The initial idea for this series was conceived as an additional activity of the ASME's Computers
& Information in Engineering (CIE) Division to promote the interests of the division and increase
its outreach. Members of the executive committee of the CIE Division discussed the preparation of
this book series four years ago before the 30th CIE conference held in 2010 in Montreal, Quebec
Canada. The decision was made to move forward before the subsequent 31st CIE conference held
in Washington DC, USA in 2011.
In particular, this book series aims to capture advances in computers and information in engineering
research, especially by researchers and members of the CIE Division.
The intended audience is primarily the academic, governmental and industrial mechanical engineering
and computational science communities interested in recent research advances as they
relate to computational and information technologies associated with engineering design, along
with product and process development. The series will focus on advances in computational methods,
algorithms, tools, and processes on the cutting edge of research and development as they have
been reported during the last five annual CIE conferences. The series will provide a resource for
enhancing engineering practice by enabling the understanding and the application of evolving and
emerging technologies that impact critical engineering issues