Seneca's On a Happy Life - written almost 2000 years ago for
his older brother - is an engrossing compendium of timeless Stoic
wisdom. The Philosopher's advice covers all aspects of human
existence, and includes avoiding intense emotions, desires and fears,
and rejecting 'group-think' or mindlessly following social trends.
Rather than seeking a transitory "happiness" in things and events,
we should aspire to inner contentment and peace of mind via the
practice of justice and virtue, so that we may live the kind of life we
can look back on and not feel ashamed.
These are values and morals that ring as true today as two millennia
ago. They are lessons that will benefit anyone regardless of age,
wealth, gender or social position. A fascinating, and very practical,
insight into the world-view of history's most famous Stoic.
"The more eagerly a man struggles to reach happiness,
the further he departs along the wrong road; and since
this track leads in the opposite direction, his very swiftness
carries him all the further from his goal."
Lucius Annaeus Seneca