"how can you know that I have told lies?"
از کجا میدانی که دروغ گفتم؟
"Lies, my dear boy, are found out immediately"
"دروغ، پسر عزیزم، بلافاصله کشف می شود"
"in this world there are two sorts of lies"
"در این دنیا دو نوع دروغ وجود دارد"
"There are lies that have short legs"
دروغهایی وجود دارند که پاهای کوتاهی دارند.
"and there are lies that have long noses"
"و دروغهایی هست که دماغشان دراز است"
"Your lie is one of those that has a long nose"
"دروغ تو یکی از اون دروغ هاییه که دماغش درازه"
Pinocchio did not know where to hide himself
پینوکیو نمیدانست کجا پنهان شود
he was ashamed of his lies being discovered
از اینکه دروغهایش را میفشرد خجالت میکشید.
he tried to run out of the room
سعی کرد از اتاق بیرون برود
but he did not succeed at escaping
اما موفق به فرار نشد
his nose had gotten too long to escape
دماغش به قدری دراز شده بود که نمیتوانست از ان بگریزد.
and he could no longer pass through the door
و دیگر نمیتوانست از در عبور کند