The Knowledge Solution. Stop Searching, Stand Out and Pay Off. The #1 ALL ENCOMPASSING Guide to Web 3.0. An Important Message for ANYONE who wants to learn about Web 3.0 Quickly and Easily...
""Here's Your Chance To Skip The Struggle and Master Web 3.0, With the Least Amount of Effort, In 2 Days Or Less...""
The Semantic Web is a ""web of data"" that facilitates machines to understand the semantics, or meaning, of information on the World Wide Web. It extends the network of hyperlinked human-readable web pages by inserting machine-readable metadata about pages and how they are related to each other, enabling automated agents to access the Web more intelligently and perform tasks on behalf of users. The term was coined by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web and director of the World Wide Web Consortium (""W3C""), which oversees the development of proposed Semantic Web standards. He defines the Semantic Web as ""a web of data that can be processed directly and indirectly by machines.""
Get the edge, learn EVERYTHING you need to know about Web 3.0, and ace any discussion, proposal and implementation with the ultimate book - guaranteed to give you the education that you need, faster than you ever dreamed possible!
The information in this book can show you how to be an expert in the field of Web 3.0.
Are you looking to learn more about Web 3.0? You're about to discover the most spectacular gold mine of Web 3.0 materials ever created, this book is a unique collection to help you become a master of Web 3.0.
This book is your ultimate resource for Web 3.0. Here you will find the most up-to-date information, analysis, background and everything you need to know.
In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about Web 3.0 right away. A quick look inside: Semantic Web, Access-eGov, Adenine (programming language), AgMES, Agricultural Ontology Service, Bibliographic Ontology, Bio-zen, Bio2RDF, BioPAX, Blank node, Bossam (software), Breathing Space Semantic Web, Calais (Reuters Product), Consistency (knowledge bases), Controlled vocabulary, Corporate Semantic Web, Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems, CSHALS, CubicWeb, Cwm (software), DARPA Agent Markup Language, Data Web, Daylife, DBpedia, David De Roure, Dereferenceable Uniform Resource Identifier, Description of a Career, Description of a Project, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, DSSim, Dublin Core, Embedded RDF, Evolution of Web 1.0, 2.0, & 3.0 in Libraries, Evri, F-logic, FOAF (software), Folksonomy, Gellish, Gellish database, GeoNames, GetGlue, Giant Global Graph, GNOWSYS, GOLD (ontology), Google Squared, GRDDL, Haystack (MIT project), IGlue, Integrated Operations in the High North, Internet Content Rating Association, ISO 15926, Jena (framework), JRDF (framework), Knowledge engineering, Language Computer Corporation, Latent semantic indexing, Lattice Miner, Lightweight ontologies, Linked Data, LinkedGov, Math-Bridge, Metaweb, Microdata (HTML5), Microformat, User: Mikedarnell/Semantinet, Minimal mappings, Mulgara (software), Multimedia Web Ontology Language, MultiNet, Named graph, Nesstar, Neuroscience Information Framework, OMDoc, Online Presence Ontology, Ontology (information science), Ontology alignment, Ontology engineering, Ontology for Biomedical Investigations, OpenEI, OpenLink AJAX Toolkit, OWL-S, PANKOW, User: Pasmagic/Detecting a browser's HTML5 compatibility, POSC Caesar, Pragmatic web, Process Development Execution System, PROTON, Radar Networks, Ramm.x, RDF Inference Language, RDF Schema, RDF/XML, RDFa, RDFaCE, Regator, Relationship extraction...and Much, Much More!
This book explains in-depth the real drivers and workings of Web 3.0. It reduces the risk of your technology, time and resources investment decisions by enabling you to compare your understanding of Web 3.0 with the objectivity of experienced professionals - Grab your copy now, while you stil