Creative writing enthusiasts (teachers, students, authors, wannabe writers) this workbook is for you.
You love writing. You've got stories inside that are aching to get on paper, the computer screen ... the big screen. But maybe you can't get started and need some prompting. Or maybe you've started but stalled when that dreaded writer's block smacked the next word right out of your head. Stop looking any further, this book will help. These prompts are all taken from published novels from this millenia and the last.
We've captured all this creativity (scientifically and neatly) and squeezed it into this workbook, for the very first time. (Well done us.) Naturally we've lobbed in some flowery adjectives, holistic adverbs, recalibrated the verbs and made the subjects inspirational and transformational (maybe even muppetational). Get your copy now while wealth, happiness, and writer's unblockage are within reach or else risk sinking into black (murky, dusky, obscure) depression. Get your copy today and start working on your masterpiece now.
★★★★★ Actual prompts from real novels. Very inspiring.
★★★★★ Great for the classroom. English teachers will love this.
★★★★★ I use this for my own writing and I'm incorporating it into my homeschooling plan.
★★★★★ This could be used at any grade level, college, and beyond. Excellent.
Other books in this series:
400 Creative Writing Prompts Workbook
Beyond Creative Writing Prompts Workbook