The Bible's Calendar Chronology
This booklet is a condensed version of chronology and prophecy derived from the Bible from Adam to the White Throne Judgment. It is about our Creator's appointed times and the boundaries of their circumstance from beginning to end.
The Bible's calendar is linear, counting the years from Adam forward without any gaps in its timing of years. It progresses in two stages. The first is a chronology of people and events filtered through YaHavah's righteous line in Jesus' genealogy to Jerusalem's Babylonian captivity. The second stage is Daniel's seventy sevens prophecy to the end. This prophecy explains the circumstances and boundaries of YaHavah's end time prophecies.
Point of interest: Our Creator's name in Hebrew is YHVH that can be phonetically pronounced "YaHavah". This pronunciation retains the truth of his infinity, power, and character as no other pronunciation or substitute name can.
The Importance of a Specific Bible Calendar
YaHavah provided a calendar to mark the time, boundaries, and circumstances of his Son's first and second coming. The calendar began at the end of Jerusalem's Babylonian captivity, but to know the biblical year it began, one must go back to the beginning in Adam's time.
The Bible is about the history and purpose of YaHavah's creation. The narration follows the lives of strategic righteous people and certain events leading to the first and second coming of God's only begotten son. These are the circumstances. The calendar is the boundary of these circumstances.
Critical Bible Timing Milestones
The Bible tells us that the milestones in Jesus' life were at the time of the Hebrew Feast of Passover marking his birth, baptism, ministry, and death.
The Feast of Pentecost is the milestone for his ascension, glorification, and pouring out of the Spirit (Comforter) to his disciples as promised and described in Revelation 5:6 and Acts 2:1-4.
There is no formula of any kind to mysteriously arrive at the timing of Jesus' return, but YaHavah gave Daniel a prophecy the above milestones and the potential and probable timing for his return. Since the biblical calendar and Jesus' life revolves around the three National Feasts of YHVH, we can be fairly certain that Jesus will return at the time of the Hebrew Feast of Ingathering. We just don't know which one, yet.
To avoid being caught in Satan's diversionary tactics; know with certainty that there is only one line of history of which we all must be fully aware; it is YaHavah's line of history in his calendar of Bible time fully and clearly reported within the pages of the Bible.
This is a must have book for maintaining biblically correct prophecy interpretation.