About the Book
ActiveTeach Longman History and Civics for ICSE Classes 6 - 8 is a comprehensive study of history and civics. The aim isto make the learning of the historical and political concepts an enjoyable experience. The pedagogical emphasis lies inpromoting the learning of the subject, as well as facilitating a clear understanding of the events that shaped the historyof India and the rest of the world. Civics, usually regarded as a dry, uninteresting subject, is freed from the shackles oflifeless codes. The content has been specially designed to relate its importance to our everyday life.The content has been presented in an easy-to-understand and comprehensive manner to move beyond the mere narrationof facts and figures. The aim is to make the study of these subjects interesting and interactive.Features? The AT platform runs on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.? Easy navigation buttons help to move quickly through one part of the digital content to another? The tabs indicate what lies embedded in the ActiveTeach digital books? Active widgets include Timeline, Spin the wheel, Mnemonics, Mind maps, Map work and Our India? Dynamic question zone helps generate complete question papers for various assessments? Assets include chapter objectives, lesson plan, worksheets, animations, videos, video worksheets, interactive activities, zoom images, practical application, hear concept, games and answer keyTable of Contents HistoryTheme 1: A Period of Transition1. A Period of TransitionTheme 2: The Growth of Nationalism2. The Age of Revolutions3. The American Civil War4. Nationalism in EuropeTheme 3: India in the Eighteenth Century5. The Decline of the Mughal Empire6. The Rise of Autonomous Regional KingdomsTheme 4: Traders to Rulers7. Anglo-French Rivalry in the Carnatic8. The Conquest of Bengal9. Expansion of the British RuleTheme 5: British Policies and Impact10. Impact of the British RuleTheme 6: The Great Uprising of 185711. The Revolt of 1857Theme 7: Socio-Religious Reforms12. Social and Religious ReformsTheme 8: India?s Struggle for Freedom13. The Rise of Indian Nationalism14. Indian National Movement (1885-1918)15. Indian National Movement (1919-1947)CivicsTheme 1: Three Main Organs of the Indian Government: Legislature,Executive, Judiciary1. The Legislature and the Executive2. The JudiciaryTheme 2: United Nations3. The United Nations Organisation4. Specialised Agencies of the UNProject Work About the Author Jasmine, Dhillon, is, a, TGT, in, Social, Science, at, Rukmini, Devi, Public, School,, in, Pitampura,, Delhi., She, has, been, teaching, social,science, for, a, decade.,Vipul, Singh, is, an, Associate, Professor, of, History, at, the, University, of, Delhi., He, has, also, been, actively, involved, in, curriculum,development, and, planning, at, the, secondary, and, senior, secondary, level.