Adderall Addiction (2nd Ed.) (c) is a non-fictional, personal story of a former stimulant addict. The emotion the author brings helps provide the audience a better understanding of how these types of specific addictions affect individuals. Cocaine, Meth, Adderall, Vyvanse, Ritalin, etc... has addictive properties oftentimes causing people to become harmfully addicted. Many people don't seem to understand the hardships associated with stimulant addiction. This persuaded Gregg to begin writing about his past addictions in 2017.
When did the addiction begin?
It began with his ADHD diagnosis in 2015. The psychiatrist was easily persuaded to prescribe 20mg Adderall (instant tablets) two times daily. The prescribed medication eventually caused him to become addicted leading to the abuse of marijuana. Marijuana allowed Gregg to abuse Adderall with less side effects caused from stimulant use. By itself, marijuana may not be harmful. When combined with drugs it can be near deadly. Inside the text describes the life of a stimulant addict who became addicted to marijunana abuse to cope with his ADHD medication symptoms.
Why should people be concerned about stimulant addiction?
If you are familiar with addiction, you know the day-to-day mental frustration of finding a fix. Two stereotypical classes of drugs causing addiction exists. They are known as "uppers," and "downers." Downers consist of any Benzo, Painkiller, and includes Heroin. Often Times those drugs take precedence over "uppers," because they statistically cause more fatalities per year. That's a true fact. However, people struggle with stimulant addiction daily. The author hopes to bring awareness towards this central issue and provide a personal account of how an individuals life can become ruined through stimulant drug abuse.
Who should read this book?
Familiarizing yourself with addiction in today's era is never a bad thing. However, the author designed the material inside most importantly for the following individuals. The content is descriptive at times in which the author kindly asks for those under the age of 16 avoid reading this. You should read this if any of the following pertains to your life...
- Families struggling to understand their kids drug tendencies
- First-time college or university students
- Current Addicts
- Former Addicts
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Psychologists & Psychiatrists
Gregg is a writer for Dementia Publishing Records (c) whose primary focus is to promote the awareness of prions. Prions are the latest identified infectious agent. Recently they have caused political dispute in the field of neurodegenerative disease. He also has several different publications on mental illness. Recently, in 2020, following the #ENDSARS campaign, he teamed up with a Nigerian writer to help promote the necessary awareness of unfortunate world-wide law enforcement brutality.