About the Book
After the Orange? In this collection, a group of writers imagines the future by the time the alt-right and the current administration are no longer in charge, say 20 years or more into the future. Of course, science fiction writers have always tried to envision the future, but at this time, a lot of us don't like the picture we have to extrapolate from. Hard-won protections are being stripped away, putting the planet at risk as the US pulls its head in (while its leader shoots his mouth off) like a big old isolationist tortoise. Cruelty against immigrants (even those who have lived here since babyhood) is condoned, the Statue of Liberty's invitation is rescinded, and people are returned to their own countries to be murdered even though through heroic effort they finally made it to what used to be a safe place. The writers in this collection present a variety of stories, be it Brenda Coopers instant classic, Maybe the Monarchs, or John A. Pitts tension filled, The Last Flight of Captain Kittredge, there is a story here that will lay out the future with sometimes hope, sometimes despair, but always with the thought and excellent writing expected of professionals.
About the Author: Sara Codair, the cover artist, has a debut novel Power Surge, coming out on October 1, 2018. Elizabeth Ann Scarborough has won the Nebula, SFWA's highest award, and writes about Fairy Godmonthers, William Burns is a computer consultant, K.G. Anderson is a journalist, Laura Staley likes to read, Marcelle Thiébaux is an award winning writer, Samantha Weiss loves weaving historical architecture into her work, Darren Todd is a freelance editor, Paula Hammond prowls London, Chris Bullard has a B.A in English, J.G. Follansbee writes of climate change, Kara Dalkey has written 15 novels, Frog and Esther Jones are a writing team from the woods of the Olympic Pennensula, Edd Vick likes Coke Zero, Yong Takahashi is an award winning writer, Elana Gomel is an Associate Professor at the Department of English and American Studies at Tel-Aviv University, Ben Howels is a speculative fiction and thriller writer hailing from Devon, England, Hannah Trusty works by day as a project manager while working towards dual degrees in Journalism and English and plays roller derby, Mike Adamson holds a PhD in archaeology, John A. Pitts learned to love science fiction at the knee of his grandmother, listening to her read authors like Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard during his childhood in Kentucky, Janka Hobbs lives in the Puget Sound lowlands, where she studies Aikido and Botany, Charles Joseph Albert is a writer of poetry and fiction living in San Jose, California, where he works as a metallurgist, Kevin David Anderson's debut novel, Night of the Living Trekkies, earned positive reviews in the L.A.Times, Brenda Cooper is a writer, a futurist, a wonderful human being, and a technology professional. She often writes about technology and the environment, Andrea Lopez is a Full Sail University Creative Writing Graduate, BoBalder is the first Dutch author to have been published in F&SF and Clarkesworld. Su J. Sokol is a social rights activist and a writer of speculative, liminal, and interstitial fiction, Russell Hemmell is a statistician and social scientist from Scotland, Bruce Taylor, known as Mr. Magic Realism, was born in 1947 in Seattle, Washington, where he currently lives, Shelby Workman lives in New Mexico with her family and the world's cutest dog, Manny Frishberg, the editor, was born just south of New York City and has made his home on the West Coast for over 40 years.