[2nd Edition - Revised & Updated]Used by Hollywood producers to promote Season 8 of The Walking Dead, The Boy, and Pride & Prejudice: Zombies-with over one million reads on Wattpad during its debut.
An unexpected lottery. A devastating lie. A virus that can kill everyone.
23-year old Willow lives in a world confined into three classes at birth.
Only the Divines get to live onboard the floating sanctuaries called Procs while everyone else struggles for the bare necessities like water and clean, breathable air.
Two things near impossible when surviving in a nuclear wasteland, flooded with daily radiation, chemical sand storms, and the collar of the one world government-SIND-holding you down like a beaten dog.
A mysterious explosion in the scrapyards sets the ticking time bomb ablaze, and triggers a series of events that leads to...
A covert operative group kidnapping Willow, sneaking her onboard one of the Proc ships, masked in a fake identity of another passenger, and accidentally releasing a bioweapon that could wipe out all of civilization. And she's the only one who can stop it.
There's just one problem-she's been contaminated and must be quarantined.
If she escapes... she kills everyone.
If she stays... SIND will kill everyone.
Trapped between helping the scientists uncover a cure or revealing the truth about what SIND is actually doing with the lottery winners onboard the flying spaceships, Willow must make an impossible choice.
Do nothing and let the mutation in her blood run its course, potentially resulting in her death.
Or, expose the truth and risk spreading the virus to the entire ship.
Fans of The Maze Runner, I Am Legend, and the Hunger Games will enjoy this exciting post-apocalyptic dystopian set in the not too distant future.
Scroll up and 1-Click your copy today to find out if she made the right choice!
Smoke & Ashes
Amber Skies