About the Book
From childhood to adulthood. through adolescence, discovery, learning, loving, traveling suffering and joy for life, (lots of joy). In pursuit of wisdom, freedom, and love.This boy didn't let any aspect of human's life unexplored. From the heavenly Better Men Village through the surprising Land Of Fools, the inspiring Land Of Wisdom, The absurd Land of Mysteries, followed by the adventurous, (pure action at it's best) Through the Land Warriors, to the fictitious Land Of Liars, the dark and dangerous Land Of Truth, into the self immersive beautiful touching Nobody' s land. To the end of the story, passing by the always exciting, thoughtful, inebriating. intoxicating, energy burning, Land Of Women. A journey that completed (almost) our hero Kraedo from a child into an adult. Making him stronger, wiser, self-conscious and responsible and ready for the last phases of the journey to his final destination, The Land Of Freedom. Not avoiding the passage through the land of spies and thefts, just before walking the wolves Causeway. This story templates all aspects of human's life from family warmth to curiosity, Adolescent love, ingenuous irresponsibility, and punishment. Discovery, travel, mystery, captivity, escapes, battles, Lies, truth and deceit, social hypocrisy, dangers and survival, tragedy, reunions, rebellion, and revolutions, wisdom, guilt, and redemption, remorse and forgiveness, love, lots of love, tonnes of love, love on every page and sex, (but sex only in The Land Of women). Tears, lakes of tears and pools of blood. Fears, and reassurance, tranquillity, laughter and trouble, freedom and liberty. And joy for life, infinite joy for life, contagious joy immense joy oceans of joy under infinite starry skies pregnant with joy. And did I say joy? OH BOY! WHAT AN EVENTFUL JOURNEY THAT WAS. Please note: As a bonus at the end of the book, I placed the most significative of my poems, composed between 1996 and 2005. They will be implemented into the next book ( The Stray Spirits Book Two) to complete the story. One of them, (the little novel FREEMAN, is already incorporated on this book at the end of the last chapter to complete the story.