About the Book
In "2 QUESTIONS: Fun Dating Insights for the Single Guy," bestselling author, and world famous dating & relationship guru, Ryan Jaunzemis, asks the single guy (or any other Average Joe out there), the 2 most important questions that any single guy should be asking themselves. 1: What is the REAL REASON that you are going out tonight? And, 2: Do you have a GAME PLAN? Essentially, the author is asking the single, frustrated guy: Are you going out tonight just to, quote-unquote, "hang out" with your guy friends, and, "get a drink?" Or, are you SPECIFICALLY going out to MEET, & ATTRACT BEAUTIFUL WOMEN? And, if so... do you have a SPECIFIC, step-by-step, proven GAME PLAN in which to do so? The 2 QUESTIONS book is designed to get single guys out there to begin re-thinking & re-evaluating their current dating & relationship strategies in order to help them to become better MEN, become better LOVERS, and ultimately SEDUCE more BEAUTIFUL WOMEN-FAST! The 2 QUESTIONS book is a helpful tool for any single guy out there who is looking to: -Find better and more fulfilling RELATIONSHIPS! -Get more SEX with more WOMEN! -Build more CONFIDENCE! -Better understand WOMEN! -And ultimately become a better MAN, and a better SEDUCER!
About the Author: Ryan Christopher Jaunzemis (Born February 5, 1980 in Inglewood, California), also known as "Ryan Jay" by many of his fans/followers, is an American born virtuoso; a rapper, singer/song-writer, executive-producer/director, professional athlete, professional in-line skater/Soaper, male model, bestselling author, master pick-up artist, lifestyle, dating, relationship, & self-help guru, internet marketer, photographer/videographer, graphic-designer, tattoo-artist, black-belt/martial-arts master, and recording/theatrical engineer. Ryan is the chief organizer of The Las Vegas PUA Lair and has been rated the #1 dating coach in Las Vegas by the Seduction Community since 2008. He has recently been featured in several hundred different videos, websites, & internet publications, including: H3H3, H3 Podcast, Ethan & Hila, Las Vegas' SEVEN & CITY LIFE Magazines, PUA Magazine, www.PUALingo.com, HER OBSESSION & OBSESSION SYSTEMS Magazines, VICE Media, The RIDE Channel, COMPLEX Sneakers Magazine, Network A, Unofficial Networks, as well as several professional skating/Soaping videos & DVDs; including: Aggressive Inline, Soap Shoes' international sales commercials, Relate Video Productions' famous full-length Soap videos, "oNe" & "tWo," Lords of Soaptown, SOAP OR DIE, and has now reached over 16M combined YouTube views. Ryan is the author/producer of over 60+ different books, CDs, DVDs, and other publications, including the #1 bestselling books: 10 STEPS TO SUCCESS & PRO SOAPER, and is currently working on several new projects as well. Ryan currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. *For more information on Ryan Jaunzemis, please visit: www.RyanJaunzemisBiography.com