About the Book
Series Editors' Foreword
Foreword by David Hung, Kenneth Y. T. Lim, and Shu-Shing Lee
Section 1: Adaptivities at the Learner/Student Scale
Chapter 1: An Epistemic Shift: A Literacy of Adaptivity as Critical for 21st Century Learning
David Hung, Kenneth Y. T. Lim and Azilawati Jamaludin Chapter 2: Learner Adaptivity: An Initial Conceptualisation
Elizabeth Koh, Helen Hong and Jimmy Seah
Chapter 3: Pedagogies of Connected Learning: Adapting Education into the 21st Century
Kristiina Kumpulainen
Chapter 4: Learning Adaptivity across Contexts
Shu-Shing Lee, David Hung, Kenneth Y. T. Lim and Imran Shaari
Chapter 5: The Six Learnings Framework: Exploring the Dialectics of Intuition and Adaptivity in Citizenship Education
Kenneth Y. T. Lim and Matthew Y. C. Ong
Chapter 6: Self-Social Regulation in World of Warcraft: Dialectics of Adaptivity
Azilawati Jamaludin
Chapter 7: Developing a Habitude: When Learning Isn't Always Fun
David Hung, Imran Shaari, Daphnee Lee, and Shu-Shing Lee
Section 2: Adaptivities at the School and District Scale
Chapter 8: School Leaders and Learning Cultures in School: The Case for Intelligent Leadership
Harry Daniels and Anne Edwards Chapter 9: Adaptivity as a Transformative Disposition of Schools for Student Learning in the 21st Century
Bill Mulford
Chapter 10: Adaptivities in Teacher Learning within the Context of Communities of Practice: A School District's Learning Journey
David Hung, Shu-Shing Lee, and Swathi Vishnumahanti
Chapter 11: Creativity and Adaptivity in Arts: The Nexus and Affordances
Liang See Tan and Letchmi Devi Ponnusamy
Section 3: Adaptivities at the Systems Scale
Chapter 12: Teachers as Active Contributors in Quality of Education: A Special Reference to the Finnish Context
Hannele Niemi
Chapter 13: Fostering Adaptivity through Systemic Reform: Transforming Education through the Framework of Preparing Student Abilities and Competencies through Education in Singapore (PACES)
Horn Mun Cheah and Kenneth Y. T. Lim
Chapter 14: Evolvement of Low-achievement Policy in Singapore's Highly Adaptable Education System
Siao See Teng, Li-Yi Wang, and Ching Leen Chiam
Chapter 15: Adaptivities in the Singapore Education System: From Great to Excellent
David Hung, Shu-Shing Lee, and Kenneth Y. T. Lim
Chapter 16: Ecological Perspective on Scaling: Balancing Structural and Individual Adaptivities
David Hung, Shu-Shing Lee, Laik Woon Teh, Yew Meng Kwan, Swathi Vishnumahanti, and Ambar Widiastuti
Conclusion: Diffusing Adaptivities through Micro-cultures of 21st Century Learning Practices and Teacher Professionalism
David Hung, Kenneth Y. T. Lim, and Shu-Shing Lee