Do you want expert strategies to Win at Chess AND get the girl? Then keep reading...
At the age of 5, I first learned how to play Chess. I developed a real knack for the game. For years, I read books and studied the opening, middle, and endgames tirelessly. I became one of the best players in my hometown of Saint John, New Brunswick. In 1988, during the World Blitz Championship in Saint John, I won a match with the World's Junior Chess Champion and continued on in the tournament. Since then, I've used my skills to teach others the strategies that worked so well for me.
I found Chess strategies I studied for years accurately reflected what was required to get the girl.
In this book, you will discover:
- The essential steps you need to take before facing your opponent
- The 12 most frequent signals women send when they are attracted to a man
- Opening moves in Chess which will give you the greatest chance of gaining control of the board
- The right and wrong ways of asking a girl out on a date
- The one secret Chess strategy I've used for years which works every time
- What to text a woman after a first date which will have her captivated
And much more....
Roughly 600-700 million people in the world play Chess. Therefore, approximately 10% of the people on the planet play Chess. If you think you don't have what it takes to be in the top tier, I'm here to tell you differently. With enough practice and Chess strategy study, you WILL be one of the best. If you've been struggling to get the attention of that special girl for months, with the right attitude, preparation, and strategy, you WILL capture the Queen.