More than 400 full-color, spiral-bound pages Thousands of colorful stamp images throughout ¢¢ Hardbound with hidden spiral
¢¢ Information for every stamp collector from novice to expert
¢¢ All popular formats: singles, plate blocks, line pairs, booklet panes, first day covers, postal stationary, and more
¢¢ Illustrated Stamp Identifier: describes and pictures the identifying features that enable the collector to
distinguish among common and rare look-alike stamps
¢¢ Collector's Guide: explains and describes design varieties, production methods, collecting formats,
quality and condition criteria, and postal markings
Published since 1935, the H.E. Harris US/BNA Postage Stamp Catalog contains current market prices for
United States, U.S. Possessions and Trust Territories, Canada and Provinces, and all United Nations. It contains
thousands of stamp illustrations to identify virtually every design and listing by Scott's numbering system. This
book includes U.S. Commemorative index and stamp iden