Dragon Ball After or DBAfter is an unofficial continuation of the Dragon Ball manga and of the Dragon Ball Z anime, made by doujinshi artist Young Jijii, the creator of Dragon Ball After The Future.
In Age 788, the Dragon World is at peace, when a tremendous threat appears... the strongest Saiya-jin warrior, Kakarotto, has awakened! Son Goku, the hero who brought peace to Earth, attacks his own family and friends! Vegeta is the one to challenge Goku. With 20x Super Kaio-ken as his trump card, his power level exceeds that of Goku, but Goku sees through the techniques weak point. Just when it seems like Vegetas in a desperate situation, he unexpectedly transforms into Super Saiya-jin 3...
This book contains volumes 4 to 6 of the original DBAfter doujinshi, for a total of 234 pages.
THIS IS A DOUJINSHI (FAN MANGA).Based on the characters and story by Akira Toriyama. Please support the official series. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Kai and all other logos, character names, and distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of Akira Toriyama, TOEI ANIMATION, BIRD STUDIO, SHUEISHA, FUNIMATION, VIZ MEDIA, GROUPE AB, GLENAT, NAMCO BANDAI, ATARI and other respective license holders unmentioned. This book was not prepared, licensed or endorsed by any entity involved in creating or producing the Dragon Ball series. It is an independent, unofficial work made by fans, for fans, that has no connection to the official license.