About the Book
★★★★★ "It's changed my life for the better and I'd recommend it more than any other book or product. I didn't know books or journals could even have this much of an impact on one's life. If you're considering purchasing, make the jump, it's worth much more than its price point."
Hope J., Verified Purchaser
Written by Self Love Philosopher and founder of global Self Love Movement Fred and Far, The ABCs of Self Love is designed to answer the questions: what is self love, and how do I love myself?
In this "class on self love," Melody takes the traditional idea of an ABCs book and applies it to self love, where each letter of the alphabet represents a different tenet of self love, including authenticity, boundaries, forgiveness, gratitude, manifestation, rest, surrender, vulnerability and trust. Through a unique style that incorporates poetry, memoir and self-love journal exercises that transform abstract concepts into concrete actions, Melody empowers the reader to finally understand self love and self care and practice them daily in simple, yet meaningful ways. An intentionally concise read, each of this self-love workbook's 100 pages packs a heartfelt punch. Whether you do one chapter a day, or ready the entire book at once, it will leave you feeling uplifted, understood, and energized to reclaim your joy. Unlike other self help books that are dense, difficult to read and impossible to implement, The ABCs of Self Love is clear, intuitive and actionable. It speaks not just to your mind, but to your heart and soul. The ABCs of Self Love provides much-needed guidance for women who are ready to shed the weight of shame, guilt, regret, fear and self-doubt and feel the lightness of being and loving their true selves.
"So many years of education, yet nobody taught us how to love ourselves and why it's so important." That stops now. Join the thousands of women around the world who make up Melody's Self Love Movement, Fred and Far, on Instagram @fredandfar and at www.fredandfar.com.
Make sure to also check out Melody's latest book, Self Love Poetry for Thinkers and Feelers, an Amazon October 2020 top new release and #1 bestseller.
Excerpts from The ABCs of Self Love E: Emotional Empowerment
"All the ways we try to avoid our pain when the only way through is to feel it."
Two of the phrases we hear most often as babies and children are, "Don't cry" and "You're okay." And so, we're raised to believe that painful feelings shouldn't be expressed or felt. We all know what follows- a lifetime of buried feelings like shame, guilt, pain, anger, frustration and sadness- that isolate and debilitate us. Instead of feeling our "unapproved" feelings and allowing them to show us the root causes of our discomfort, we do everything we can to avoid them. We carry them around like our shadows.
Emotional empowerment is about feeling all of our emotions and inviting them to transform our lives. It is about practicing complete self-acceptance so that no feeling is off limits. Once we feel what needs to be felt, we can decide how we want to think and act next. Think of your feelings as a teacher instead of a burden, and let feeling everything become as natural as breathing. Because once you feel, you can explore, release and move on, and motion is the root of life, growth, and of course, self-love.
Spend the day feeling your feelings and getting curious about them. As emotions come up, create space for them (instead of burying or judging them), and then ask yourself, "How come?" Follow the "how comes" until you get to the root issue, and then see if there's anything you can do to change it. If not, see how you can shift your perspective to create peace of mind and acceptance.