About the Book
2016 ELECTION FAIRY TALES was inspired by watching this crazy election unfold, as the conflict turned into a circus and prize fight. Instead of the usual debate about issues and opinions, the campaign became an arena of high drama, especially for Republicans, as Donald Trump, once considered just a reality show entertainer, captured the anti-establishment vote and became the front runner. Along the way, he insulted large swaths of people from woman and Mexicans to Muslims, the media, and other candidates, and he combined misstatements and lies with vulgar language and jokes. But the more outrageous his remarks, the more he got more supporters, and soon the other candidates responded in kind. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton battled it out with Bernie Sanders, and they escalated their attacks on each other. This growing conflict led me to think of the way traditional fairy tales can help to explain what's going on and suggest possible outcomes, since these tales recount in a simple way the battle between good and evil from the perspective of the less powerful who are up against the more powerful. Then, they commonly manage to outwit the villains and win, though the outcome of this election is still unknown. It's in that spirit that I wrote these fairy tales describing what's going on in the election today. The 9 fairy tales include: - Two Fairy Tales about Donald Trump - Snow White and the Seven Candidates - Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Trump - The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Trump - Golditrump and the Three Bears - Hansel and Gretel and the Gingertrump House - Chicken Little and the Boy Who Cried Trump
About the Author: ABOUT THE AUTHOR Gini Graham Scott has published over 50 books with mainstream publishers, focusing on social trends, work and business relationships, and personal and professional development. Some of these books include Scammed, Lies and Liars: How and Why Sociopaths Lie and How to Detect and Deal With Them, Internet Book Piracy, The Very Next New Thing, The Talk Show Revolution, and The Battle for Personal Privacy. Her books on social science research and theory include The Researcher's Bible and Working with People with Disabilities. She has gained extensive media interest for previous books, including appearances on Good Morning America, Oprah, Montel Williams, CNN, and hundreds of radio shows. She is often quoted by the media and has websites at www.ginigrahamscott.com and www.changemakerspublishingandwriting.com. She has about 45,000 listings in Google Search Results. She has been a regular Huffington Post blogger since December 2012 and has a Facebook page for her books and films at www.facebook.com/changemakerspublishing. She has written, produced, and sometimes directed over 60 short videos, which are featured on her Changemakers Productions website at www.changemakersproductions.com and on YouTube at www.youtube.com/changemakersprod. Her screenplays, mostly in the drama, crime, legal thriller, and sci-fi genres, include several dealing with changes in science, technology, business, and society, including The New Child, New Identity, and Dead No More. These are in development with trailers, business plans, and interested directors and talent. Her feature, Suicide Party #Save Dave, which she wrote and executive produced, will be released by RSquared Films, in the summer 2016. Details are at www.suicidepartyfilm.com. Her second feature Driver has just been filmed and will be released in 2017. More details on the film are at www.facebook.com/driverthefilm. She has a PhD in sociology from U.C. Berkeley and MAs in anthropology, pop culture and lifestyles, recreation and tourism, and organizational/consumer/audience behavior from Cal State, East Bay. She is getting an MA in communications there in 2017. She is also the Creative Director of Publishers, Agents and Films (www.publishersagentsandfilms.com), a service which connects writers to publishers, agents, and the film industry.