About the Book
50 Battles That Changed the World looks at the clashes the author believes have had the most profound impact on world hisotry. Listed in order of their relevance to the modern world, they range from the ancient past to the present day and span the globe many times over. This book is not su much about military strategy as the implications of the battles that were vital in shaping civilizations as we know it.Some of the battles in this book are familiar to us all-Bunker Hill, which prevented the American Revolution from being stillbron, and Marathon, which kept the world's first democracy alive. Others may be less familiar-the naval battle at Diu (on the Indian Coasts), which led to the ascendancy of Western Civilization and the discovery of America, and Yarmuk, which made possible the spread of Islam from Morocco to the Philippines. About Author : William Weir a foremr Army combat correspondent and photographer in the Korean War, has written eight previous books, including 50 Battles That Changed the World and 50 Weapons That Changed Warfare. In addition to his Army service. Weir has been a newspaper reporter and a public relations specialist. His articles have appeared in The new York Times, Gun Digest, and War, Literature & the Arts. He is now retired and lives in Guilford, Connecticut, with his wife, Anne. Contents : IntroductionMarathon, 490 BCNika Rebellion, 532 ADBunker Hill, 1775 ADArbela, 331 BCHattin, 1187 ADDiu, 1509 ADBritian, 1940 ADConstantinople, Part 1, 1205 ADTsushima, 1905 ADSaratoga, 1777 ADValmy, 1782 ADAdrianople, 378 ADMidway, 1942 ADHastings, 1066Tenochtitlan, 1520-21 ADStalingard, 1942-43 ADBusta Gallorum, 552 ADLechfeld, 955 ADDublin, 1916 ADEmmaus, 166 BCYarmuk, 636 AdBatte of the Atlantic, 1939-45 ADCannae, 216 BCMalplaquet, 1709 AdCarrhae, 53 BCConstantinople, Part 2, 1453 ADThe Armada, 1588 AdThe Marne, 1914 AdRhodes, 1522 ADTours, 732 ADTanga, 1914 ADChalons, 451 ADLas Navas de Toloso, 1212 ADGupta, 1180 AdChickamauga, 1863 ADLepanto, 1571 ADNew Oriens, 1814 ADPetrograd, 1917 ADFrance, 1918 AdThe Alamo, 1836 ADWu-sung, 1862 AdWaterloo, 1815 ADKadisiyah, 637 ADKazan, 1552 ADLutzen, 1632 ADManila Bay, 1898 ADTet Offensive, 1968 ADRome, 390 BCSedan, 1879 ADPoltava, 1709 AdHonorable Mentions: Other Battles, Other ListsBiographical GlossaryGlossary of Military TermsTimelinesBibliographyIndexAbout the Author