From the bestselling authors of Dude, The World's Gonna Punch You in the Face, The Big Bloody Book of Violence, and Musashi's Dokkodo...
Hone your mind and sharpen your spirit!
Once you have mastered the physical aspects of your martial art, it is time to take it to the next level-to lead, to teach, to leave a legacy. This innovative book shows you how.
"It is always shin, the spirit, that decides the fate of the battle," wrote Taisen Deshimaru in The Zen Way to the Martial Arts. Indeed, in nearly every human endeavor what separates world-class individuals from also-rans is the mental game. Application, instruction, and holistic self-development, these are the hallmarks of the exceptional sensei.
Sensei is a Japanese word, commonly translated as "teacher," which literally means "one who has come before." This term is usually applied to martial arts instructors, yet it can signify anyone who has blazed a trail for others to follow. It applies to all those who have acquired valuable knowledge, skills, and experience and are willing to share their expertise with others while continuing to grow themselves. After all, setting an example that others wish to emulate is the very essence of leadership.
Clearly you cannot magically become an exemplary martial arts instructor in a mere 70-seconds any more than a businessperson can transform his or her leadership style from spending 60-seconds perusing The One Minute Manager. You can, however, devote a few minutes a day to honing your craft. It is about giving back, offering your best to others so that they can find the best in themselves. And, with appreciation, they can pay it forward...
Make the commitment to build your future today!
About the Author: Kris Wilder is a small business owner, bestselling author, and martial arts instructor who has earned black belt rankings in Goju-Ryu karate, taekwondo, and judo. He teaches seminars worldwide. A past member of The Order of St. Francis, he has previously worked in public affairs and political consulting at the local and national levels.
Lawrence Kane is a senior IT leader at a Fortune(R) 50 corporation. Since 1970 he has studied traditional Asian martial arts, medieval European combat, and modern close-quarter weapons. A bestselling author, he has also worked as a martial arts instructor, security supervisor, and business technology teacher.
Rory Miller, who wrote the foreword, is the bestselling author of several books including Facing Violence, Violence: A Writer's Guide, Scaling Force, and ConCom. A former CERT (Corrections Emergency Response Team) leader, he has designed and taught defensive tactics, use of force policy and decision-making, and crisis communications with the mentally ill courses for law enforcement agencies. He has also worked as a contractor in Iraq. He currently travels the world teaching about Bad Things(TM).