Containing the biographies of fifteen well-known historical figures--such as Mary Todd Lincoln and Sojourner Truth--and with more than 400 quotes from dozens of popular publications and individuals, this inspirational book offers "timely" nineteenth-century wisdom for our twenty-first century world. You're sure to recognize many of these truths as eternal--adages you may already have adopted into your life.
A wise man ought to hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.
--The Banner of Light, 1857
No book is so full of beauty as the book of Nature, yet no book is so carelessly read.
--New England Spiritualist, 1856
Let us halt and watch and listen and see what we shall gain.
--Annie Payson Call, Power Through Repose, 1891
The person that seeks for the highest and best in their own life is sure to find it.
-- James J. Owen, Spiritual Fragments, 1890
Always back your friends and face your enemies.
--The Banner of Light, 1863
Each human soul is identical in germ. There is no essential difference between people.
--Andrew Jackson Davis, The Great Harmonia, 1855
Charity begins at home, but does not end there.
--A Fountain of Light, 1880
Let none of us seal our lips until freedom, justice, and equality pervade all hearts.
--The Radical Spiritualist, 1858
No sense as valuable as that which is called common; and it is also the most uncommon.
--The Banner of Light, 1880
Peace and war alike originate in the heart.
--Friends of Progress, 1864