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This book is a guide to help your customer identify where they are weak when they want to be strong and the main reasons women feel that they cannot be their true selves. The book includes some of the following topics for them to empower their true self and their voice:
◆ What the power of the self really is
◆ The difference between good and bad self-esteem and how to rebuild it when it is low
◆ The issues of control and how to let go of it to make room for bigger and better possibilities
◆ The great truth that the world owes you nothing and helpful support to guide you through knowing yourself better
◆ The downward spiral of social media and what it does to your self-esteem
◆ Artful destruction of the self through envy and jealousy and how to change those patterns
◆ Learning to get along with and respect other strong women from a place of personal power
◆ Embracing change and enjoying the consequences
◆ How to let go of the past to embrace your present and future self
◆ How to win your own heart and fall in love with the life that you lead
◆ Why being alone can be a good thing to empower you and give you strength
◆ What the kaizen philosophy is and how it can bring positive change into your life
◆ Practicing wholeness and instructions for mindfulness meditations
◆ And more!
No one is like you. When I was a girl, I had no idea what it meant to be a strong woman or even a strong girl, because I wasn't getting that message from my family and my teachers. I grew up with low self-esteem issues and a whole lot of insecurity left over from childhood.
I blocked myself from who I truly am through my low self-esteem and disempowering behaviors that had learned from the culture I grew up in and from my early life programming. I didn't want to live that way anymore and as I studied psychology and becoming a writer, I knew I had to use my own voice to make an impact, to show the women of this world that we all deserve to have the power that we want and to create the lives we feel we deserve.
My book, BE A STRONG WOMAN: Stop Self-Sabotage, was my op-ed about what we do as a culture to disempower ourselves and disempower each other when we should be helping each other become stronger women.
Take this journey with me and learn what being a strong woman is all about!!