A lot of friends? Too much information to remember such as names, phone numbers, addresses, birthdays, or the most important days ?! No more forgotten birthdays or whatever!
♥Be relaxed and organize all your information in this practical notebook with a premium design and great quality.
★ A special notebook to enter all the names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, emails, and other important information about your friends and family. So when you need information you have everything at your fingertips.
★ Any information is in its place, so you don't need to try to remember where you wrote this information! There is an alphabetic tab printed on each page, so you can directly dissect what you need.
Great as a gift for everyone, and why not maybe for someone you don't want to forget your most important days!
★ The features:
✔ 114 total page with a unique design
✔ 3 pages for each letter with a beautiful and special floral letter illustration at the beginning, which you can color to relax;
★It is not everything more at the end of the book you will find pages on purpose to write down all the birthdays.
✔ Take it anywhere, perfect and comfortable size 6 "x 9",