A ham or amateur radio station log is a personal radio contact history, reminding you of the people and places you've talked to, the antenna parties you participated in and contests you worked.
This journal is a must-have for an amateur radio station.
We have designed our log book for ease of use and is self-explanatory.
This Radio Station Log Book allows you to write notes and fill in appropriate details about radio contacts such as date, time on, frequency, mode, power, station, worked, time off, signals sent, reports, remarks and other notes and comments can be made on a separate sheet adjoining the log page. An excellent manual logbook that meets all the basics for listing down your contacts and details.
Who would not enjoy looking back over a handwritten radio contact log that was made way back in time and bringing back memories and recollections that an electronic record never can do?
Paper logging is simple, cheap, non-volatile and requires minimal time when logging the information.
This single bound paperback logbooks can remain readable for decades to come and will not require any batteries, no password and no need to log in. It is made convenient and organized for you to write in easily.
This is a reliable radio station log notebook to use and won't crumble easily. A great keepsake to use and to track information in the future.
This single bound paperback journal has good construction, laid out well and has columns that are efficient for filling info.
With its 15.2 x 22.9 cm (6" x 9") dimensions, it's an insightful 108-page notebook that will provide pleasure for years to come.
Get this 807 and barefoot ham radio station log book, now so that you can use it and track records for your radio contacts.
Get your copy now!
73 DR