP, and CCDP, with multiple Cisco security and IP communications specializations. Features
    • Contains over 150 questions, over 250 illustrations, and a comprehensive glossary.
    • Explains the most current developments in mobile communications in both research and industry in a well-structured context with detailed technical background.
    • Conclude chapters with a set of exercises for self-study and references to standards, organizations, and research work related to the topic.
    • Provides an up-to-date idea of the mobile/wireless communications field.
    • Significant changes to be on top of this fast-developing topic.
    • ERP Systems — The first section presents the technical foundation of ERP systems, providing motivation to learn about the implementation process.
    • ERP Implementation — Section two provides information on the ERP development life-cycle, the process of selecting software and vendors, how to manage an ERP implementation project, and understand the concept of metrics and evaluation in an organization.
    • People and Organization — In section three, students learn the issues dealing with people and organizational change, business process reengineering, change management, operational and post-implementation activities and the role of ethics and globalization.
    • ERP Extensions — The final section emphasizes the two other enterprise-level applications, Supply Chain Management and Customer Resource Management, which are often integrated with ERP systems.
    • New and updated programming examples and dissections—the authors’ trademark technique for illustrating and teaching language concepts.
    • Recursion is emphasized with revised coverage in both text and exercises.
    • Multifile programming is given greater attention, as are the issues of correctness and type safety. Function prototypes are now used throughout the text.
    • Abstract Data Types, the key concept necessary to understanding objects are carefully covered.
    • Updated material on transitioning to C++, including coverage of the important concepts of object-oriented programming.
    • New coverage is provided on transitioning from C to Java
    • References to key programming functions and C features are provided in convenient files.
    About the Authors
    A.L. Kelley & Ira Pohl are professors of computer science at the University of California, Santa Cruz.Features
    The best book available to help new users learn the foundations of SQL Queries, the building block of all modern database systems
    • One of the few books that focuses on generic SQL, and not one particular vendor's version of SQL
    • Updated with hundreds of new examples compliant with the latest databases, including MySQL
    • Written in a clear, jargon-free, easy-to-understand style
    • Contains a foreword from Keith Hare, the Convenor of the International SQL Standards Committee
    About the Authors
    John L. Viescas is an independent consultant with more than 40 years of experience. He began his career as a systems analyst, designing large database applications for IBM mainframe systems. He spent six years at Applied Data Research in Dallas, Texas, where he directed a staff of more than 30 people and was responsible for research, product development, and customer support of database products for IBM mainframe computers. While working at Applied Data Research, John completed a degree in business finance at the University of Texas at Dallas, graduating cum laude.

    Michael J. Hernandez is a veteran database developer with more than 20 years of experience developing applications for a wide variety of clients in diverse industries. Mike specializes in relational database design and is the author of the best-selling database design book Database Design for Mere Mortals, Second Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2004). He has worked with SQL throughout his career, developing applications using SQL-based databases such as Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server. He has also been a contributing author and technical editor to various database-related books and periodicals.Features
    • FPGA-based logic design, in depth.
    • Essential VLSI guidance for FPGA designers.
    • HDL-based logic design—Makes use of modern HDL design techniques with both Verilog and VHDL.
    • Advanced FPGA coverage—Detailed introduction to platform-based and multi-FPGA systems.
    • Detailed DSP case study—Includes a start-to-finish case study that touches on a wide range of design problems.
    • A flexible organization allows coverage to be adapted to a wide array of courses including undergraduate and graduate courses in growth, development, macroeconomics, econometrics, or public policy.
    • Data from a large cross-section of countries are used to motivate and illustrate the models presented in the book. Extensive use is made of results drawn from household and village-level data.
    • A simple yet robust theoretical framework helps students to conceptualize how the different factors that affect growth fit together as part of the overall story.
    • Extensive resources on the provide opportunities for practice and further study.
    • Case studies provide a basis for class discussion or assessment on an in-depth set of issues. This drives home real world examples to reinforce concepts.
    • Practitioner Insight boxes throughout the text illustrate CRM in a practical context.
    • Review questions at the end of each chapter help test students knowledge.
    • Chapters of book presented in modular format to allow it to fit with any CRM syllabus.
    • OneKey Instructor Online Resources include Instructors Manual and PowerPoint slides.
    • The Demo Docs are purposely written with a very conversational tone to give students the feel of having you, their instructor, over their shoulder helping them complete the exercise.
    • See the Flash Demo Docs in the Study Guide
    • In-Study Guide Demo Docs are also available. These additional demo docs will assist in furthering students’ understanding out of class, and solidify the out of class “I get it” experience.
    • In-Chapter Demo Docs are entire problems worked in a step-by-step fashion that wrap up every chapter in Management Accounting 1e and sit right before the extensive end-of-chapter material to help students recreate those “I get it” moments that before only you could provide.
    • Every Law of Leadership has been sharpened and updated
    • Seventeen new leadership stories are included
    • Two new Laws of Leadership are introduced
    • New evaluation tool will reveal your leadership strengths-and weaknesses
    • New application exercises in every chapter will help you grow
    • How to integrate various remote access technologies into the backbone providing VPN service to many different types of customers
    • The new PE-CE routing options as well as other advanced features, including per-VPN Network Address Translation (PE-NAT)
    • How VRFs can be extended into a customer site to provide separation inside the customer network
    • The latest MPLS VPN security features and designs aimed at protecting the MPLS VPN backbone
    • How to carry customer multicast traffic inside a VPN
    • The latest inter-carrier enhancements to allow for easier and more scalable deployment of inter-carrier MPLS VPN services
    • Advanced troubleshooting techniques including router outputs to ensure high availability
    About the Authors

    Ivan Pepelnjak, CCIE No. 1354, is a 25-year veteran of the networking industry. He has more than 10 years of experience in designing, installing, troubleshooting, and operating large service provider and enterprise WAN and LAN networks and is currently chief technology advisor at NIL Data Communications, focusing on advanced IP-based networks and web technologies. Jim Guichard, CCIE No. 2069, is a system architect at Cisco Systems, with a primary focus on MPLS/IP Layer-2 and Layer-3 VPN technologies. During the last eight years at Cisco, and previously at IBM, Jim has been involved in the design, implementation, and planning of many large-scale WAN and LAN networks. Jeff Apcar is a senior consulting engineer in the Advanced Services group at Cisco Systems and has been working with MPLS technologies for more than three years. Jeff's focus is the Asia-Pacific theatre where he has provided detailed designs and design consulting for nearly every major service provider MPLS rollout in the region.Features
    • Improved exposition of some of the core material on production and cost in Chapters 5, 6, and 7, as well as the mathematical appendix to Chapter 6
    • New material has been added in Chapter 13 to clarify the distinction between monopsony power and bargaining power.
    • The chapter on externalities and public goods has been expanded and updated to include a more thorough and up-to-date treatment of environmental economics.
    • Substantially revised and updated coverage of behavioral economics in Chapter 18
    • New sections on international price discrimination and dumping, non-price competition, and bilateral monopoly
    • Rewritten and improved sections on externalities, a new section on stock externalities (of the kind that arise with greenhouse gases and global warming), and an example on pollution control in China
    • Most of the older examples have been updated or replaced, and several new examples have been added.
    • Extensive use of modern computer simulation methods and examples—Integrated into each chapter.
    • Early, broad exposure to a complete chip manufacturing process.
    • Examples of modern manufacturing practice.
    • Historical perspective and introduction.
    • An integrated view of silicon technology—with an emphasis on modern computer simulation.
    • Over 58K gross copies of first edition sold
    • Presents the most practical, authoritative guidelines available for writing efficient, well-designed programs for the Java platform
    • Completely updated for Java 6
    • In-depth coverage of economical load dispatch problems and load frequency control of power systems
    • Exclusive chapters on reactive-power compensation with modern control techniques
    • A comprehensive chapter on voltage control
    • In-depth coverage of modelling of LFC components
    • Precise explanations supported by various examples
    • A large number of examples such as multiple-choice questions, short questions and answers, review questions, and practice problems
    About the Authors
    S. Sivanagaraju is Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University College of Engineering, JNTU Kakinada, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh G. Sreenivasan is Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, INTELL Engineering College, Anantapur, Andhra PradeshFeatures
    • Three-part organization
    • Many experimental results from the literature support the physical concepts described in the text.
    • A considerable number of end-of-chapter problems enable students to practice problem-solving.
    • Emphasis on the applications of concepts and theorems
    • Exercises along with hints and answers provided at the end of each chapter
    • 1620 solved examples and 3320 practice problems
    • Extensive coverage of Probability and Statistics, with a separate chapter on Asymptotes and Curve Tracing
    • Reviewed by 15 eminent academicians
    • All the examples and chapter-end exercises have been checked for accuracy.

    University specific student resources like mapped syllabi and solved question papers are also available with this book. To access these, please select a university from the list.If you do not find your university listed, you may select 'Others'. Please note that we will keep updating this list. Please visit this site again to check for updates.
  • Anna University
  • Punjab Technical University
  • Visvesvaraya Technological University
  • Maharshi Dayanand University
  • Jadavpur University
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
  • Uttar Pradesh Technical University
  • Cochin University of Science and Technology
  • West Bengal University of Technology
  • RGPV
  • NIT
  • Others Features
    Accessible mathematical complexity
    • Ensures understanding by students who have introductory preparation in mathematical analysis, vectors, matrices, probability, statistics, and rudimentary computer programming.
    Heavily illustrated.
    • Ensures easy comprehension of material, especially for today's visual learners.
    Chapter-end Problem sets.
    • Provides students with more opportunities for hands-on practice.
    About the Authors

    Rafael C. Gonzalez received the B.S.E.E. degree from the University of Miami in 1965 and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in 1967 and 1970, respectively. He joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) in 1970, where he became Associate Professor in 1973, Professor in 1978, and Distinguished Service Professor in 1984. He served as Chairman of the department from 1994 through 1997. He is currently a Professor Emeritus at UTK. Gonzalez is the founder of the Image & Pattern Analysis Laboratory and the Robotics & Computer Vision Laboratory at the University of Tennessee. He also founded Perceptics Corporation in 1982 and was its president until 1992. The last three years of this period were spent under a full-time employment contract with Westinghouse Corporation, who acquired the company in 1989. Under his direction, Perceptics became highly successful in image processing, computer vision, and laser disk storage technology. In its initial ten years, Perceptics introduced a series of innovative products, including: The world's first commercially-available computer vision system for automatically reading the license plate on moving vehicles; a series of large-scale image processing and archiving systems used by the U.S. Navy at six different manufacturing sites throughout the country to inspect the rocket motors of missiles in the Trident II Submarine Program; the market leading family of imaging boards for advanced Macintosh computers; and a line of trillion-byte laser disk products. He is a frequent consultant to industry and government in the areas of pattern recognition, image processing, and machine learning. His academic honors for work in these fields include the 1977 UTK College of Engineering Faculty Achievement Award; the 1978 UTK Chancellor's Research Scholar Award; the 1980 Magnavox Engineering Professor Award; and the 1980 M.E. Brooks Distinguished Professor Award. In 1981 he became an IBM Professor at the University of Tennessee and in 1984 he was named a Distinguished Service Professor there. He was awarded a Distinguished Alumnus Award by the University of Miami in 1985, the Phi Kappa Phi Scholar Award in 1986, and the University of Tennessee's Nathan W. Dougherty Award for Excellence in Engineering in 1992. Honors for industrial accomplishment include the 1987 IEEE Outstanding Engineer Award for Commercial Development in Tennessee; the 1988 Albert Rose Nat'l Award for Excellence in Commercial Image Processing; the 1989 B. Otto Wheeley Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer; the 1989 Coopers and Lybrand Entrepreneur of the Year Award; the 1992 IEEE Region 3 Outstanding Engineer Award; and the 1993 Automated Imaging Association National Award for Technology Development. Gonzalez is author or co-author of over 100 technical articles, two edited books, and four textbooks in the fields of pattern recognition, image processing and robotics. His books are used in over 500 universities and research institutions throughout the world. He is listed in the prestigious Marquis Who's Who in America, Marquis Who's Who in Engineering, Marquis Who's Who in the World, and in 10 other national and international biographical citations. He ii the co-holder of two U.S. Patents, and has been an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, and the International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences. He is a member of numerous professional and honorary societies, including Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Eta Kapp Nu, and Sigma Xi. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. Richard E. Woods earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His professional experiences range from entrepreneurial to the more traditional academic, consulting; governmental, and industrial pursuits.Features
    • Real-World Focus: Management theories and concepts come to life via a real-world focus and application-heavy approach.
    • A Manager’s Dilemma: Every chapter opens with a Manager’s Dilemma. Students are asked to put themselves into the shoes of that manager and think about what they would do in that situation.
    • Meet the Managers: Chapter openers introduce the managers being featured throughout the text as they discuss their management styles and philosophies.
    • Your Turn to Be a Manager: This feature provides several activities that give students the chance to experience the challenges of management. Activities range from creating a code of ethics to designing an employee attitude survey.
    • Streamlined Chapter Material: The edition is written more succinctly to support the tight one-semester timeframe in which this course is taught, but preserves the quality that made the book a bestseller.
    • Network management extended to telecommunications management
    • Maps the concept of eTOM with TMN
    • Extensive treatment on the design of an NMS with practical perspective
    • Focuses on management of wired, fixed wireless and mobile broadband access, and home networks including evolving management protocols and MIBs
    • Elucidates management of Optical and MPLS networks widely deployed in the telecommunications network
    • Web-, CORBA-, and XML-based technologies addressed along with NGOSS technology
    • New chapters on outsourcing, corporate social responsibility and e-procurement systems,
    • Well-integrated new material on time compression, global sourcing and contract performance measurement,
    • New case studies plus mini-cases dotted throughout chapters to reflect themes from the text in actual supply management practice around the world,
    • New Research boxes within chapters to link academic research and procurement industry practice,
    • New PowerPoint Slides and an Instructor's Manual for Lecturers teaching the subject.
    • Well graded selections that cover all genres of literature.
    • Well-balanced selection of prose andpoetry encourages the learners to develop an extensive reading habit.
    • Text exploitation guides learners to appreciate literature.
    • Relate section suggests an additional reading list, provides information on authors and poets, the various genres, rhetorical devices, etc.
    • All extracts have an introductory note, providing the background to the story.
    • Attractive and very colourful presentation of text.
    • Well graded selections that cover all genres of literature.
    • Well-balanced selection of prose andpoetry encourages the learners to develop an extensive reading habit.
    • Text exploitation guides learners to appreciate literature.
    • Relate section suggests an additional reading list, provides information on authors and poets, the various genres, rhetorical devices, etc.
    • All extracts have an introductory note, providing the background to the story.
    • Attractive and very colourful presentation of text.
    • Well graded selections that cover all genres of literature.
    • Well-balanced selection of prose andpoetry encourages the learners to develop an extensive reading habit.
    • Text exploitation guides learners to appreciate literature.
    • Relate section suggests an additional reading list, provides information on authors and poets, the various genres, rhetorical devices, etc.
    • All extracts have an introductory note, providing the background to the story.
    • Attractive and very colourful presentation of text.
    • Warm up is a pre-reading section that kindles the learner’s interest on the theme of the lesson.
    • Word Power lists the meanings of all the difficult words; some word meanings are accompanied with visuals to aid effective retention and association.
    • Comprehension tests factual recall and inferential understanding.
    • Word Wise enriches the learner’s vocabulary through a variety of interesting exercises.
    • Express teaches correct pronunciation through phonetic drills, exercises on syllable and stress in words, eventually leading to correct tone and intonation.
    • Language in Use deals with fundamental elements of grammar and their usage.
    • Create initiates the learner into the world of independent composition.
    • Unit page with Teacher’s notes helps the teacher in developing a comprehensive lesson plan.
    • You already know lists the topics learnt previously.
    • You will learn outlines the topics that will be taught in the chapter.
    • You now know at the end of the lesson aids recapitulation of recently learnt topics.
    • Titbits provides interesting information on the topic at hand.
    • New words aids retention of scientific terms.
    • Something more are interactive tasks related to the topic that also encourage environment consciousness.
    • Test papers at the end of the book aid revision.
    • Unit page with Teacher’s notes helps the teacher in developing a comprehensive lesson plan.
    • You already know lists the topics learnt previously.
    • You will learn outlines the topics that will be taught in the chapter.
    • You now know at the end of the lesson aids recapitulation of recently learnt topics.
    • Titbits provides interesting information on the topic at hand.
    • New words aids retention of scientific terms.
    • Something more are interactive tasks related to the topic that also encourage environment consciousness.
    • Test papers at the end of the book aid revision.
    • Concise overviews examine cutting-edge techniques and concepts including Bioinformatics, Proteomics, and Genomics, as well as detailed information on agricultural, medical, forensic, and regulatory issues that impact the biotechnology industry.
    • Career Profile Boxes in each chapter introduce students to different career paths in the biotechnology industry and provide detailed information on job functions, salaries, and guidance for preparing to enter the workforce.
    • Tools of the Trade Boxes provide details on modern techniques and methods related to each chapter’s content and the biotech industry.
    • Integrates and balances coverage of the advanced aspects of operating systems with the distributed algorithms used by these systems.
    • Includes extensive references to commercial and experimental systems to illustrate the concepts and implementation issues.
    • Provides precise algorithm description and explanation of why these algorithms were developed.
    • Structures the coverage of algorithms around the creation of a framework for implementing a replicated server-a prototype for implementing a fault-tolerant and highly available distributed system.
    • Contains programming projects on such topics as sockets, RPC, threads, and implementation of distributed algorithms using these tools.
    • Includes an extensive annotated bibliography for each chapter, pointing the reader to recent developments.
    About the Authors
    Randy Chow is a professor of Computer and Information Science and Engineering at the University of Florida. His research interests include computer networks, distributed systems, computer security, and system performance evaluation. Theodore Johnson is a member of the technical staff at the Database Research department of AT&T Labs-Research. Previously, he was a professor of Computer and Information Science and Engineering at the University of Florida. His research interests include distributed systems, databases, and performance modeling. Features
    • Attractive, new layout facilitates clarity of maps.
    • State-of-the-art digital maps cover physical, political, climatic and economic aspects of India as well as the world.
    • Major geographical themes are treated at global, continental and regional levels.
    • Upgraded maps, with detailed labelling, symbols, legends and • keys provide valuable insight into our physical environment.
    • Focus on environmental concerns and issues across the world is depicted through maps on world biomes and endangered species, climate change and environmental issues in each continent.
    • Continent fact files give brief profile of the geography, population and economy of all the continents.
    • A fully cross-referenced index containing over 6,000 entries enables users to quickly find any place they are looking for in the atlas.
    • New terms facilitate understanding of new words.
    • Facts and Do You Know enrich knowledge by giving additional information.
    • Case studies included for detailed study of some topics.
    • Activity and Let’s do reinforces learning through activities and projects.
    • Frequently Asked Questions with answers facilitate recapitulation.
    • New terms facilitate understanding of new words.
    • Facts and Do You Know enrich knowledge by giving additional information.
    • Case studies included for detailed study of some topics.
    • Activity and Let’s do reinforces learning through activities and projects.
    • Frequently Asked Questions with answers facilitate recapitulation.
    • New terms facilitate understanding of new words.
    • Facts and Do You Know enrich knowledge by giving additional information.
    • Case studies included for detailed study of some topics.
    • Activity and Let’s do reinforces learning through activities and projects.
    • Frequently Asked Questions with answers facilitate recapitulation.
    • Techniques for diagnosis of mechanism not previously compiled from research literature.
    • An important bridge between fundamental studies and mechanisms in solution.
    • Key references from classic papers to the latest research literature.
    • Focus on fundamental principles which can provide students of mechanical and aeronautical engineering with a deep understanding of all modes of aircraft and spacecraft propulsion.
    • The book also demonstrates how these fundamental principles can lead directly to useful quantitative assessments of performance as well as possibilities for improvement.
    • This edition provides a wide range of new illustrative material on modern aircraft and rocket engines.
    • Improved explanations of pertinent physical phenomena and an introduction to preliminary design procedures are provided.
    • Adds a new chapter on Ajax, and new projects on creating social bookmarking applications
    • Includes a new focus on security issues throughout the book, in addition to a new chapter on Web security
    • New coverage of features introduced in MySQL 5.1 and PHP 5.3, including namespaces and closure
    • Readers have consistently praised the book's clear, practical approach
    About the Authors
    Luke Welling is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Information Technology at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. He chooses to use Open Source software whenever practical and evangelizes the advantages of this approach as widely as possible. He has spoken to audiences in Australia, North America, and Europe about MySQL, PHP, and other Open Source topics. He has taught a wide variety of technical topics to university students and professionals, but he specializes in Internet-related topics. Laura Thomson is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Information Technology at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. She has taught a wide variety of courses with a Web and Internet focus and is currently completing a Ph.D. in Web Mining. She speaks at conferences around the globe and has delivered training at organizations as diverse as Ericsson and Lonely Planet. Previously, Laura has worked for Telstra and the Boston Consulting Group. She holds a first-class honors degree in Computer Systems Engineering and a degree (with distinction) in Computer Science.Features
    • An interactive, inclusive curriculum based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences
    • Texts and poems chosen for their literary merit and for their moral and social value
    • Evaluative questions to promote higher order thinking skills
    • Practice in prescribed exercise formats like multiple-choice questions
    • Coverage of grammar and through communicative and time-tested methods
    • Focus on study skills through spelling, punctuation, dictionary and reference work
    • Interesting Warm Up and Fun Time sections
    • An emphasis on life skills to encourage learners to think critically and creatively
    • Inclusion of four projects for formative assessment
    • A play is included in every Main Coursebook
    • An interactive, inclusive curriculum based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences
    • Texts and poems chosen for their literary merit and for their moral and social value
    • Evaluative questions to promote higher order thinking skills
    • Practice in prescribed exercise formats like multiple-choice questions
    • Coverage of grammar and through communicative and time-tested methods
    • Focus on study skills through spelling, punctuation, dictionary and reference work
    • Interesting Warm Up and Fun Time sections
    • An emphasis on life skills to encourage learners to think critically and creatively
    • Inclusion of four projects for formative assessment
    • A play is included in every Main Coursebook
    • An interactive, inclusive curriculum based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences
    • Texts and poems chosen for their literary merit and for their moral and social value
    • Evaluative questions to promote higher order thinking skills
    • Practice in prescribed exercise formats like multiple-choice questions
    • Coverage of grammar and through communicative and time-tested methods
    • Focus on study skills through spelling, punctuation, dictionary and reference work
    • Interesting Warm Up and Fun Time sections
    • An emphasis on life skills to encourage learners to think critically and creatively
    • Inclusion of four projects for formative assessment
    • A play is included in every Main Coursebook
    • An interactive, inclusive curriculum based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences
    • Texts and poems chosen for their literary merit and for their moral and social value
    • Evaluative questions to promote higher order thinking skills
    • Practice in prescribed exercise formats like multiple-choice questions
    • Coverage of grammar and through communicative and time-tested methods
    • Focus on study skills through spelling, punctuation, dictionary and reference work
    • Interesting Warm Up and Fun Time sections
    • An emphasis on life skills to encourage learners to think critically and creatively
    • Inclusion of four projects for formative assessment
    • A play is included in every Main Coursebook
    • An interactive, inclusive curriculum based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences
    • Texts and poems chosen for their literary merit and for their moral and social value
    • Evaluative questions to promote higher order thinking skills
    • Practice in prescribed exercise formats like multiple-choice questions
    • Coverage of grammar and through communicative and time-tested methods
    • Focus on study skills through spelling, punctuation, dictionary and reference work
    • Interesting Warm Up and Fun Time sections
    • An emphasis on life skills to encourage learners to think critically and creatively
    • Inclusion of four projects for formative assessment
    • A play is included in every Main Coursebook
    • An interactive, inclusive curriculum based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences
    • Texts and poems chosen for their literary merit and for their moral and social value
    • Evaluative questions to promote higher order thinking skills
    • Practice in prescribed exercise formats like multiple-choice questions
    • Coverage of grammar and through communicative and time-tested methods
    • Focus on study skills through spelling, punctuation, dictionary and reference work
    • Interesting Warm Up and Fun Time sections
    • An emphasis on life skills to encourage learners to think critically and creatively
    • Inclusion of four projects for formative assessment
    • A play is included in every Main Coursebook
    • An interactive, inclusive curriculum based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences
    • Texts and poems chosen for their literary merit and for their moral and social value
    • Evaluative questions to promote higher order thinking skills
    • Practice in prescribed exercise formats like multiple-choice questions
    • Coverage of grammar and through communicative and time-tested methods
    • Focus on study skills through spelling, punctuation, dictionary and reference work
    • Interesting Warm Up and Fun Time sections
    • An emphasis on life skills to encourage learners to think critically and creatively
    • Inclusion of four projects for formative assessment
    • A play is included in every Main Coursebook
    • Worksheets linked to Main Coursebook units
    • A comprehension passage in every worksheet
    • Reinforcement of grammar, vocabulary, writing and study skills
    • Two papers provided for summative assessment
    • Worksheets linked to Main Coursebook units
    • A comprehension passage in every worksheet
    • Reinforcement of grammar, vocabulary, writing and study skills
    • Two papers provided for summative assessment
    • Worksheets linked to Main Coursebook units
    • A comprehension passage in every worksheet
    • Reinforcement of grammar, vocabulary, writing and study skills
    • Two papers provided for summative assessment
    • Worksheets linked to Main Coursebook units
    • A comprehension passage in every worksheet
    • Reinforcement of grammar, vocabulary, writing and study skills
    • Two papers provided for summative assessment
    • Learning focus outlines the topics explained in the chapter.
    • Fact byte contains interesting trivia related to the subject.
    • Knowledge corner provides additional information related to the topic.
    • Find encourages learners to discover things for themselves.
    • Think improves analytical skills and makes the learner realize the relevance of the topic in the present-day scenario.
    • Personality link showcases real-life examples thereby making learning a fun experience.
    • We have learnt recapitulates the key concepts and definitions.
    • Read and learn tests the knowledge and understanding of the learner on the basis of their reading.
    • Find and learn rejects rote learning and calls for investigating the truth of things.
    • Do and learn encourages the idea of learning by doing.
    • Learning focus outlines the topics explained in the chapter.
    • Fact byte contains interesting trivia related to the subject.
    • Knowledge corner provides additional information related to the topic.
    • Find encourages learners to discover things for themselves.
    • Think improves analytical skills and makes the learner realize the relevance of the topic in the present-day scenario.
    • Personality link showcases real-life examples thereby making learning a fun experience.
    • We have learnt recapitulates the key concepts and definitions.
    • Read and learn tests the knowledge and understanding of the learner on the basis of their reading.
    • Find and learn rejects rote learning and calls for investigating the truth of things.
    • Do and learn encourages the idea of learning by doing.
    • Learning focus outlines the topics explained in the chapter.
    • Fact byte contains interesting trivia related to the subject.
    • Knowledge corner provides additional information related to the topic.
    • Find encourages learners to discover things for themselves.
    • Think improves analytical skills and makes the learner realize the relevance of the topic in the present-day scenario.
    • Personality link showcases real-life examples thereby making learning a fun experience.
    • We have learnt recapitulates the key concepts and definitions.
    • Read and learn tests the knowledge and understanding of the learner on the basis of their reading.
    • Find and learn rejects rote learning and calls for investigating the truth of things.
    • Do and learn encourages the idea of learning by doing.
    • The Learning Goal System frames each chapter, giving students a clear roadmap through a tightly woven structure that links to each header, the end-of-chapter summary, discussion questions, problems, and cases.
    • The friendly and engaging writing style helps students learn the material the first time, and review the material before exams.
    • A flexible chapter structure allows professors to easily integrate the text into their syllabi. The first section describes the overall investment environment. The second section presents conceptual tools needed by investors—the concepts of risk and return and the basics of portfolio construction.
    • Interactive text accompanied by interesting visuals.
    • Attractive and colourful layout.
    • Life skills, personality development, and creativity have been integrated into various topics.
    • Number games, a part of all the books, sharpen the mathematical skills of the students.
    • Know with Derek gives extra information on the topic under discussion.
    • In Grow with Derek, the author shares some personal experiences with the students, which also serve as learning tools.
    • Interactive text accompanied by interesting visuals.
    • Attractive and colourful layout.
    • Life skills, personality development, and creativity have been integrated into various topics.
    • Number games, a part of all the books, sharpen the mathematical skills of the students.
    • Know with Derek gives extra information on the topic under discussion.
    • In Grow with Derek, the author shares some personal experiences with the students, which also serve as learning tools.
    • Interactive text accompanied by interesting visuals.
    • Attractive and colourful layout.
    • Life skills, personality development, and creativity have been integrated into various topics.
    • Number games, a part of all the books, sharpen the mathematical skills of the students.
    • Know with Derek gives extra information on the topic under discussion.
    • In Grow with Derek, the author shares some personal experiences with the students, which also serve as learning tools.
    • Interactive text accompanied by interesting visuals.
    • Attractive and colourful layout.
    • Life skills, personality development, and creativity have been integrated into various topics.
    • Number games, a part of all the books, sharpen the mathematical skills of the students.
    • Know with Derek gives extra information on the topic under discussion.
    • In Grow with Derek, the author shares some personal experiences with the students, which also serve as learning tools.
    • Interactive text accompanied by interesting visuals.
    • Attractive and colourful layout.
    • Life skills, personality development, and creativity have been integrated into various topics.
    • Number games, a part of all the books, sharpen the mathematical skills of the students.
    • Know with Derek gives extra information on the topic under discussion.
    • In Grow with Derek, the author shares some personal experiences with the students, which also serve as learning tools.
    • Interactive text accompanied by interesting visuals.
    • Attractive and colourful layout.
    • Life skills, personality development, and creativity have been integrated into various topics.
    • Number games, a part of all the books, sharpen the mathematical skills of the students.
    • Know with Derek gives extra information on the topic under discussion.
    • In Grow with Derek, the author shares some personal experiences with the students, which also serve as learning tools.
    • Interactive text accompanied by interesting visuals.
    • Attractive and colourful layout.
    • Life skills, personality development, and creativity have been integrated into various topics.
    • Number games, a part of all the books, sharpen the mathematical skills of the students.
    • Know with Derek gives extra information on the topic under discussion.
    • In Grow with Derek, the author shares some personal experiences with the students, which also serve as learning tools.
    • Interactive text accompanied by interesting visuals.
    • Attractive and colourful layout.
    • Life skills, personality development, and creativity have been integrated into various topics.
    • Number games, a part of all the books, sharpen the mathematical skills of the students.
    • Know with Derek gives extra information on the topic under discussion.
    • In Grow with Derek, the author shares some personal experiences with the students, which also serve as learning tools.
    • Up-to-date and easy to follow
    • Over 12,000 words and phrases, as used in the Longman Basic English Dictionary culled out of the British National corpora
    • Easy definitions in English, using only simple, basic set of words
    • Focus on colloquialism and spoken language in both source and target languages
    • Emphasis on the use of the Indian language equivalents of English words, thus facilitating learning
    • Thousands of authentic examples in both English and the Indian languages showing how these words are to be used
    About the Authors
    Longman’s English Dictionaries are the leading dictionaries for learners of English of all ages and levels who want to learn more about English: definitions, everyday usage, pronunciation etc. National Translation Mission (NTM) is a Government of India initiative to make knowledge-based texts accessible in all major Indian languages listed in the Constitution, through translation and therefore, to increase access to knowledge in many critical areas. Central Institute of Indian Languages aims at coordinating the development of Indian languages through scientific studies and inter-disciplinary research, which would contribute to mutual enrichment of languages.Features
    • Up-to-date and easy to follow
    • Over 12,000 words and phrases, as used in the Longman Basic English Dictionary culled out of the British National corpora
    • Easy definitions in English, using only simple, basic set of words
    • Focus on colloquialism and spoken language in both source and target languages
    • Emphasis on the use of the Indian language equivalents of English words, thus facilitating learning
    • Thousands of authentic examples in both English and the Indian languages showing how these words are to be used
    About the Authors
    Longman’s English Dictionaries are the leading dictionaries for learners of English of all ages and levels who want to learn more about English: definitions, everyday usage, pronunciation etc. National Translation Mission (NTM) is a Government of India initiative to make knowledge-based texts accessible in all major Indian languages listed in the Constitution, through translation and therefore, to increase access to knowledge in many critical areas. Central Institute of Indian Languages aims at coordinating the development of Indian languages through scientific studies and inter-disciplinary research, which would contribute to mutual enrichment of languages.Features
    • Up-to-date and easy to follow
    • Over 12,000 words and phrases, as used in the Longman Basic English Dictionary culled out of the British National corpora
    • Easy definitions in English, using only simple, basic set of words
    • Focus on colloquialism and spoken language in both source and target languages
    • Emphasis on the use of the Indian language equivalents of English words, thus facilitating learning
    • Thousands of authentic examples in both English and the Indian languages showing how these words are to be used
    About the Authors
    Longman’s English dictionaries are the leading dictionaries for learners of English of all ages and levels who want to learn more about English: definitions, everyday usage, pronunciation etc. National Translation Mission (NTM) is a Government of India initiative to make knowledge-based texts accessible in all major Indian languages listed in the Constitution, through translation and therefore, to increase access to knowledge in many critical areas. Central Institute of Indian Languages aims at coordinating the development of Indian languages through scientific studies and inter-disciplinary research, which would contribute to mutual enrichment of languages.Features
    • Up-to-date and easy to follow
    • Over 12,000 words and phrases, as used in the Longman Basic English Dictionary culled out of the British National corpora
    • Easy definitions in English, using only simple, basic set of words
    • Focus on colloquialism and spoken language in both source and target languages
    • Emphasis on the use of the Indian language equivalents of English words, thus facilitating learning
    • Thousands of authentic examples in both English and the Indian languages showing how these words are to be used
    About the Authors
    Longman’s English dictionaries are the leading dictionaries for learners of English of all ages and levels who want to learn more about English: definitions, everyday usage, pronunciation etc. National Translation Mission (NTM) is a Government of India initiative to make knowledge-based texts accessible in all major Indian languages listed in the Constitution, through translation and therefore, to increase access to knowledge in many critical areas. Central Institute of Indian Languages aims at coordinating the development of Indian languages through scientific studies and inter-disciplinary research, which would contribute to mutual enrichment of languages.Features
    • Up-to-date and easy to follow
    • Over 12,000 words and phrases, as used in the Longman Basic English Dictionary culled out of the British National corpora
    • Easy definitions in English, using only simple, basic set of words
    • Focus on colloquialism and spoken language in both source and target languages
    • Emphasis on the use of the Indian language equivalents of English words, thus facilitating learning
    • Thousands of authentic examples in both English and the Indian languages showing how these words are to be used
    About the Authors
    Longman’s English Dictionaries are the leading dictionaries for learners of English of all ages and levels who want to learn more about English: definitions, everyday usage, pronunciation etc. National Translation Mission (NTM) is a Government of India initiative to make knowledge-based texts accessible in all major Indian languages listed in the Constitution, through translation and therefore, to increase access to knowledge in many critical areas. Central Institute of Indian Languages aims at coordinating the development of Indian languages through scientific studies and inter-disciplinary research, which would contribute to mutual enrichment of languages.Features
    • Examples and problems are framed using current data from organizations
    • Mini-Cases provided at the end of select chapters to reinforce the applications of key topics
    • Think About This essays conceived to expound on the application of statistical knowledge
    • Using Statistics Revisited at the end of each chapter to augment the topics discussed in the chapter
    • Expanded appendices illustrate the statistical analysis using Microsoft Excel, Minitab, PHStat2 and SPSS (Included in the CD-ROM).
    About the Authors
    David M. Levine is Professor Emeritus of Statistics and Computer Information Systems at Bernard M. Baruch College (City University of New York). Timothy C. Krehbiel is Professor of Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems, and the Endres Fellow at the Farmer School of Business at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Mark L. Berenson is Professor of Management and Information System at Montclair State University and also Professor Emeritus of Statistics and Computer Information Systems at Bernard M. Baruch College (City University of New York). P. K. Viswanathan is Visiting Professor at the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR), Chennai, India.Features
    • Crafting Marketing Strategy
    • Managing Market Offerings
    • Managing Customers
    • Regard Value as the Cornerstone
    • Focus on Business Market Processes
    • Stress Doing Business across Borders
    • Accentuate Working Relationships and Business NetworksFeatures
      • Complete information on all of the world's most important standards—For cellular, cordless telephone, and personal communications systems, including AMPS, ETACS, U.S. Digital Cellular, GSM, CDMA, DECT, WACS, CT-2, PDC, and CDPD.
      • All new end of chapter solved example problems—On topics ranging from cellular system design to networking.
      • Hundreds of figures, tables, and diagrams—With clear explanations of all major concepts.
      • The characteristics nurses need to develop to better care for their patients. Some of these are: care, responsibility, sensitivity, collegial interdependence, emotional intelligence, and effective communication and decision making
      • The fact that heath behavior is moderated by beliefs about health and illness
      • The need to form some sort of relationship with patients while remaining objective
      • The future of the nursing profession in India
      About the Authors
      Charles G. Morris, a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Illinois, is Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan. He served as Associate Dean in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and as Associate Chair of the Department of Psychology. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society. Dr Morris is also the author of more than two dozen books, more than a dozen articles, and more than thirty papers and presentations. Albert A. Maisto earned a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Alabama. Throughout his career, Dr Maisto distinguished himself as an exemplary instructor of general psychology winning the prestigious Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence. His portfolio includes dozens of published articles in refereed journals, professional papers, and a successful series of Introductory Psychology textbooks by Pearson Education. Girishwar Misra, currently professor of psychology at the University of Delhi, has served as President of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India, Chairman of the department of psychology, and as Dean of the faculty of arts at Delhi University. Dr Misra has undertaken major research projects and written extensively in the areas such as poverty, stress, environment, creativity, and well-being. During the course of his career, he has won some prestigious awards and has supervised research work of many doctoral students.Features
      Agile guru Mike Cohn delivers the most practical guide to starting fast with Agile, and succeeding for the long haul
      • Presents detailed, step-by-step guidance for 60+ tasks that can help software organizations become more agile
      • Thoroughly covers people, process, and product: everything from scaling Agile and using it in outsourced/offshored environments to overcoming resistance
      • Helps organizations improve Agile processes they've already implemented, to build better software and drive more value
      • Simplified derivations of theorems.
      • Completeness in the explanations.
      • Emphasis on clarity without diluting the rigor.
      • Concepts are fortified with examples and illustrations.
      • Variety of exercise problems with answers.
      • Super-drill problems to showcase the real time concepts.
      • Chapter summary for quick review.
      • Computer applications (Primavera and MS Project) used to explain planning, scheduling, resource leveling, monitoring and reporting.
      • Highly illustrated with line diagrams, cash-flow diagrams, bar diagrams, line graphs to make the book interactive and easy to understand.
      • Pedagogy includes solved examples, and chapter-end exercises comprising both descriptive and non-descriptive questions.
      • Real life examples from sites of Delhi Metro construction, Delhi International Airport construction and many more.
      • Case studies on preparation of documents for ISO 9001:2000, construction disputes, accidents in the construction industry, and preparation of estimates for live projects.
      • Comprehensive coverage
      • Practical and applied approach
      • End of chapter exercises help test understanding
      • Numerous case-studies provide a ‘real-world’ context
      • New chapter introduces Artificial Intelligence
      • New four-part structure groups key themes with a consolidating and integrating final chapter
      • Even more case studies to put the theory into context and boost your understanding
      • Even more use of models for mechatronic systems
      • End of chapter exercises to help test your learning
      • A chapter devoted to creating JAVA executables
      • Illustrates the use of basic utility classes
      • Detailed coverage of networking in Java with application development
      • Virtual machine and API programming
      • Over 300 solved programs
      • Over 400 review questions
      • Sample project: library management system
      • Appendix on JAR tools
      • Uses Limit State Design principles
      • Latest BIS Codes: IS: 800: 2007
      • Detailed coverage of Design of structures for fatigue, Light Gauge Steel Sections and Composite Construction.
      • Right blend of theory with relevant applications wherever appropriate
      • Good pedagogical Features – includes a wide variety of solved and unsolved problems
      • Explanation of each Object Oriented Concept with examples.
      • Simple and Structured approach to each concept.
      • Most of the concepts explained in detail with respect to internal compiler conversions.
      • Hidden tricks and techniques of C++ covered with each concept in each chapter.
      • Operator Overloading explained in detail for more both unary and binary operators
      • Concepts required for facing the interview for upto 5 years of experience covered in the last chapter.
      • Run Time Type Identification for objects depicted elaborately.
      Organizes coverage around design topics, such as pipelining, and emphasizes techniques that focus on creation of correct designs which reduce time to market. Uses algorithmic state machines (ASMs) as the master plan in a top down approach — where physical details are ignored in order that the designer can concentrate on developing a correct algorithm. Shows the correspondence of ASMs to implicit style Verilog — which is similar to software, except that the designer has control over scheduling of computation within clock cycles. Fully discusses the relationships of the code to the cycle-by-cycle activity of the design. Expresses designs with both ASM charts and Verilog. Uses a few simple design examples of both special and general purpose machines to illustrate the tradeoff between hardware and software. Offers extensive coverage of implicit style Verilog and non-blocking assignment — a high-level notation that captures, in an abstract way, the essential aspect of synchronous registers. Features a novel ASM/Verilog description of pipelined and superscalar processors. Contains a unique approach to one hot synthesis. Features
      • Adorable Characters Aladini, Anjali and Aryan introduce the topics that will be learnt in each chapter
      • Quick Questions and Check Your Progress questions interspersed with the text for quick self-testing help in the formative assessment
      • Quick Fact provides interesting tidbits of information related to the topic at hand
      • Quick Tip presents useful alternative options/shortcuts for performing operations
      • Recap Time at the end of each chapter for quick and easy recapitulation
      • Assessment Time contains carefully graded exercises to test the knowledge of concepts learnt. Besides, these can also be used for summative assessment.
      • Activity Time for practical hands-on exercises to strengthen the understanding and to hone computer skills
      • Notes for the Teacher contain suggestions on how to introduce the various topics
      • Project Work, sample Olympiad Questions and Tech Terms have been included
      • Free Poster for classes 1 and 2
      • Adorable Characters Aladini, Anjali and Aryan introduce the topics that will be learnt in each chapter
      • Quick Questions and Check Your Progress questions interspersed with the text for quick self-testing help in the formative assessment
      • Quick Fact provides interesting tidbits of information related to the topic at hand
      • Quick Tip presents useful alternative options/shortcuts for performing operations
      • Recap Time at the end of each chapter for quick and easy recapitulation
      • Assessment Time contains carefully graded exercises to test the knowledge of concepts learnt. Besides, these can also be used for summative assessment.
      • Activity Time for practical hands-on exercises to strengthen the understanding and to hone computer skills
      • Notes for the Teacher contain suggestions on how to introduce the various topics
      • Project Work, sample Olympiad Questions and Tech Terms have been included
      • Free Poster for classes 1 and 2
      • Unlock your hidden potential and the power of possibility to discover a new you.
      • Find new perspectives and uncover a power you may never have thought possible.
      • Boosts motivation and helps you break everything down into achievable, subtle steps that together can make a huge a difference.
      • Combines tried and tested techniques with new, clever ideas to help readers fulfil their dreams.
      • Delivered in an entertaining, readable style and packed with valuable help, advice and life-changing tools and techniques.
      • Adorable Characters Aladini, Anjali and Aryan introduce the topics that will be learnt in each chapter
      • Quick Questions and Check Your Progress questions interspersed with the text for quick self-testing help in the formative assessment
      • Quick Fact provides interesting tidbits of information related to the topic at hand
      • Quick Tip presents useful alternative options/shortcuts for performing operations
      • Recap Time at the end of each chapter for quick and easy recapitulation
      • Assessment Time contains carefully graded exercises to test the knowledge of concepts learnt. Besides, these can also be used for summative assessment.
      • Activity Time for practical hands-on exercises to strengthen the understanding and to hone computer skills
      • Notes for the Teacher contain suggestions on how to introduce the various topics
      • Project Work, sample Olympiad Questions and Tech Terms have been included
      • Free Poster for classes 1 and 2
      About the Authors
      Martin Fowler is the Chief Scientist of ThoughtWorks, an enterprise-application development and delivery company. He's been applying object-oriented techniques to enterprise software development for over a decade. He is notorious for his work on patterns, the UML, refactoring, and agile methods.
      Kent Beck consistently challenges software engineering dogma, promoting ideas like patterns, test-driven development, and Extreme Programming. Currently affiliated with Three Rivers Institute and Agitar Software, he is the author of many Addison-Wesley titles.
      John Brant and Don Roberts are the authors of the Refactoring Browser for Smalltalk, which is found at http://st-www.cs.uiuc.edu/~brant/RefactoringBrowser/. They are also consultants who have studied both the practical and theoretical aspects of refactoring for six years.
      William Opdyke's doctoral research on refactoring object-oriented frameworks at the University of Illinois led to the first major publication on this topic. He is currently a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Lucent Technologies/Bell Laboratories.Features
      • Shows how to write better Object Oriented code and how to use Mock Objects and TDD to guide Object-Oriented design
      • Directs the programmer to think about the design of code from its intended use, rather than from its implementation
      • Mock Objects can be used with Java, C#, Ruby, Python, and Javascript applications
      About the Authors
      Steve Freeman is an independent consultant specializing in Agile software development. A founder member of the London Extreme Tuesday Club, he was chair of the first XPDay and is a frequent organizer and presenter at international conferences. Steve has worked in a variety of organizations, from writing shrink-wrap software for IBM, to prototyping for major research laboratories. Steve has a Ph.D. from Cambridge University, and degrees in statistics and music. Steve is based in London, UK. Nat Pryce has worked as a programmer, architect, trainer, and consultant in a variety of industries, including sports reportage, marketing communications, retail, telecoms, and finance. With a Ph.D. from Imperial College London, he has also worked on research projects and does occasional university teaching. An early adopter of Extreme Programming, he has written or contributed to several open source libraries that support Test Driven Development. He was one of the founding organizers of the London XPDay and regularly presents at international conferences. Nat is based in London, UK.Features
      • Two unique topics: Explores the role of negotiations in business communication and the need for capability development within organizations to ensure sustained growth
      • Learning tools: Uses several tools such as learning objectives, opening vignettes, figures, tables, key terms, chapter summaries, review questions, and critical thinking questions to help students grasp concepts
      • India-centric case studies: Features closing cases depicting real-life situations and successful managerial practices in organizations to foster a hands-on learning approach
      • The teaching and learning package: Includes PowerPoint lecture slides and an instructor’s manual for instructors and an online question bank along with bonus material on managerial skill–development techniques and methodologies of management research for students (available at www.dipakkumarbhattacharyya)
      • NEW – The Evidence-Based HR feature presents examples of how managers work on the basis of facts and evidence
      • NEW – The Managing HR in Challenging Times feature illustrates the skills managers need to manage human resources in challenging times
      • NEW – Chapter 18, “Managing Human Resources in Entrepreneurial Firms”, contains special topics that will be useful while managing human resources in smaller firms
      • NEW – The HR Apps 4 U feature illustrates how managers use mobile devices to support their HR activities
      • NEW – Vignettes, examples, and cases from India—such as DMRC, NIIT, HPCL, Aravind Eye Care System, SBI, and Thomas Cook (India) Ltd.—that discuss various aspects of human resource management
      • Practical applications that can be used to understand and apply strategic human resource management
      • 220 solved examples, 182 exercise problems and 140 multiple choice questions
      • Covers amplifiers and voltage regulators in detail
      • In-depth analysis of power amplifiers
      • JFET and MOSFET circuit analysis explained using graphical methods
      • Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers are thoroughly covered
      • Class Interactive, a newly added feature to stimulate classroom discussion
      • Restructured content and newly added topics to facilitate ease in understanding the subject
      • Additional end-of-chapter mini-cases based on contemporary topics like services product, pricing and process people, to name a few
      • Two new book-end cases on current market scenarios
      • Focus on operational issues like service quality and management of demand and supply
      • End-of-chapter review questions and practical exercises to help readers understand concepts better
      • Bill Wagner presents 50 high-performance C# 4.0 shortcuts and tricks developers can't find in any class or any other C# publication
      • Leading-edge techniques leveraging everything from LINQ and generics to C# 4.0's new dynamic features
      • Targeted to publish at or near the release date of Microsoft's eagerly anticipated C# 4.0 - completely revamps a book originally written for C# 1.x
      • Replete with clear illustrations, solved examples, review questions and end-of-chapter problems, this book is ideal for first- and second-year students.
      • Basic concepts are explained in detail, placing emphasis on providing a qualitative understanding of various circuit theory concepts and their interrelations
      • Discussions of key topics are substantiated with precision and mathematical rigour, adding value to the treatment.
      • Systematic treatment of each topic with a listing of learning objectives preceding the explanation of the basic concepts
      • Large number of illustrative examples
      • Questions for practice
      • Key points to remember presented at the end of each chapter
      • Simple presentation with important points highlighted.
      • Over 500 solved examples.
      • Inclusion of day-to-day electrical applications.
      • Common wiring schemes and earthing practice.
      • A laboratory manual for electrical machines lab.
      • Very useful to a beginner and practicing amateurs.Features
        All the CCNP® ROUTE commands network professionals need to master, in one compact, portable, easy-to-use quick reference
        • Fast, authoritative Cisco IP routing command review that maps directly to the newest (2009) CCNP ROUTE exam
        • Includes realistic configuration examples, network diagrams, and command outputs: all readers need to understand the "how" and "why" of essential ROUTE commands
        • Convenient, lightweight, and friendly: lets readers study without a huge textbook or a live Internet connection
        About the Authors
        Scott Empson is the associate chair of the Bachelor of Applied Information Systems Technology degree program at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where he teaches Cisco routing, switching, and network design courses in a variety of different programs—certificate, diploma, and applied degree—at the postsecondary level. Scott also is the program coordinator of the Cisco Networking Academy Program at NAIT, a Regional Academy covering central and northern Alberta. He has earned three undergraduate degrees: a bachelor of arts, with a major in English; a bachelor of education, again with a major in English/language arts; and a bachelor of applied information systems technology, with a major in network management. Scott currently is completing his master of education from the University of Portland. He holds several industry certifications, including CCNP, CCAI, Network+, and C|EH. Prior to instructing at NAIT, he was a junior/senior high school English/language arts/computer science teacher at different schools throughout Northern Alberta. Scott lives in Edmonton, Alberta, with his wife, Trina, and two children, Zachariah and Shaelyn.

        Hans Roth is an instructor in the Electrical Engineering Technology department at Red River College in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Hans has been with the college for 13 years and teaches in both the engineering technology and IT areas. He has been with the Cisco Networking Academy since 2000, teaching CCNP curricula. Previous to teaching, Hans spent 15 years in R&D/product development designing microcontroller-based control systems for consumer products as well as for the automotive and agricultural industries.Features
        All the CCNP® SWITCH commands network professionals need to master, in one compact, portable, easy-to-use quick reference
        • Fast, authoritative Cisco switching command review that maps directly to the newest (2009) CCNP SWITCH exam
        • Includes realistic configuration examples, network diagrams, and command outputs: all readers need to understand the "how" and "why" of essential SWITCH commands
        • Convenient, lightweight, and friendly: lets readers study without a huge textbook or a live Internet connection
        About the Authors
        Scott Empson is the associate chair of the Bachelor of Applied Information Systems Technology degree program at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where he teaches Cisco routing, switching, and network design courses in a variety of different programs—certificate, diploma, and applied degree—at the postsecondary level. Scott is also the program coordinator of the Cisco Networking Academy Program at NAIT, a Regional Academy covering central and northern Alberta. He has earned three undergraduate degrees: a Bachelor of Arts, with a major in English; a Bachelor of Education, again with a major in English/Language Arts; and a Bachelor of Applied Information Systems Technology, with a major in Network Management. Scott is currently completing his Master of Education from the University of Portland. He holds several industry certifications, including CCNP, CCAI, Network+, and C|EH. Prior to instructing at NAIT, he was a junior/senior high school English/Language Arts/Computer Science teacher at different schools throughout Northern Alberta. Scott lives in Edmonton, Alberta, with his wife, Trina, and two children, Zachariah and Shaelyn.

        Hans Roth is an instructor in the electrical engineering technology department at Red River College in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Hans has been with the college for 13 years and teaches in both the engineering technology and IT areas. He has been with the Cisco Networking Academy since 2000, teaching CCNP curricula. Previous to teaching, Hans spent 15 years in R&D/product development designing microcontroller-based control systems for consumer products as well as for the automotive and agricultural industries.Features
        Following the advice and techniques in Brilliant Start-Up, you will:
        • feel positive, energised and enthused
        • be clear about the start-up process
        • be able totailor it to suit your individual needs
        • know which parts to focus on for success
        • have practical tools to use, and details of where to go for further reading/support.Features
          • Adorable Characters Aladini, Anjali and Aryan introduce the topics that will be learnt in each chapter
          • Quick Questions and Check Your Progress questions interspersed with the text for quick self-testing help in the formative assessment
          • Quick Fact provides interesting tidbits of information related to the topic at hand
          • Quick Tip presents useful alternative options/shortcuts for performing operations
          • Recap Time at the end of each chapter for quick and easy recapitulation
          • Assessment Time contains carefully graded exercises to test the knowledge of concepts learnt. Besides, these can also be used for summative assessment.
          • Activity Time for practical hands-on exercises to strengthen the understanding and to hone computer skills
          • Notes for the Teacher contain suggestions on how to introduce the various topics
          • Project Work, sample Olympiad Questions and Tech Terms have been included
          • Free Poster for classes 1 and 2
          • Adorable Characters Aladini, Anjali and Aryan introduce the topics that will be learnt in each chapter
          • Quick Questions and Check Your Progress questions interspersed with the text for quick self-testing help in the formative assessment
          • Quick Fact provides interesting tidbits of information related to the topic at hand
          • Quick Tip presents useful alternative options/shortcuts for performing operations
          • Recap Time at the end of each chapter for quick and easy recapitulation
          • Assessment Time contains carefully graded exercises to test the knowledge of concepts learnt. Besides, these can also be used for summative assessment.
          • Activity Time for practical hands-on exercises to strengthen the understanding and to hone computer skills
          • Notes for the Teacher contain suggestions on how to introduce the various topics
          • Project Work, sample Olympiad Questions and Tech Terms have been included
          • Free Poster for classes 1 and 2
          • Adorable Characters Aladini, Anjali and Aryan introduce the topics that will be learnt in each chapter
          • Quick Questions and Check Your Progress questions interspersed with the text for quick self-testing help in the formative assessment
          • Quick Fact provides interesting tidbits of information related to the topic at hand
          • Quick Tip presents useful alternative options/shortcuts for performing operations
          • Recap Time at the end of each chapter for quick and easy recapitulation
          • Assessment Time contains carefully graded exercises to test the knowledge of concepts learnt. Besides, these can also be used for summative assessment.
          • Activity Time for practical hands-on exercises to strengthen the understanding and to hone computer skills
          • Notes for the Teacher contain suggestions on how to introduce the various topics
          • Project Work, sample Olympiad Questions and Tech Terms have been included
          • Free Poster for classes 1 and 2
          • Adorable Characters Aladini, Anjali and Aryan introduce the topics that will be learnt in each chapter
          • Quick Questions and Check Your Progress questions interspersed with the text for quick self-testing help in the formative assessment
          • Quick Fact provides interesting tidbits of information related to the topic at hand
          • Quick Tip presents useful alternative options/shortcuts for performing operations
          • Recap Time at the end of each chapter for quick and easy recapitulation
          • Assessment Time contains carefully graded exercises to test the knowledge of concepts learnt. Besides, these can also be used for summative assessment.
          • Activity Time for practical hands-on exercises to strengthen the understanding and to hone computer skills
          • Notes for the Teacher contain suggestions on how to introduce the various topics
          • Project Work, sample Olympiad Questions and Tech Terms have been included
          • Free Poster for classes 1 and 2
          • Adorable Characters Aladini, Anjali and Aryan introduce the topics that will be learnt in each chapter
          • Quick Questions and Check Your Progress questions interspersed with the text for quick self-testing help in the formative assessment
          • Quick Fact provides interesting tidbits of information related to the topic at hand
          • Quick Tip presents useful alternative options/shortcuts for performing operations
          • Recap Time at the end of each chapter for quick and easy recapitulation
          • Assessment Time contains carefully graded exercises to test the knowledge of concepts learnt. Besides, these can also be used for summative assessment.
          • Activity Time for practical hands-on exercises to strengthen the understanding and to hone computer skills
          • Notes for the Teacher contain suggestions on how to introduce the various topics
          • Project Work, sample Olympiad Questions and Tech Terms have been included
          • Free Poster for classes 1 and 2
          • Easy step-by-step instruction, hands-on learning, and concrete examples using the newest software and free Web-based tools
          • Go beyond mere "Web pages" to build well-designed sites that really work - for small businesses, clubs, families, or individuals
          • Includes up-to-the-minute coverage of Web 2.0 tools, search engine optimization, and even creating Web sites for cellphones
          • Plan, organize, and design a site that really works, using tools you can find for free
          • Discover the simple secrets of writing pages people want to read
          • Use video on your site—and get someone else to pay for hosting it
          • Add an easy-to-update blog and start building your own web community
          • Quickly and easily handle “nuts and bolts” tasks, from getting your site name to uploading your content
          • Get your site picked up by Google, Yahoo!, and other search engines
          • Adapt your site for easy viewing on cell phones
          Real, step-by-step solutions for Windows Server 2008 administrators: fast, accurate, proven, and easy to use!
          • A concise, task-based guide to hundreds of crucial Windows Server 2008 administration tasks: helps solve problems more quickly, reliably, and efficiently
          • Tested, step-by-step procedures for everything from installation and configuration through security, Server Core to Hyper-V virtualization
          • Authored by leading Windows Server expert, author, trainer, and speaker J. Peter Bruzzese
          About the Authors
          J. Peter Bruzzese is an independent consultant and trainer for a variety of clients, including CBT Nuggets (the Exchange 2007 Video Series) and New Horizons. Over the past decade, Peter has worked with Goldman Sachs, CommVault Systems, and Microsoft, to name a few. His focus has been, and continues to be, corporate support and training. For the past 10 years he has specialized in Active Directory and Exchange support and education, as well as certification training, and he holds the following certifications: MCSA 2000/2003, MCSE NT/2000/2003, MCITP: Messaging with Exchange 2007, and MCT from Microsoft; can from Novell; CCNA from Cisco; CIW Master and CIW Certified Instructor from CIW; and A+, Network+, and iNET+ from CompTIA.
          Ron Barrett is the founder of RARE-TECH, an IT training and consulting company. He has been a technology professional for more than a decade, working for several major financial firms and dot-coms. Ron is a specialist in network infrastructure, security, and IT management. He is coauthor of The Administrator’s Guide to Microsoft Office 2007 Servers and How to Cheat at Administering Office Communications Server 2007, and he has contributed to several other books on Windows administration. Along with book writing, Ron has contributed to several industry magazines, such as Redmond and Windows IT Pro, and he was featured in the book Tricks of the Windows Vista Masters. He has worked for Microsoft, writing research and analysis papers on Windows Server 2008, Windows HPC, and PerformancePoint Server 2007. In addition to writing, Ron has spoken at several technology conferences for CPAmerica and the AICPA, as well as TechMentor.

          Wayne Dipchan has been working with IT for the past 12 years and holds MCSE, MCDBA, and MCT certifications. His experience has allowed him to work in diverse business sectors. Starting out his career as an IT trainer, Wayne has had opportunity to work with New Horizons and Alpha Technologies, as well as coauthor an exam prep book on directory service design. He has also had opportunity to engineer, deploy, and support IT infrastructures for multiple small to medium-size businesses, ranging from construction to catering to manufacturing. In addition, Wayne has worked with health care systems such as Staten Island University Hospital and with financial companies such as Barclays Capital. He is the owner of AriLex Technologies LLC, a company focused on IT support and training. Wayne is currently employed with St. Peters University Hospital and involved with the design and deployment of multiple health information solutions.Features
          Make the most of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr, and more..
          • Define goals and customize strategy to maximize Return on Conversation (ROC)
          • Understand the whole conversation about you and all the communities you serve
          • Manage legal, compliance, and ethical challenges
          • Plan social media policies for your company’s employees
          • Extend customer service into social media
          • Maintain consistent branding and messaging
          • Complement your SEO, PPC, offline marketing, and PR efforts
          • Learn how to integrate traditional marketing tactics (TV, radio, print) with your social media marketing strategy
          Fun, easy-to-read, and practical: the perfect tutorial and reference for every first-time project manager!
          • Teaches crucial concepts and techniques new project managers can utilize with any project, in any environment, using any tool
          • The closest thing to having one's own personal project management mentor and coach!
          • Includes an all-new section on accelerating the learning curve: techniques, tools, scenarios, and hot topics for becoming an effective project manager even faster
          Craig Larman and Bass Vodde explain the core tools for scaling lean development, agile principles, and large-scale Scrum to large, multisite, or offshore product development
          • Key thinking tools, including lean thinking, systems thinking, queueing theory, and seeing false dichotomies
          • Key organizational tools, including feature teams, product owner teams, and requirement areas
          • Lead author Craig Larman is a true software development legend and author of the worldwide best-sellers Agile & Iterative Development, and Applying UML and Patterns
          • Author Bas Vodde led the agile transformation at Nokia Networks
          • There are millions of people who are fed-up with some aspect of their lives. These people are looking for a catalyst for change - this is the book for them.
          • This is the first popular psychology book to feature NLP so explicitly. Change Your Life and NLP together is a sure-fire winner.
          • This book will help readers move from the everyday ‘Grey Zone’ into the exciting and motivating ‘Brilliant Zone, where goals, real choices and the sense that you can acheive anything a reality.
          • This book covers all the major topics which are taught as part of the Business Communication course in management schools around the country.
          • It focuses on theoretical as well as practical methods of effective communication through numerous real-life examples, exhibits, anecdotes, etc.
          • Extensive role plays have been provided at the end of the book that are designed to help students apply their theoretical business communication knowledge to practical workplace situations.
          • Glossary at the end of the book to help student comprehension
          • Index at the end of the book for students reference
          • Reading list at the end of the book for further studies
          About the Authors
          Girishwar Misra, Professor, Department of Psychology, Delhi University. Arbind Jha, Senior Lecturer, RBS College of Education, Rewari, Haryana.Features
          • Child-friendly, interactive approach leading to effective learning outcome
          • Content for each class distributed across two semesters
          • Colourful presentation of concepts, learner-friendly layout, accurate photographs, diagrams and illustrations
          • In-text activities and questions encourage independent thinking and application of knowledge
          • Varied exercises comprise subjective, objective, analytical and inferential questions as well as questions based on diagrams and critical thinking
          • Cross-curricular links and activities based on multiple skills facilitate comprehensive learning
          • Varied reading texts and poems with adequate emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, writing, comprehension and creative skills
          • Explanation of mathematical concepts with the help of easy, worked-out examples and supported by interesting exercises
          • Accurate and detailed presentation of a child’s immediate and distant environment seeks to develop awareness as well as a sense of responsibility in the young learners
          • Additional worksheets at the end of each section
          • Child-friendly, interactive approach leading to effective learning outcome
          • Content for each class distributed across two semesters
          • Colourful presentation of concepts, learner-friendly layout, accurate photographs, diagrams and illustrations
          • In-text activities and questions encourage independent thinking and application of knowledge
          • Varied exercises comprise subjective, objective, analytical and inferential questions as well as questions based on diagrams and critical thinking
          • Cross-curricular links and activities based on multiple skills facilitate comprehensive learning
          • Varied reading texts and poems with adequate emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, writing, comprehension and creative skills
          • Explanation of mathematical concepts with the help of easy, worked-out examples and supported by interesting exercises
          • Accurate and detailed presentation of a child’s immediate and distant environment seeks to develop awareness as well as a sense of responsibility in the young learners
          • Additional worksheets at the end of each section
          • Tailor-made for undergraduates and designed to inform without overwhelming students with unnecessary jargon
          • Comprehensively covers the key ideas of calculus over 17 chapters, with 3 chapters covering the preliminaries, 7 chapters dedicated to differential calculus and 7 chapters dedicated to integral calculus
          • In-depth theoretical analysis of each and every topic
          • Comprehensive coverage on topics such as successive differentiation and maxima and minima
          • Practical applications of the concepts of differentiation and integration are explained in detail to give students firm perspective on the subjectFeatures
            • Balanced and comprehensive coverage of ring theory
            • An exclusive chapter on Galois theory and its application
            • A real flavor of numerical notes to the text, which reminds the students of the real-life use of algebra
            • Concepts are summarized visually using graphs and charts
            About the Authors
            U. M. Swamy is former Dean, Faculty of Science, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

            A. V. S. N. Murty is a Professor of Mathematics, Srinivasa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh.Features
            • Coverage of inflation and monetary policy reflects the latest work by researchers and the Federal Reserve.
            • A unified framework uses a single model, built from a set of core economic ideas, to introduce the macroeconomic theories and concepts.
            • Real-world applications connect theory to practice, helping students make active use of the economic ideas in the text.
              • Applications show students how theory is used to understand real-world macroeconomic issues.
              • Boxes draw from current research, highlighting interesting new developments and topics in the field.
              • In Touch with Data and Research boxes ask students to find and interpret macroeconomic data, like economists would in their careers.
            • Global case studies brings relevance to the theory by applying it to the student's local context
            • A unifying analytic framework uses a few core principles to organize students’ thinking, including: asymmetric information (agency problems), transaction costs, efficient markets and measurement, and management of risk.
            • A practitioner’s approach to the study of markets and institutions allows for a strong emphasis on the application of concepts.
            • Cases demonstrate how the analysis in the book can be used to explain many important real-world situations.
            • The textbook is rich in pedagogical features like tables, illustrations and images to facilitate understanding.
            • Each chapter begins with chapter outlines
            • Modular questions at the end of each chapter to help students revise the concepts
            • All chapters are pedagogically rich with glossary, keywords and discussion points.
            • The language is lucid and comprehensible.
            • The treatment of the text is such that it develops an appreciation for the subject
            • What is a brand? What is marketing and how is it changing? What is good, what is poor, what is brilliant?
            • How can I be creative enough to stand out? Creative like the Google logo. Creative like Cadbury’s Gorilla.
            • How do I write and manage a marketing plan?
            • Complete coverage of the course of various universities across India
            • Inclusion of current advances like: IPTV, Blogging, RFID, Brain Computer Interface
            • Exhaustive discussion on MS Office 2003
            • Discussion on Windows 7
            • Coverage on MS Office 2007
            • Excellent pedagogy: Chapter openers, Chapter objectives, Fact files and things to remember, Further reading, Exercises
            • Situational case studies, illustrations and flow charts for clear grasp of concepts
            • Model questions for practice and guidelines for answering difficult problems
            • Highlights the linkages between soft skills and hard skills, illustrating the manner in which they can be utilized together in professional situations
            • Practical introduction to networking
            • Solid coverage of various forms of attack
            • Coverage of often neglected subject areas
            • Basic cryptography foundation.
            • End-of-chapter exercises, projects, and review questions.
            • Extensive extra features, practical applications and FYI’s throughout
            • An exclusive chapter on mechanical vibrations and automatic control
            • A separate chapter on velocity and acceleration in mechanisms is explained in detail
            • 615 solved examples
            • 210 practice problems with answers
            • 220 review questions
            • 222 multiple-choice questions with answers
            • 11 experiments
            • Summary at the end of each chapter
            • Study card comprising formulae/tables for easy references
            • Presented in a question and answer format following the examination pattern
            • Covers all key topics in the syllabus
            • Designed to make learning fast and effective
            • Precise and up-to-date
            • Helps students excel in their examinations
            • The book serves as an invitation to sociology.
            • It helps the reader to learn the language that sociologists employ, and the way commonly used words (such as family, marriage, caste) are given distinct definitions.
            • It follows the logic of scientific research that governs sociological analysis.
            • Professor Atal takes care in this book to guard against ideological and theoretical biases.
            • The various topics covered in the book are illustrated with examples taken from everyday life, and from studies conducted in India.
            • Presented in a question and answer format following the examination pattern
            • Covers all key topics in the syllabus
            • Designed to make learning fast and effective
            • Precise and up-to-date
            • Helps students excel in their examinations
            • Case Studies and Focus on Student Research illustrate how student research can be conducted
            • Research in the News and Focus on Management Research give examples of research in both academic and commercial environments
            • Checklists, Questions and “Progressing your Research Project” give practical advice on the step-by-step process of conducting research
            • Guidance on use of SPSS, NVivo and internet searching on the companion websiteAbout the Authors
              Mark Saunders is Professor of Business Research Methods at School of Management, University of Surrey. Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill are former Principal Lecturers, Gloucestershire Business School, University of Gloucestershire.Features
              • Theoretical Foundation: Major theories are explained and critiqued, empirical research on leadership is reviewed and summarized, and many references are provided to enable readers to follow up with additional reading on topics of special interest.
              • Practical Applications without being Prescriptive: Practitioners and students discover how theories and research can be used to improve the practice of management. These guidelines help the reader understand how to use leadership theory and research without being prescriptive.
              • Cases: One or two short cases of real organizations related to every chapter are included at the end of the book. They are designed to help the reader gain a better understanding of the theories, concepts, and guidelines presented in the chapter by using real world examples.
              • Presented in a question and answer format following the examination pattern
              • Covers all key topics in the syllabus
              • Designed to make learning fast and effective
              • Precise and up-to-date
              • Helps students excel in their examinations
              • Presented in a question and answer format following the examination pattern
              • Covers all key topics in the syllabus
              • Designed to make learning fast and effective
              • Precise and up-to-date
              • Helps students excel in their examinations
              • Lucid coverage of convergent tests for sequences and series
              • Solutions of first order differential equations and in depth coverage of curve tracing
              • Applications to one-dimensional heat equations, wave equations and Laplace equations
              • Numerical methods include Cubic Spline method, Runge-Kutta methods and Adams–Bashforth–Moulton methods
              • Case studies, activities, exercises and assessment integrated into each chapter
              • User-friendly language and diagrams to provide clear understanding of concepts
              • Combines business communication and English language skills
              • Equal weightage to verbal and non-verbal communication, including kinesthetic methods of communication behavior
              • A separate chapter on data quality and integration, which are extremely important with national and international regulations such as the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, Basel II, COSI, and HIPAA
              • Specific examples of how to connect to databases from popular programming languages such as Java and VB.NET as well as Web development languages such as Java Server Pages (JSP), ASP.NET, and PHP
              • New and updated field exercises, case studies, and a set of hands-on mini-cases that could be assigned to an individual or to a team
              • The problems and exercises are arranged in an increasing order of difficulty to make it easier for instructors and students to select problems and exercises for practice and assignments
              • Standard data-naming conventions are used throughout the book to make it easier for students to distinguish data elements from conceptual to physical forms
              • New screen captures to reflect the latest database technologies and an updated Web Resources section in each chapter
              • Solved problems in each chapter help the students relate to the core concepts easily
              • Numerous review questions and the multiple choice questions provide students with a systematic learning approach
              • Model question papers and their solutions have been included to equip the student with adequate practice material
              • Use of Sage to illustrate cryptographic algorithms.
              • Comprehensive up-to-date survey of cryptographic algorithms.
              • Complete coverage of authentication and digital signatures.
              • Unified, comprehensive treatment of mutual trust topics.
              • Excellent collection of homework problems
              • Offers powerful career insights specific to the software field: insights that can't be found in any other career book
              • Includes never-before-published interviews with legends like Steve Wozniak, James Gosling, Marc Benioff, Linus Torvalds, and Marissa Meyers
              • More than 5,500 problems with answer keys
              • Six practice tests for in-depth preparation
              • Section on computing included
              • Introduction to discursive essays; examples provided
              • Web support available
              • Review Exercises in each chapter
              • Model questions and answers for self-development
              • Practical tips included
              • Chapter-wise questionnaires at the end
              • Teaches PivotTables, PivotCharts, and Excel 2010's new PowerPivot feature through real-world scenarios that make intuitive sense to users at all levels
              • Includes proven PivotTable recipes for instant on-the-job results
              • Helps Excel users avoid common pitfalls and mistakes
              • Part of the brand-new MrExcel's Library series, edited by Excel legend Bill Jelen
              About the Authors
              Bill Jelen, known worldwide as MrExcel, presents live Excel seminars to accountants throughout the U.S. His 20 books on Microsoft Excel include Special Edition Using Excel 2007, Pivot Table Data Crunching, and VBA and Macros for Microsoft Excel. Honored as a Microsoft MVP for Excel, he has produced 500 episodes of his "Learn Excel from MrExcel" video podcast.

              Michael Alexander, is a Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD), Senior Program Manager for a top Texas technology firm, and principal of DataPigTechnologies, a developer of Excel tutorials. He is author of several books on data analysis with Access and Excel.Features
              • Shows how to use Excel to take total control over company finances
              • Covers everything from financial statements and marketing to investment decision-making and quality management, using real-world examples
              • Demonstrates powerful new features, including Sparklines, Slicer, and the new Solver
              • No-nonsense, step-by-step tutorials and practical examples from a world-renowned expert in demystifying complex technology, Paul McFedries
              • Includes specific techniques for analyzing complex data, modeling business problems, tracking trends, making forecasts, and building financial formulas
              • Part of the brand-new MrExcel's Library series, edited by Excel legend Bill Jelen
              • "Must have" knowledge about writing applications that fully exploit today's increasingly widespread multicore systems
              • Explains the key options available for writing high-performance multicore applications on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and Windows
              • Shows how to write applications that scale up to large numbers of parallel threads - and how to avoid common parallelization problems
              • NEW - Updated problems throughout the text—Each chapter in the Second Edition includes an expanded list of problems and selected solutions.
              • NEW - New sidebars and features—Key RF concepts and ideas are prominently featured in sidebars throughout the text.
              • NEW - "Practically Speaking" sections at the close of each chapter clearly demonstrate how theory relates to practice.
              • Approaches RF design from a circuit perspective—Requires students to have little or no background in electromagnetic fields.
              • Comprehensive coverage of RF design concepts—Incorporates the required key concepts in a single, convenient source.
              • NEW—Nontechnical learning material-provides a simple overview of major concepts, uses a nontechnical language to help increase understanding.
              • NEW—the Internet as a sample application for intelligent systems—Examples of logical reasoning, planning, and natural language processing using Internet agents.
              • NEW—Increased coverage of material—new or expanded coverage of constraint satisfaction, local search planning methods, multi-agent systems, game theory, statistical natural language processing and uncertain reasoning over time. More detailed descriptions of algorithms for probabilistic inference, fast propositional inference, probabilistic learning approaches including EM, and other topics.
              • NEW—Updated and expanded exercises—75% of the exercises are revised, with 100 new exercises.
              • NEW—More Online Software.
              • A unified, agent-based approach to AI—organizes the material around the task of building intelligent agents.
              • Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage—includes a unified view of the field organized around the rational decision making paradigm.
              • A flexible format-makes the text adaptable for varying instructors' preferences.
              • Based on the latest syllabus of the GATE, IES and PSUs.
              • Over 3,000 MCQs as well as a mock tests based on the real PSU, GATE and IES examinations
              • Three levels set in these books depending on the structure of the examination pattern
              • Includes diagrams, tables, step-wise listing of key concepts to help the students to clear the doubts.
              • Moral reasoning in business, moral issues within the corporation, and ethics and international issues.
              • Enables students to apply the standard ethical approaches in analyzing issues, problems, and cases.
              • Case studies—Open each chapter; these look at the ethical problems involved in an actual business situation.
              • Gives students a real-life perspective.
              • A global perspective.
              • Enhances students’ learning experience.
              • See the decision-making aspects: Managerial Approach. This text takes a managerial approach to Business Intelligence (BI), emphasizing the applications and implementations behind the concepts
              • Understand the context: Real-world Orientation. Extensive, vivid examples from large corporations, small businesses, and government and not-for-profit agencies make the difficult concepts more accessible and relevant
              • NEW! Stay up-to-date on the latest information in the field.
              • Real World Orientation: Extensive, vivid examples from large corporations, small businesses, industries, services, and government and nonprofit agencies from all over the world bring this text’s concepts to life
              • Interdisciplinary Approach: Electronic Commerce understands and touches upon the major EC-related disciplines including accounting, finance, information systems, marketing, management, operations management, human resources management, and more.
              • NEW! Coverage of Social Computing: With the recent emergence of Web 2.0, social computing technologies are now being adopted by companies everywhere
              • NEW! Green IT: Since businesses are becoming more environmentally conscious, the concept of “Green IT and EC” is addressed thoroughly in this text
              • Application Cases: In-chapter cases highlight real-world problems encountered by organizations as they develop and implement EC
              • Integrated Systems: Electronic Commerce emphasizes systems that support enterprise and supply chain management, rather than highlight isolated Internet-based systems
              • Describes in detail how to start, execute, maintain and manage a test automation project
              • Describes in detail test automation life cycle—need analysis, ROI analysis, tool analysis, framework design, script development and maintenance
              • Detailed coverage of advanced topics such as smart object identification, object repository design, regular expressions, descriptive programming, recovery scenarios and automation object model
              • Contains various templates specifically for meeting client requirements
              • Presented in a question and answer format following the examination pattern
              • Covers all key topics in the syllabus
              • Designed to make learning fast and effective
              • Precise and up-to-date
              • Helps students excel in their examinations
              • Architecture design and analysis, including the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM)
              • Capturing quality requirements and achieving them through quality scenarios and tactics
              • Using architecture reconstruction to recover undocumented architectures
              • Documenting architectures using the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
              • New case studies, including Web-based examples and a wireless Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB) system designed to support wearable computers
              • The financial aspects of architectures, including use of the Cost Benefit Analysis Method (CBAM) to make decisions
              • This book fully covers the BAM, Aurangabad syllabus and the content is structured as per the syllabus topics.
              • Concepts are explained with the help of numerous examples.
              • Plenty of practice questions.
              • Important topics from exam point of view are highlighted.
              • In addition to important object-oriented features such as classes, objects, inheritance and polymorphism, covers interfaces, properties, indexers, delegates and events that are required for object-oriented component based software development.
              • Discusses the traditional OOP concepts through special concepts of C# in a graded manner.
              • Includes a number of end-of-chapter exercises to test your understanding.
              • Contains unsolved programs under Case Study for the reader to develop projects.
              About the Authors
              S. Thamarai Selvi is currently Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli. She was awarded the Ph.D. degree (Computer Science and Engineering) for her thesis “BIONET: Development and Application of an Artificial Neural Network in the Diagnosis of Neck and Arm Pain” in April 2000. She has over 20 years teaching experience. She was Reader, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli for more than eight years. R. Murugesan is currently Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Thiruvalluvar College, Papanasam, Tamil Nadu. He has completed M.Sc., M.Phil. (Mathematics), MBA, M.Ed., PGDCA and PGDOR. He is currently doing research in Open Shop Scheduling.Features
              • Each chapter starts with a vignette called Communication at Work, which provides a snapshot of some of the key issues addressed in the chapter.
              • Communication Snapshots and Exhibits illustrate samples of written business communication and explain them in detail.
              • Margin notes highlight important definitions and facts, and draw attention to the learning objectives covered in a particular section.
              • Review Your Learning questions, Reflect on Your Learning questions, and Self-check Your Learning questions provide a host of practice questions for students to improve their chapter concepts and analytical skills.
              • Includes four university model question papers, and solutions for two of them.
              • Each chapter starts with a vignette called Communication at Work, which provides a snapshot of some of the key issues addressed in the chapter.
              • Communication Snapshots and Exhibits illustrate samples of written business communication and explain them in detail.
              • Margin notes highlight important definitions and facts, and draw attention to the learning objectives covered in a particular section.
              • Review Your Learning questions, Reflect on Your Learning questions, and Self-check Your Learning questions provide a host of practice questions for students to improve their chapter concepts and analytical skills.
              • Includes four university model question papers, and solutions for two of them.
              • This book is mapped to the BPUT syllabus.
              • Step-by-step programming procedures are explained in detail.
              • A roadmap to the syllabus facilitates easy location of topics.
              • More than 200 solved programs and 250 practice problems facilitate learning.
              • Three years’ solved question papers have been included.
              • An integrated flow of chapters that facilitates clear understanding
              • Extensive coverage of key concepts and theories
              • Learning outcomes, key terms and discussion questions to foster high-order thinking
              • Includes four university model question papers (and solutions for two)
              About the Authors

              Stephen P. Robbins (Ph.D., University of Arizona) is professor emeritus of management at San Diego State University and the world’s best-selling author of textbooks in both management and organizational behavior.

              David A. DeCenzo is president of Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South


              Henry Moon is associate professor of organizational behavior at the London Business School (LBS)

              Sanghamitra Bhattacharyya is assistant professor of organizational behavior and human resource management at the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

              Madhushree Nanda Agarwal, Fellow, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (Organizational Behavior and Strategic Management), is currently assistant professor of organizational behavior at Management Development Institute, Gurgaon

              Kavita Singh is an associate professor in the area of organizational behaviour, organizational development and change at the Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi

              • This book is mapped to the RGPV syllabus.
              • Step-by-step programming procedures are explained in detail.
              • A roadmap to the syllabus facilitates easy location of topics.
              • A large number of solved examples and practice problems facilitate learning.
              • Three years’ solved question papers have been added to the book.
              About the Authors
              Anita Goel is Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi.
              Anand Motwani is Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NRI Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal.Features
              • A powerful short-term trading technique that any investor or trader can master and use, regardless of their previous experience.
              • Draws on the latest research on market reactions to earnings announcements: empirical findings based on huge samples, not intuition or cherry-picking.
              • Shows how to minimize market risk, and structure trades to profit wherever the market moves.
              About the Authors

              John Shon is Professor of Accounting at Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business and Graduate School of Business Administration. He has received several teaching awards throughout his teaching career. Shon publishes extensively in academic journals and has received several grants and awards for his research on equity markets. He holds a Ph.D. in Accounting and an MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.

              Ping Zhou, Portfolio Manager and Senior Vice President of the Quantitative Investment Group at Neuberger Berman, currently manages U.S. and global equity funds for institutional investors. Zhou’s expertise is in portfolio theory, market anomalies, investor behavior, corporate finance, and risk management. He previously served as Accounting Professor at City University of New York—Baruch College. He holds a Ph.D. in Accounting from Georgia State University.

              • The Flash Crash of May 2010: how it was caused by short-term traders and disastrous regulatory changes--and why it’s just a preview of disasters to come.
              • Crucial information and practical action plans for stock investors who’ve become legitimately terrified of the markets.
              • A clear, compelling story, packed with original reporting by one of Washington’s top correspondents.
              • Discover the technologies, threats, and remarkable business opportunities associated with UbiComp.
              • Identify emergent markets, modernize existing product/service offerings, and incorporate UbiComp into business/technology strategies.
              • By UbiComp pioneer Bo Begole of PARC, the legendary organization that invented the Ubiquitous Computing paradigm.


              • Neuroscience discoveries that help executives lead and communicate more effectively, drive change more successfully, and supercharge their personal performance.
              • Leverage “social intelligence” to guide colleagues toward more effective relationships.
              • Execute more crisply by clearing the pathways from thought to “action-orientation” to real action.


              • Understand every nuance of this powerful trading strategy, and use it to earn attractive profits with low risk.
              • Examples based on real-life market dynamics, not oversimplified abstractions.
              • Powerful techniques you can start using with as little as $2,500: information previously available only through costly seminars.


              • Beyond “big dogs” and “clashing titans”–get superstars to work together.
              • Define, implement, and measure effective leadership teamwork.
              • Run executive team meetings that lead to action and results.
              • Strengthen critical connections between leadership and the rest of the organization.
              • Bring greater agility to executive teams and enterprises they lead.


              About the Authors

              Jim Taylor and Lisa Haneberg share a passion for helping leaders do their best work through practices, actions, habits, and a vision that catalyzes organizational success. They have each been exploring the keys to senior leader effectiveness throughout their entire careers.


              Jim Taylor, President and CEO of MPI Consulting, is a nationally recognized expert in leadership, human resources, and employee/labor relations. Drawing on more than 30 years’ experience, he leads MPI’s strategic direction and operations, and guides a team of consulting experts and professionals, ensuring their integrity and accountability for successful client engagement and relationships. He spent 13 years as a healthcare executive, serving on two senior leadership teams.


              Lisa Haneberg serves as Vice President of MPI Consulting and leads the firm’s organizational development practice. She has more than 25 years of experience with organizational development consulting, executive development, as well as training and coaching for companies, government organizations, and nonprofits of all sizes. She specializes in talent management, succession planning, organizational agility and alignment, middle management effectiveness, senior team development, and executive coaching. Her books include Developing Great Managers, The High Impact Middle Manager, and Coaching Up and Down the Generations.


              • The new presentation guide from the legendary Jerry Weissman, author of the bestseller Presenting to Win.
              • Real examples and specific solutions for sharpening content, graphics, and delivery.
              • Shows how to listen more effectively and answer even the toughest questions.
              • Helps presenters put it all together to deliver presentations that get results!


              • Mobile DNA accounts for more than half of our genome: this book explains the important role it plays in shaping evolutionary change.
              • A rich, thorough, and accessible introduction for all serious students, practitioners, and researchers in human and medical genetics, molecular biology, or evolutionary biology.
              • By one of the field’s leading researchers, Dr. Haig Kazazian.


              • Discover the hidden forces behind market moves by mastering all four R’s of Volume: Responsiveness, Reliability, Risk, and Returns.
              • Use state-of-the-art money management tools to reduce risk and avoid market whipsaws.
              • Understand how recent changes in market regulation are impacting market behavior—and apply that knowledge before other investors can.


              • World-renowned nonprofit leadership experts show how to replace chaos and crisis with proven, sustainable transition plans.
              • Avoid fighting, rumors, accusations, and loss of momentum.
              • Develop boards and leaders that complement each other.
              • Indispensable tools for every nonprofit board member, leader, aspiring leader, stakeholder, and consultant.


              About the Authors

              Barry Dym, Ph.D., is Founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Nonprofit Management and Leadership. During his wide-ranging career, Dr. Dym has been an organization development consultant, executive coach, psychotherapist, entrepreneur, author, researcher, and teacher. Currently, Dr. Dym is the Executive Director of the Institute for Nonprofit Management at the Boston University School of Management.  


              Susan Egmont is principal of Egmont Associates, an executive search firm for nonprofit organizations and for corporations, foundations, and academic centers with nonprofit interests. She has more than 30 years of experience in nonprofit management, including youth development, education, workforce development, healthcare, children’s issues, the arts, and in organizations fighting hunger and poverty. Susan’s passion is excellence in nonprofit management and matching vital organizations with effective leaders. Her clients include foundations, academic institutions, peace and justice organizations, socially responsible investment companies and nonprofits, human service groups, community health providers, environmental coalitions, arts organizations, education reform efforts, and other nonprofits. In addition to executive transition work, Susan has consulted extensively with nonprofit organizations in board development, strategic planning, human resource issues, and program development.


              Laura Watkins is principal of Dovetail Associates, a consuFeatures

              The up-to-the-minute SQL tutorial for everyone who wants to create applications, query data, or manage databases

              Updated to cover the latest ANSI/ISO standards

              Covers SQL as implemented in MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server 

              Covers everything from the basics through optimization, security, and enterprise techniques

              Step-by-step instructions, examples, quizzes, exercises, and tips

              About the Authors

              Ryan Stephens and Ron Plew are entrepreneurs, speakers, and cofounders of Perpetual Technologies, Inc. (PTI), a fast-growing IT management and consulting firm. PTI specializes in database technologies, primarily Oracle and SQL servers running on all UNIX, Linux, and Microsoft platforms. Starting out as data analysts and database administrators, Ryan and Ron now lead a team of impressive technical subject matter experts who manage databases for clients worldwide. They authored and taught database courses for Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis for five years and have authored more than a dozen books on Oracle, SQL, database design, and high availability of critical systems.


              Arie D. Jones is the principal technology manager for Perpetual Technologies, Inc. (PTI) in Indianapolis, Indiana. Arie leads PTI’s team of experts in planning, design, development, deployment, and management of database environments and applications to achieve the best combination of tools and services for each client. He is a regular speaker at technical events and has authored several books and articles pertaining to database-related topics.

              • Engineering and Scientific Applications - incorporates real-world engineering and scientific examples and problems throughout the text
              • Includes problems related to areas such as aerospace, electrical, mechanical, environmental, biomedical, power, and computer engineering
              • Optional Numerical Techniques - includes techniques such as interpolation, linear modeling, root finding, and solutions to simultaneous equations
              • Presents the topics using only a trigonometry and college algebra background
              • Introduction to C++ - introduces students to object-oriented programming
              • Chapter outlines to give an overview of the chapter
              • Modular questions to test a students’ understanding
              • Clear explanation of concepts and principles
              • Numerous numerical problems and case illustrations
              • Flow diagrammatic/schematic representation of many complex research issues
              • Computer-based solutions of multivariate statistical problems
              • Key terms with definitions highlighted in the margins for easy learning
              • Questions and exercises, suggested readings and summaries at the end of each chapter
              • Includes four university model question papers (with solutions for two of them)
              About the Authors
              K. N. Krishnaswamy is a consultant and former professor at the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He has nearly three decades of teaching and research experience in management. Appa Iyer Sivakumar is an associate professor at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and a fellow of the Singapore–Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance. He was also associated with Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore. M. Mathirajan is Principal Research Scientist at the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He was also a visiting consultant at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.Features
              • In Practice box items in every chapter provides examples from real world companies
              • End-of-chapter exercises include review questions, Internet exercises and video links
              • Large number of cases and box items from Indian companies such as Suman Crop Protection, Kapil Health Food Products, ROX Doc-Care, Cadbury Products etc.
              • Over 60 new homework problems
              • Redesigned and upgraded companion web sites
              • New chapter on data compression
              • New coverage on fuzzy sets, computerized tomography, morphological reconstruction, gray scale morphology, advanced morphological, Marr-Hildreth and Canny edge detection algorithms
              • Expanded coverage of image thresholding
              • Presented in a question and answer format following the examination pattern
              • Covers all key topics in the syllabus
              • Designed to make learning fast and effective
              • Precise and up-to-date
              • Helps students excel in their examinations
              • Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter.
              • Summary at the end of the chapter for reinforcement
              • Questions at the end of each chapter for additional practice
              • Glossary at the end of the book to help student comprehension
              • Index at the end of the book for students reference
              • Reading list at the end of the book for further studies
              • Summary at the end of the chapter for reinforcement
              • Questions at the end of each chapter for additional practice
              • Glossary at the end of the book to help student comprehension
              • Index at the end of the book for students reference
              • Reading list at the end of the book for further studies
              • Chapter outlines to give an overview of the chapter
              • Modular questions to test a students’ understanding
              • The language used is lucid and can be easily understood by the students.
              • Maps have been provided wherever required.
              • Answers to the questions are to the point covering all the major arguments.
              • The book strictly adheres to the syllabus of semester I of B.A. Programme course.
              • Sources have been mentioned in details including the recent archaeological findings.
              • The language is easy and simple.
              • The answers are to the point covering all the aspects of the question.
              • The book sticks to the semester-I course designed by Delhi University for B.A. Honours.
              • Recent researches have been included.
              • The language is easy and simple.
              • The answers are to the point covering all the aspects of the question.
              • The book sticks to the semester-I course designed by Delhi University for B.A. Programme (History).
              • Recent researches have been included.
              • A roadmap gives the location of each topic of the syllabus within the book
              • Includes exercises—with hints and solutions—at the end of each chapter
              • Seven university question papers appended at the end of the book
              • Important symbols and formulae have been collected at the beginning of the book for ready reference
              • More than 470 solved problems and 268 practice exercises
              About the Authors
              Babu Ram is currently the director of the MCA programme at Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad. Prior to this, he was a professor of mathematics and the dean of the faculty of physical sciences at Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak. He is a member of the Indian Mathematical Society and the American Mathematical Society. On the board of reviewers of both American Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete, he has over 42 research papers on real and functional analysis in reputed international journals to his credit.
              Vijay Gupta is Associate Professor in Department of Applied Mathematics in University Institute of Technology (UIT-RGPV), Bhopal.Features
              • Detailed coverage of integration in series
              • In-depth coverage of differential equations of first order and first degree and linear equations with constant coefficients
              • Focus on application-oriented concepts and problems
              • Extensive coverage of Fourier integral transforms and partial differential equations.>/ul>Features
                • Chapter objectives and an introduction at the beginning of all chapters allow students to clearly understand their learning goals.
                • Summary, review questions and critical appraisal at the end of every chapter, for the purpose of reinforcing what is learnt in the chapter.
                • An extensive list of recommended readings given at the end of the book.
                • A glossary of difficult words to aid students’ understanding.
                • Learning outcomes at the beginning of each chapter
                • Summary at the end of every chapter, for the purpose of reinforcing what is learnt in the chapter.
                • Several tables and examples to make each topic more comprehensible
                • An extensive list of recommended readings given at the end of the book.
                • A glossary of difficult words to aid students’ understanding.
                • Model test papers for each topic
                • Model answers have been provided for every question, separately
                • Comprehensive examination of the topic on energy
                • A separate chapter on vector algebra
                • A separate chapter on vibrations
                • Numerous application based problems
                A complete tutorial on building e-commerce Websites with PHP and MySQL.
                • Written by renowned best-selling author and programmer Larry Ullman
                • Complete PHP and MySQL e-commerce tutorial that walks a reader through every step of building an e-commerce site
                • Unique in its approach, this rock-solid tutorial is clear, concise, and to-the-point
                • Summary at the end of the chapter for reinforcement
                • Questions at the end of each chapter for additional practice
                • Glossary at the end of the book to help student comprehension
                • Index at the end of the book for students reference
                • Reading list at the end of the book for further studies
                • Chapter objectives and an introduction at the beginning of all chapters allow students to clearly understand their learning goals.
                • Summary, review questions and critical appraisal at the end of every chapter, for the purpose of reinforcing what is learnt in the chapter.
                • An extensive list of recommended readings given at the end of the book.
                • A glossary of difficult words to aid students’ understanding.
                    • Chapter outlines to give an overview of the chapter
                    • Modular questions to test a students’ understanding
                    • This book fully covers the UT University syllabus and the content is structured as per the syllabus topics.
                    • Concepts are explained with the help of numerous examples.
                    • Important topics from exam point of view are highlighted.
                    • Solved University question paper is also provided.
                    • Self-explanatory illustrations
                    • A Quizmaster with answer keys for self-assessment
                    • Three-stage Action Points for self-improvement
                    • List of recommended readings on the topic
                    • Food for Thought at the end of the chapter
                    • Makes the student understand the paper and syllabus
                    • Exclusive chapter on decision-making
                    • All topics of paper 2 covered
                    • Chapter-end exercises
                    • Mock tests with solutions provided
                    • Simple and easy to understand writing style enables the students to grasp the concept easily.
                    • Replete with examples that give deep insights into the topics discussed in each unit.
                    • A large number of diagrams, equations and case studies
                    • Comprehensive coverage of the required syllabus
                    About the Authors
                    Dr. P. N. Palanisamy is the Professor & Head, Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode. He obtained his B.Sc Degree from Gandhigram Rural University and M.Sc Organic Chemistry from Annamalai University. He obtained his Ph.D from Annamalai University during May 1996 in the field of Catalysis P. Manikandan is working as an Assistant Professor(SG) in the Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode. He has 14 years of teaching experience. A. Geetha is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode. She has published 6 research papers in international journals and also presented many papers in national and international conferences K. Manjula Rani is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode. She has 15 years of experience in academics. At present, she is pursuing research in the field of pollution abatement using Nanomaterials.Features
                    The #1 hands-on SAP tutorial for beginners: now fully updated and 100% refocused on two key audiences: business users and IT professionals
                    • Now easier to read and more useful, with more actionable guidance, better screenshots, and better foundational material for beginners
                    • Reflects new SAP technologies and roadmaps, including SAP in the cloud
                    • Covers the full lifecycle: project management, installation, administration, usage - even SAP careers
                    • Step-by-step instructions, case studies, exercises, and tips
                    1. Lab A: Researching Network Attacks and Security Audit Tools
                    2. Lab A: Securing the Router for Administrative Access
                    3. Lab A" Securing Administrative Access Using AAA and RADIUS
                    4. Lab A: Configuring CBAC and Zone-Based Firewalls
                    5. Lab A: Configuring an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Using the CLI and SDM
                    6. Lab A: Securing Layer 2 Switches
                    7. Lab A: Exploring Encryption Methods
                    8. Lab A: Configuring a Site-to-Site VPN Using Cisco IOS and SDM
                    1. Lab B: Configuring a Remote Access VPN Server and Client
                    1. Lab C (Optional): Configuring a Remote Access VPN Server and Client
                    2. Lab A: Security Policy Development and Implementation
                    • A tutorial, reference guide, and textbook rolled into one: learn to write elegant cross-platform GUI applications that maximize code reuse
                    • Thoroughly updated to teach more design patterns and highly-efficient new techniques based on new Nokia Qt 4.7/4.6 classes
                    • Assumes no prior knowledge of C, C++, or objects: teaches best practices "from the ground up"
                    New edition of the best selling comprehensive reference to the power and depth of the Ruby on Rails framework, updated for Rails 3.
                    • The author is a widely recognized leader in the Rails and agile communities, he writes a very influential blog, and he founded the agile consulting firm Hashrocket.
                    • This book helps the reader extend Rails to meet the particular needs of his or her development environment, from startups to large enterprises
                    • First edition was a best seller and Jolt award winner
                    The highly-anticipated update to this classic book - now fully reflects today's most powerful idioms and adds nine new chapters!
                    • Packed with carefully-explained examples that show how to write Perl code like the experts do -- and why
                    • New chapters on CPAN, databases, debugging, distributions, external processes, files, production Perl, testing, and Unicode
                    • Follows Scott Meyers' best-selling Effective C format
                    • An indispensable resource for every experienced Perl programmer
                    About the Authors
                    Joseph N. Hall has programmed for a living since 1984, taught his first computer class at age fourteen, and has worked with Perl since 1993. Joshua A. McAdams, a programmer at Google, is the voice of Perlcast. He has hosted two Perl conferences, conducts meetings for Chicago Perl Mongers, has spoken about Perl at events worldwide, and is a CPAN author. Brian D Foy is coauthor of Learning Perl, Fifth Edition (O’Reilly Media, 2008), and Intermediate Perl (O’Reilly Media, 2006), and author of Mastering Perl (O’Reilly Media, 2007). He established the first Perl user group, the New York Perl Mongers; publishes The Perl Review; maintains parts of the core Perl documentation; and has more than ten years of Perl training experience.Features
                    The ONLY complete, up-to-date guide to all aspects of Java performance on multicore systems
                    • The first one-stop guide to identifying, isolating, and fixing Java performance issues on multicore and multiprocessor processor platforms - from three of Sun's leading Java performance experts
                    • Includes crucial new insights into microbenchmarking found nowhere else
                    • Contains up-to-the-minute coverage of Java 6 optimization, including migration of older applications
                    About the Authors
                    Charlie Hunt is the JVM performance lead engineer at Oracle. He is responsible for improving the performance of the HotSpot JVM and Java SE class libraries. He has also been involved in improving the performance of the Oracle GlassFish and Oracle WebLogic Server. A regular JavaOne speaker on Java performance, he also coauthored NetBeans™ IDE Field Guide (Prentice Hall, 2005). Binu John is a senior performance engineer at Ning, Inc., where he focuses on improving the performance and scalability of the Ning platform to support millions of page views per month. Before that, he spent more than a decade working on Java-related performance issues at Sun Microsystems, where he served on Sun’s Enterprise Java Performance team. John has contributed to developing industry standard benchmarks such as SPECjms2007 and SPECJAppServer2010; published several performance whitepapers; and contributed to java.net’s XMLTest and WSTest benchmark projects.Features
                    1. The definitive Fedora and Red Hat resource for users, admins, and programmers at all levels of experience
                    2. Covers command line, GUIs, servers, security, scripting, administration, and much more
                    3. Expanded security coverage
                    4. New indexing system helps readers find answers even faster
                    5. DVD contains the new Fedora Core 15 distribution
                    6. Adding a college-style pedagogy, including Learning Objectives, Key Concepts, Labs, and End-of-Chapter Summaries.
                    7. There will be a comprehensive Instructor's Manual for course use.
                    The practical AJAX application book from an open source perspective
                    • Uses a building-block approach that adds more complex techniqes as readers advance, teaching them how to create Rich Internet Applications
                    • Also covers Ruby on Rails and other different combinations for AJAX development
                    • Presents AJAX design patterns, use cases, and frameworks
                    • Part of the successful Bruce Perens Open Source Series

                    Table of Contents:
                    1. Types of Web Pages
                    2. Introducing Ajax
                    3. HTML/XHTML
                    4. JavaScript
                    5. Ajax Using HTML and JavaScript
                    6. XML
                    7. XMLHttpRequest
                    8. Ajax Using XML and XMLHttpRequest
                    9. XPath
                    10. XSLT
                    11. Ajax Using XSLT
                    12. Better Living Through Code Reuse
                    13. Traveling with Ruby on Rails
                    14. Traveling Farther with Ruby
                    15. The Essential Cross-Browser HTML DOM
                    16. Other Items of Interest

Best Sellers

Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9788131774281
  • Binding: Paperback
  • No of Pages: 408
  • ISBN-10: 8131774287
  • Edition: 1
  • Weight: 536 gr

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