About the Book
It is neither a thesis, nor it is a novel, Not it is a fantasy, not even a fairy tale. With an event of mass disobedience we start, No shot is fired, no one is physically hurt. On a sunny day, at every airport of the world, People queue up for check-in with no visa in hand. One and all, in all the classes - economy, first or business, No one had a visa; world citizenship each like to harness. No international flight takes off From Wellington, where the day starts; From other airports of New Zealand too, No other plane departs. Nowhere in the world, from any airport, Took off any International flight. Following day was no different, And the following night. All airlines give up, No end of the tunnel, no ushering light. The main suspect behind these events was John. John's identity is however very clear; To all passengers he is very dear. For questioning his role in mass disobedience, Arrested was John, and served punishing sentence. He was punished to undergo forensic probes, For extracting his memoir and his hopes, To get the events that led him to his roles, To his visions to cross boundary ropes. In this book, we have stories of a few people in three different worlds; some of these stories are sexually sensitive; guidance of mature adults might be needed in comprehending them; in a few so called obscene scenes we would perceive natural beauty as well as ugliness without any cover-up; real life stories are not any different. Characters in this book are all very common men and women; none of them might have done any exemplary work to make this world a bit different, none of them might have made any great sacrifice for the people they loved, nor could anyone kill and rob others to amass wealth for his or her own use. They all lived by the rules and regulations of the world they lived in, they all responded to the opportunities and threats of their land. They all wanted to be loved by someone; they were all looking for someone they could love. In some world, they could not live if not loved by at least a few; life had no meaning without love. In another world, love was not a necessity, life had lots to offer even when you could not win the scarce love. People are made to be loved and things are made to be used; but more often things are loved and people are used. One motivation for writing this novel is telling the stories, which most people are not prepared to listen. They are brainwashed and consider it would be a sin if they listen to these stories. I no longer believe in God; I believe people around me can do much more for me than God could; we can't do without the help from the people whichever world we might live in. When someone says, 'I shall pray to God for you', often it is meant, - 'We have given up on you, hopeless fellow!' The three worlds, we would talk about here, are really not on different planets. A country in a particular decade could be a world different from the same country in another decade. In the same decade, a country in the developed world could be a world different from another country in the developing world. The same country in the same decade could move into a different world, if we could change rules and regulations - opportunities and threats that govern the country. Here the first world is the world where a common man John started his journey of life, where rules and rigours restricted his natural development. Next he migrated to his second world where some of the sacred believes, he cherished in his heart were not much relevant; he challenged the rules and rigours imposed on him in the previous world, some rules imposed by his own believes. From here he envisaged his third world, the world which spans over the physical world and beyond, the world where all countries merge into One World that does not restrict any of her citizens by rules that restrict their natural development.
About the Author: Collateral is an entity of one planet; phe is a person of no known gender. We don't have a pronoun in our grammar to suit Collateral's gender. We can't use 'he' or 'she', so we shall use the pronoun 'phe'; objective case of 'phe' is 'phim'; 'phes' means - of or relating to phim, especially as possessor. Collateral wanted to know about the world, especially about the people living on the world. Phe doesn't understand the languages, the religions, the rules and regulations of this world. It is a daunting task to know about so many people living on this world, so phe probed into the brain of one citizen of the world to extract the memoirs of his life. This citizen of the world is John George; this book is about how John led his life in this world with some more people of this world. Please excuse Collateral for phes lack of knowledge about the languages, the religions, the rules and regulations of this world. Phe doesn't know what we call obscene or illegal. Please listen to phim and check if phe makes any sense to you. In this book, Collateral has compiled the findings of forensic probes into John's brain. John is arrested for questioning on his role in mass disobedience of visa regulations all over the world. Forensic sciences and technologies are very advanced now-a-days. John, though arrested for instigating terrorist activities, has not been subjected to any third degree torture; instead forensic probes have been deployed to extract John's memoirs to find out how John lived his life and developed the vision of moving across all boundaries in life. Forensic probes discover many voices, pictures and videos from John's memory - conscious, subconscious and even unconscious. In the next few chapters, Collateral put some structure to the probe findings - identified each chapter with a picture, narrated the videos in words and voices in form of poems. Collateral was not sure whether or not any of the events, recorded in John's memory did really take place; still they resemble real life stories.