Irish Dancers are a unique breed. Even at the most elite levels, they are involved students at school, accomplished musicians, leaders, community volunteers and exceptional athletes. It is very important for them to understand how much time they are devoting to their many activities, and how much time they are devoting to honing their craft of Irish Dance. Organized by month of the calendar year, this journal allows dancers to track the time they have spent practicing, pursuing their goals, their accomplishments, and their Feis results and goals. Dancers are encouraged to share this journal with their teacher, to document their progress and to review their growth as an Irish Dancer throughout the year.
Written by a certified Irish Dance teacher and adjudicator, the author began her Irish Dance studies in 1969 with one of the most pre-eminent figures in Irish Dance in the United States, and continued to study with him until the early 1980's. As an adult dancer, she's juggled graduate school, bills, dating, a wedding, marriage, parenting, certifications, teaching, and life while keeping her own dance career on track. Writing it all down helped her stay sane, and it can help you, too!
About the Author: A certified Irish Dance teacher and adjudicator, Sharon Flynn Stidham holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Master's Degree in Business Administration. In addition to her Irish Dance pursuits, she is a college professor, a certified Secondary teacher of Mathematics, and an artist.
Their two children are both college students, and her long-suffering husband reluctantly shares her with her many pursuits, their children, a dog and two cats. His revenge is to drag her around the world, seeing sites and relaxing despite her protests.