You Are About To Discover An Effective Way To Neutralize Your Stresses, Anxieties, Depression, Negative Thoughts, Worry And Fear In As Little As 7 Minutes By Leveraging The Power Of Mindfulness!
Stress and anxiety are normal parts of everyday life; they are our body's natural response to the demands of modern day life where we have so many things to do within a limited time using limited resources and have many unfamiliar territories that we have to be in.
Think about it; everyday motions of life like meeting new people, going for an interview, speaking before a crowd or your bosses, sitting for exams, going to a doctor's visit for a diagnosis and many other situations can trigger anxiety. And that's not all; such experiences like an unexpected job loss, meeting new people, a sudden incapacitation, being diagnosed with a terminal illness, a divorce and many other occurrences could send anyone into depression.
What then can you do to stay sane and calm in the midst of all that?
What can you do to stop yourself from slipping into depression after infidelity for instance?
What can you do to tame the stress and anxiety responses before they escalate into problems that affect your everyday life?
Is there a way you can do a stress detox, without relying on medication and harmful substances like alcohol and drugs?
Simple; what you need is to adopt mindfulness!
And if you have these and other related questions on how to deal with stress, anxiety and trauma, this anxiety workbook for adults is for you, as it covers the ins and outs of using a mindfulness to slow down your automatic responses that have for a long time made you anxious, stressed and depressed.
More precisely, this anxiety workbook for adults will teach you:
- The basics of mindfulness, including what it is, how it works and how it compares with other responses
- How mindfulness as a practice has evolved over the years to become what it is today, the go-to technique for fighting stress, anxiety and depression
- How mindfulness is not the same thing as meditation and why you should know about that
- How mindfulness can help transform your life for the better
- How to adopt mindfulness as part of your lifestyle
- Powerful tips for practicing mindfulness that will make things easier for you as you adopt it in your life
- The different variations of mindfulness that you can practice to fight stress, anxiety, depression, negative thoughts, worry and fear
- The concept of anxiety, the different types of anxiety, how it can affect your life as well as how it relates to different other concepts
- How to understand anxiety inside out so that you fight it like a pro
- A workbook that will help you identify your thought patterns and fight anxiety, stress, worry and other tendencies in your everyday life
- How to incorporate mindfulness in children's lives
- How to train your brain to be mindful of every moment
- Creative exercises that will help you test what you are learning and get better at mindfulness
- And much more
Even if this is your first encounter with the word mindfulness, don't worry, as this book will teach you everything you need to know to actually practice mindfulness to deal with stressful, anxious and depressive thoughts.
And it takes a beginner friendly approach to teach you all that!
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