About the Book
We are faced with a Universe that is atomically integrated, and interwoven, going through un-interrupted evolutionary changes, with human beings and other biological beings as inseparable integral parts. The incredibly unexplainable miracle of the Universe is that it is law-governed, acting as if it were moving completely in accordance with a conscious design. This is a contentious argument that is undeniable by believers, non-believers, and agnostics as well. There is nothing about the Universe that is acting chaotically. We could literally refers to millions of things that we encounter on a daily basis, and we could see that each unfolds according to a relatively regular pattern. Einstein believed that " God does not play dice with the Universe" Laws of the Universe are the secrets of the Universe that have to be discovered, regardless of how they came about, and what philosophical preferences we may hold. The resolution of practical problems, related to everything we do in life, will force us to go through the trouble of discovering these laws. All governments, with different religious orientations, possessing nuclear bombs, had to go through discovering the laws of atomic structures to do it. There are no Christian, Jewish, Islamic nuclear bombs, All bombs are non-religious, made out of the secrets of the Universe. There is no other way. Each science studies certain features or behavior of the Universe. But, it is the human beings, completely atomically integrated, and interwoven with nature, who are attempting to discover these behaviors, and laws. It makes it difficult because, the so-called investigators are inseparable parts of the processes themselves. Nothing in the Universe, beginning with the sub-atomic particles, through the stars, and Planets, can live by itself, for itself, and of itself, including human beings, because of Universal inter-atomic integration. So, how can an entity, machine, or a conscious biological human being, study other entities, or biological beings, in insolation, while itself is an atomic integrant of the entity being studied, and atomically influencing, even modifying the results of the investigation. Theories of knowledge, or epistemology study the relationship between man and nature, while he tries to understand the Universe. Concerning the importance of theory of knowledge, Einstein believed: " I can say with great certainty, that the ablest students, whom I met as a teacher, were deeply interested in theory of knowledge, scientific philosophy. I mean by " ablest students", those who excelled not only in skill, but independence of judgment...". Dialectical materialism has the most fascinating explanation of what this relationship entails. Fredrick Engels, and Validimir Lenin have two different views on epistemology, and I have, in this book, demonstrated that very delicate and distinctive difference, between the two, even though some of their followers believe that the two intellectual giants of the Left completely concur on the issue. They talk about the relationship of man to nature in acquiring knowledge, and what constitutes knowledge and truths, and are there any " absolute truths" in nature, and are they attainable? Can the investigator atomically influence, or even modify the outcome of what is being studied? or is the man only functioning like a camera, taking pictures of the Universe, without ever influencing it as Lenin believed. It is intellectually very disturbing that too many people in this country are completely unaware of it, unless they are educated on scientific philosophy. I spent my entire adult life dealing with this seemingly simple, but yet profound issue, which no serious scientist can afford to ignore, and no meaningful scientific study could be performed. I made a comparative analysis between Engles' s and Lenin's theory of knowledge, and a critique of Lenin's theory of knowledge, some forty years ago when I was a student at L. A Cal State Universi