40 Day Focus on Prosperity - Dr. Kluane Spake What does the Bible really say about Prosperity? Be empowered for greater success! This phenomenal book can change your future forever! Here are some endorsements of "40 Day Focus on Prosperity!" "40 Day Focus on Prosperity"
by Dr. Kluane Spake
"I have read the Prosperity book twice and can barely read it now because of the marks and comments I've made. Thank you for paying the price." Sandi Bostian
40 Day activation for believers to properly renew their mind about Biblical prosperity.
Foreword by Apostle John Kelly, Who wrote: "Dr. Kluane Spake has written an excellent book to help us achieve our destiny dream. THIS BOOK WILL HELP US ACHIEVE OUR DESTINY DREAMS. It reveals the necessary patterns and principles that will bring us the desired prosperity needed to succeed."
Order your copy here!
"Like many teachings, the doctrine of Biblical prosperity has been abused and taken to extreme ends of the pendulum. Too many people find themselves having not enough, just enough, but not more than enough- abundance.
I highly recommend Dr. Spake's book "40 Day Focus on Prosperity" not only on the merits of the book, but also because I know the author to be a woman of God who lives the Christ Life...allowing currency to flow to and through her. This daughter blesses the body of Christ and who have had the privilege of knowing her.
I encourage you to embrace the Gift of God that she is to this generation and generations to come." Pastor J. Chadborn, Greenville, NC
"Dr. Kluane Spake, my long time friend and co-laborer for Christ, has written a dynamic book to help us get our focus concerning the revelation provided so wonderfully in "40 Day Focus on Prosperity." Apostle Stan E. DeKoven, Ph.D. President of Vision International College
"Dr. Kluane Spake has provided a tool for the Body of Christ to move into a new dimension of Kingdom advancement. This book provides a timely, practical, and relevant strategy to bring us into a position of influence through prosperity." Mark Pfeifer, Soma Family Ministries
"Coming out of Africa, I have experienced first hand the ravaging curse of poverty. Until our perspective about money, wealth and prosperity align with the mind of God, many will wallow in needless poverty. If you are desperate for a change then ...you need this book." Dr. Frank Ofosu-Appiah, Overseer All Nations Churches
"Excitement! I will read this book over and over again. Finally a balanced approach! The depth of teaching for each days prayer focus is astounding. You will finish this book with a level of understanding you did not know you needed." Apostle Jill Mitchell O'Brien, Kingdom Connections International
"Dr. Kluane skillfully addresses the topic many have considered taboo for Christians: gaining and maintaining intentional and progressive wealth. This book equips you to remove barriers so you are able to live a life of extreme success." Apostle Tommi Femrite, GateKeepers International, President
"Now and then we are blessed to come across a book that has the capacity to stir us inwardly. These insights presented by the Dr. Kluane were gained from years of diligent study of the Word and from vast experience in both pastoral and traveling ministry." Eric Vernelson, Sr. Pastor of Living Faith Church, Wilson, N. C.
"This book is a compelling and comprehensive invitation to both discover and experience the abundant life Jesus made available. I appreciate the theological balance found here." Walt Healy, Church of Grace & Peace, Presiding Apostle, FaithNet USA
About the Author: Please contact us! spake@mindspring.com - 218-248-7247 - call to Schedule
Dr. Kluane is a highly sought after keynote conference speaker, credible Biblical expert, and theologian who walks in the Spirit. This ministry is here to help believers grow up and mature until they are able to realize, enjoy, and activate the things that Jesus died to give.
We are research driven in order to change the incorrect core foundational Church doctrines to more correct/accurate truths.
To make the complex simple and the hidden manifest.
To illustrate how to productively apply the Word to lives.
To bring forth the Reformation of the Church.
To turn the rudder of the Church into the correct course by changing religious and outdated mindsets.
Dr. Kluane has a passion to be a role model of love and honor to Christian Leaders who will make spiritual and cultural change.
We believe to expand the Kingdom and change nations, governments, and Churches through these principles.
We help passionate Christian Leaders and Ministers succeed and create positive change in the world.