The Cries of the oracles to save the world of Arkadia from the deceitful Dark Lord plaguing it.
Will the younger Druid be able to help cure her world of the deadly infliction?
As we made our way through the city to the center, where Belialz said would be the place to call for the Dark Lord, something inside me seemed to come alive.
I ran to his side, and with my father's scimitar in hand, I saw Adonys come to stand at my side as we tried to help Belialz fight this demon, yet neither one of us was as strong as the Paladin who stood toe-to-toe with the monstrous beast.
As Luna took me to the battle site, I watched as Belialz fell to the ground; afraid that the Dark Lord was still alive, I ran to Belialz's side, trying to heal his wounds just as Moonstar had shown me.
Where am I supposed to turn to find the love that I still yearn for when you are gone from this world?" I waited for the answers to all I wanted and needed to know.
It was not by coincidence that Steve sent you to hear my story," Athinia said as she watched the sun coming up out of the sea and saw Belialz coming around the corner of the small cottage with Adonys and Luna at his side.
You had torn a rift between our worlds, the night you and your friend thought you could use magic to bring you, true love." Belialz told me.
I need the help from your world and mine to stop the new evil that reigns over our lands," Athinia said as she turned and watched as I admired the beauty of her world.
"Sophie, if you look, you will see that you have the gift to bring forth life to both our worlds at your feet," Athinia said.
As I glanced down, I saw that as I walked in the World of Arkadia, the ground beneath my feet had started to spring to life with flowers growing around them with every step I took.
This is not where our tale ends, for it is said that when you opened the rift between the two worlds, the Dark Lord of the mist came to life and sought the one preventing him from gaining what his brother truly desired.