Why Change?
Everyone faces different challenges emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, however, such challenges should not keep you from leading a happy, peaceful, and successful life. Sadhvi Siddhali Shree believes that even "Small Change is Big Change".
31 Day Challenge to a Changed You is the perfect and practical daily guide to help you make changes in various aspects of your life including self discovery, self awareness, facing fears, finding inner peace, living in the present moment, overcoming adversity, saving money, and being healthy. Through tough love sugar-coated with compassion, Sadhvi Siddhali Shree will help you confront issues by taking baby steps towards personal change and transformation.
About the Daily Challenges
Keeping the practical guide straight forward and easy to follow, each daily challenge introduces personal and societal issues, the benefits of improvement, self reflective thoughts to consider, and a specific course of action to bring about that change - big or small.
Challenge to Change
- Change yourself by refraining from abusive language and Think Before You Speak.
- Change yourself through Anger Awareness and negativity and frustration will dissolve.
- Change yourself and connect to your Inner Child to believe all things are possible again.
- Change yourself to Break Habits that are unwanted, unhealthy, and undesirable.
- Change yourself in order to Achieve what you've always wanted.
Take up the 31 Day Challenge to a Changed You and transform your life. There is no better time than to START NOW.
About the Author
Sadhvi Siddhali Shree is the Spiritual Director of Siddhayatan Spiritual Retreat Center located near Dallas, Texas. An Army Combat Medic Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom III, Siddhali Shree has witnessed the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual effects of war, violence, and intolerance. After her experience of being immersed in a violent environment, she entered the monastic life with the determination to spread the messages of peace, love, nonviolence, balance, understanding, and self-awareness to the world. From a soldier to nun, Sadhvi Siddhali Shree's life exudes discipline, courage, and peace. With a genuine heart to help all in need, Sadhvi Siddhali Shree has dedicated her life to bringing true change during these desperate times. Sadhvi Siddhali Shree currently writes a spiritual blog at SiddhaliShree.com.