Have you thought about what you want to be doing in five years' time? Are you clear about what your main objective at work is at the moment? Do you know what you want to have achieved by the end of today?
If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals, you lack focus and direction. Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life's direction; it also provides you a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding. Think about it: having a million dollars in the bank is only proof of success if one of your goals is to amass riches. If your goal is to practice acts of charity, then keeping the money for yourself is suddenly contrary to how you would define success.
What matters most to you? What keeps you from living a life of joy and purpose?
In this unique narrative of life-changing conversations, This book offers an authentic framework for overcoming the distractions of life to rediscover what you really, really want.
THe author draws on the proven ideas and practices from the world of coaching to create a highly original and insightful book that will teach you how to discover your purpose, pursue your dreams, and achieve your goals.
You are invited into the story of two individuals who seek the help of a coach to find answers to life's challenges. Their stories illuminate a path that you can follow to answer these questions:
How do I overcome my tendency to procrastinate?
What does it take to learn to say no graciously and with confidence?
How can I move beyond my fear of failure and start pursuing my dreams?
What can I do to be more focused and less distracted?
...and many more.
Along the way, readers will be inspired and encouraged to explore their full potential and turn ideas into simple steps that can be easily applied to daily life and work. This book unpacks and explores the limiting beliefs that often hold us back from living joyfully, and purposefully, and reveals the practical strategies that help us move beyond ambivalence and mediocrity.
Buy this book now.