About the Book
"839+ International Survival Tricks From Indians, Bushmen, Nomads, ... And More" is a book of real international wilderness survival. Greatly enhance the safety of all your outdoor adventures with 839+ REAL international survival tricks. 839+ survival applications, techniques and tricks used by Mahagi bushmen, Hadzabe bushmen, Kalahari Desert bushmen, Congo pygmy bushmen, Zulu, Anasazi, Apache, Comanche, Arapaho, Arawak, Aztec, Catawba, Cherokee, Chippewa, Choinumne, Eskimos, Cree, Carrier, Salish, Guayaki, Yahi, Nanticoke, Naskapi, Navajo, Ojibwa, Paiute, Pomo, Prehistoric, Pueblo, Acoma, Zuni, Hopi, Shaman, Tohono O'Odham, Pima, Wampanoag, Athapascan, Seminole. Mohawk, Chipewyan, Penobscot, Yokuts, Tahltan, Ahtna, Shoshone, Mistassini Cree, Osage, Chickasaw, Creek, Cheyenne, Inuit, Anaktuvuk, Digger, Yupka, Sioux, Assiniboine, Blackfoot, Kaibab, Aucas, Maliseet, San Blas, ... And you'll also read the true detailed events of the survival, escape and evasion of an enslaved Texas Ranger. You'll also read the exact details of a long lost "Texas Ranger Snakebite Remedy."