49 Gall Bladder Stone Preventing Juice Recipes: Feed Your Body What it needs to get rid of and Prevent Gall Bladder Stones
By Joe Correa CSN
This condition can be easily recognized by constant abdominal pain, especially in the back parts of the abdomen. Depending on the cause, it varies from mild to severe pain that will require hospitalization. But there is one thing in common for this painful condition, it is almost always related to a poor diet and unhealthy eating habits.
The gallbladder is connected to the liver through viaducts. This delicate part of our digestive tract is usually triggered by hormones to release bile when fats reach our duodenum after a heavy meal. This way, gallbladder directly helps the digestion and decomposition of these substances.
However, unhealthy lifestyles and bad eating habits make this process more difficult than ever. Foods that are full of unhealthy fats and highly processed with different artificial substances make this task almost impossible. The logical consequence is a complete blockade of gallbladder ducts and severe inflammation and irritation of the surrounding tissue.
Heartburn, gastritis, and inflammation of the gallbladder are some typical consequences of excessive eating, especially fatty and spicy meals that are extremely hard to digest. To make things worse, these meals are usually combined with unhealthy sodas or alcohol which have a terrible effect on the entire digestive tract. The natural reaction in the body is inflammation of the gallbladder which is often the case with people who have stones in their gallbladder. These stones occur because the body can't excrete enough enzymes that are necessary for digestion. These enzymes are secreted by cells in the stomach and liver and stored in the gallbladder.
Our unhealthy eating habits usually don't create an instant reaction. However, they leave some negative long term effects and contribute to chronical gallbladder problems later in life.
This is why you should start thinking about your gallbladder health right now and do something good for your body. This collection of juices will create very positive and healthy changes in your life, boost your immune system, and help your entire digestive tract work properly. They are easy to make, tasty, and loaded with nutrients that will prevent future serious conditions. Enjoy at least one of these juices every day and stay!