50-State Step by Step Guide to Forming A Nonprofit Charitable Organization
What Forms To Fill Out, How & Where To File, The Exact Cost For Filing, What Licenses And Permits You Need For Each State
This guide is intended for people who are about to start a nonprofit organization and want to find out the exact steps they need to take to get started. This is not a guide where I discuss what a nonprofit organization does or its purpose. If you need to learn more about the basic operation of a nonprofit organization and how to get started, you can look up my other book "How to start, Run & Grow a Successful Nonprofit Organization."
In this guide, I outlined every step you need to take to get started with your nonprofit for your specific state including the most up to date filing costs for all 50 states including the District of Columbia.
For each and every state I outlined 13-14 specific steps that one needs to take to start an NPO successfully.
For example, to start an NPO in Kentucky, these are the steps you need to take.
Step-1 Name Your Nonprofit - I explained how and where you could register your name.
Step-2 Get Initial Directors and Incorporators - I explain how you can pick and register directors for your NOP.
Step-3 Selected a Registered Agent - I explain if and when you need an agent.
Step-4 Articles of Incorporation - This is an important step, I outlined how and where you can file your article, along with the cost and estimated time for your state.
Step-5 Get an Employer Identification Number (EIN), I explained how you could get your EIN from IRS.
Step-6 Storing Records
What is required by your state and how the records should be kept.
Step-7 Initial Governing Policies and Documents - Another very vital step, this is where you have to produce your bylaws and conflict of interest policy, I explained what is required by your state and when.
Step-8 Board of Directors Organizational Meeting
What and how the meetings should be conducted.
Step-9 State Tax Identification Numbers and Accounts
In this step, I show you exactly what forms to fill out for each state, where to file them, how long it may take and how much it would cost you.
Step-10 File for 501(c) Status
This is by far the most important steps of all; this is where IRS recognizes your organization as a nonprofit entity. I show you what forms to fill out, the cost, approval period and how to file it.
Step-11 State Tax Exemption
This is similar to applying for the 501 C, but typically easier to obtain compared to the one from IRS. I show you what forms to fill out, what documents you need to attach and where to file for your state.
Step-12 Charitable Solicitation Registration
This is one area that varies widely between states. Every state has a different set of requirements for this registration. I detail out what is required by each and every states.
Step-14 Business Licenses and Permits
Along with all the above permits, you will also have to have some general business licenses and permits based on the requirements of your state. I discuss all the other additional requirements for each state in details.
Lastly, I discuss the annual renewal requirements for all the permits and licenses you have, where, where and how to renew them.
At the end of this guide, you will find samples of two very important documents.
- A Sample Conflict of Interest Policy Statement
- A Sample Articles of Incorporation
About the Author: Aaron Sanders started his career as an accountant for Red Cross in 1981. After taking an early retirement, he finally was able to pursue his dream of consulting. During his tenure, he worked for many startup charitable organizations where he helped guide them through all the hoops of various licensing, permits, and other requirements for various state, local and federal government. He retired in 2017 and now enjoys fishing, hiking, traveling and occasional writing.