"This book isn't just for the buyer. It's for their spouse, their grown child who's moving away from home for the first time, their older parents or grandparents, a good friend. It's an important gift for everyone, and a refresher course in safety and security that we all need from time to time." Rey Thomas In his new book, "50 Easy & Effective Ways To Stay Safe From Crime," America's Safety, Security, & Health Coach(TM) Rey Thomas offers his readers a simple, clear blueprint on how to effectively safeguard the people and possessions that are important to them. In it, you'll learn:
*What mistake the majority of Americans make that puts them at risk.
*Why your yard can be an invitation or deterrent to thieves.
*Where you should never park your car in a parking lot.
*When wearing headphones can put you at risk for theft, or worse yet, death.
*How to be safe when traveling and staying in hotel rooms.
*Plus much more.
Nothing is more important than ensuring your family's safety. "50 Easy & Effective Ways To Stay Safe From Crime" will help you make sure you complete that crucial task.
Book Dedication: "This book is dedicated to the men and women, military, police, fire, and first responders, at home and abroad, including my Father, Robert M. "Mitch" Thomas, World War II Veteran and recipient of The Bronze Star For Heroic Achievement In Battle, who have served, and continue to serve, this great country of ours, and who sacrifice every day to keep all of us safe from those that would do us harm."
Rey Thomas is America's Safety, Security, & Health Coach.(TM) His new book, "50 Easy & Effective Ways To Stay Safe From Crime: Keep Yourself, Family, Home, Possessions & Identity Free From Theft & Assault," offers its readers a clear blueprint on how to effectively safeguard the people and possessions that are important to them. Rey's security background includes his years with one of the largest providers of security services in North America, Puerto Rico, and the United Kingdom. Whether through uniformed officers, investigations & screenings, consulting, facility design, or executive protection, Rey worked with clients to develop Crime Reduction Strategies, Safety & Security Assessments, and Health & Wellness Programs to address all levels of potential vulnerabilities. Rey is also a veteran of the insurance and health care industry, including time with three of the major corporations in that sector. Working with Corporate Clients, Foundations, and Non-Profits, Rey helped design and implement Marketing and Community Relations programs, initiatives, and campaigns designed to combat the health & wellness issues affecting America, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
No one wants to be a victim of crime. Unfortunately, Violent Crime and Property Crime are an everyday fact of life. The goal for any person should be to do whatever he or she can to make sure that they have taken the necessary steps to prevent crime from entering their lives or the lives of their loved ones. "50 Easy & Effective Ways To Stay Safe From Crime: Keep Yourself, Family, Home, Possessions & Identity Free From Theft & Assault" details easy and effective steps that anyone can take that will make their lives and the lives of their families safer.
This book is for everyone. It's for you. It's for your son or daughter who are on their way to college or moving out of the house into their first apartment. It's for your spouse who is home every day with your children, and when you're on the road traveling for business. It's for your older parents or grandparents, who have, as they have gotten older, become a little more lax in thinking about their safety. It's for the family that's traveling on vacation and staying in hotel rooms. Read this book for yourself or give it as a gift. Everyone needs a refresher course in safety every now and then.
About the Author: Rey Thomas is America's Safety, Security, & Health Coach.(TM) His new book, "50 Easy & Effective Ways To Stay Safe From Crime: Keep Yourself, Family, Home, Possessions & Identity Free From Theft & Assault," offers its readers a clear blueprint on how to effectively safeguard the people and possessions that are important to them. Rey's security background includes his years with one of the largest providers of security services in North America, Puerto Rico, and the United Kingdom. Whether through uniformed officers, investigations & screenings, consulting, facility design, or executive protection, Rey worked with clients to develop Crime Reduction Strategies, Safety & Security Assessments, and Health & Wellness Programs to address all levels of potential vulnerabilities. Rey is also a 20-year veteran of the insurance and health care industry, including time with three of the major corporations in that sector. Working with Corporate Clients, Foundations, and Non-Profits, Rey helped design and implement Marketing and Community Relations programs, initiatives, and campaigns designed to combat the health & wellness issues affecting America, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.