Once upon a time, you faced each other and said, 'I do.' If that day feels like a lifetime ago, you might think your relationship can never get back to a place of pure bliss. That's just not true. The reality is the love you felt for your partner is still in your heart but it's buried under layers of irritation, frustration, resentment, or conflict.
Those layers of stress and struggling in your relationship have left you hurting and you realize the research is right: the main source for divorce isn't infidelity or money stress, it's disconnection.
We feel hurt and we pull away.
We feel mocked and we stop talking.
We feel taken advantage of and shut down.
We feel neglected and we seek other ways to feel seen.
We feel resentment for how much we do so we stop doing anything.
When we become disconnected from our partners, we face deep, dark Winter days. Fortunately, The 5 Seasons of Connection to Your Love Partner will guide you through Spring Cleaning your relationship to get back to the beautiful, blissful Summer days when love shines brightly and you both become the best versions of yourselves for and with each other.
When you harness the power of The 5 Seasons, you'll transform your relationship from stormy to spectacular and connect on all seven levels of intimacy (yes, seven!)
Other topics we will explore include:
- trust
- core values
- true partnership
- the role of vulnerability
- masculine/feminine energy
- learning how attachment theory reveals a secret
- why money, parenting, and sex need your attention
- using personality types to catapult towards connection
- setting ground rules for maintaining connection during conflict
What we focus on gets bigger, so focusing on our partner in a critical or judgmental way (or as we think of them as their: flaws, mistakes, screw-ups or shortcomings), we are on the path to fighting, disappointment, disillusion, or disconnection. The only way to get out of the cold, dark Winter season is to Spring Clean. This book has dozens of Spring Cleaning strategies, and none of them tell you how to fix your partner! When we Spring Clean, we start internally, with ourselves, and then move to our shared experiences, our rituals of connection, the ties that bind us together.
If you have experienced disconnection or disappointment with your partner, and you are looking for a fast, easy, effective way to get out of the storm and into the emotional sunshine, you need to know who you are in all 5 Seasons, and understand the parts of you that impact your relationship the most. And, not all things impact your relationship with the same intensity, so knowing what matters most will help you get right to the heart of your love story and make it the relationship of your dreams.
The 5 Seasons of Connection to Your Love Partner will shift your love, life, and outlook on your future because you will know, without a shadow of a doubt, what you and your partner need to do to get to your most powerful, most magical, most magnificent Happy Ever After.