Despite past failures, commit to digging again. Crisis will occur, but do not settle. Pursue MORE!
As long as you have your shovel, you have the capacity to discover water again.
Learn to throw dirt and rid yourself of the stuff that prevents your success.
Revenue is in the water. Find the appropriate famine and serve. Doors open for those ready to walk through them.
Create teachable moments along your journey to success. Do not attempt to change others. Change yourself!
Digging is not a new concept for you. You now have to begin digging on your terms. You must dig for yourself.
Rarely, does anyone possess all parts of a plan before enacting change. Develop what you have and leave room for more.
You may not be able to recapture missed opportunities; therefore, readjust your focus to your current action plan. Dig until your success plan translates into a way of life.
About the Author
Terry L. Phillips, is a native of Western North Carolina and the Founder and Senior Pastor of City of Praise, Inc., a nondenominational ministry founded in 1993. His ministry was significantly impacted while on the campus of Winston-Salem State University, as a student, through the Interdenominational Youth for Christ Fellowship and IYFCF Gospel Choir.
He holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration and a master's degree in Strategic Leadership. He began academic coaching in 2006, through his nonprofit, College Prep Buddies, Inc. and professional, life coaching in 2015, through his 3rd Dig Learning Success Conference.
He is the eleventh of twelve children born to Floyd and Polly Phillips, and was raised by his father and step-mother, Jeanette Phillips. He is proud father to Chandler Nicole and Caleb Noel Phillips.
The 3rd Dig Learning Success is his first published writing, and as a transformational thinker, his goal is to engage readers to explore every possibility of personal success. He believes success can be taught and the power to unlock success is one's choice.
For contact information or to locate a 3rd Dig Learning Success Conference near you, please visit:
https: /www.tm3success.org.