The sick desires healing. The healthy desires continued daily perfect health and wellness. God has given us the tools to achieve all our health needs in His Word
You can manifest and live in the divine perfect health of God through the instrument of making scripture based affirmations
There are powerful words you can speak to and over your life over a period of time to help you build and manifest whatever promise God has made to us in His Word. Our healing, perfect health and wellness are included in the promises of God to us
The Word of God in 3 John 2 reveals clearly that God desire that we be in perfect health. But how can we achieve divine healing and go on to having daily perfect health and wellness? The answer is in making faith filled Word of God based Affirmations based on the promises of God to us that covers our divine healing and health
There are powerful words we can attach or add to God's Word that will produce the manifestations and operations of God's promises in our lives. These words fall under the Category of the most powerful words anyone can ever speak to or over his life to produce a desired change in the direction of the words spoken
Under this category of words, we have the following words like: "I AM", "I CAN", "I HAVE", "I SHALL", "I WILL". Of these, the greatest and the most powerful is "I AM". There is a supernatural creative power in the words "I AM". It can bring divine healing, perfect health and wellness to you. This truth is seen in Joel 3:10 where God said "LET THE WEAK SAY I AM STRONG"
By making daily Word of God based "I AM" affirmations you can recreate the course of your life; change your health status and get to the level in life where you daily see the supernatural manifestations of God's Word and Power working for your good and in your favour
"I AM" is a very powerful recreation and manifestation affirmation word-tool. When spoken over your life based on the Word of God over a period of time, you begin to attract, become and manifest what you have been saying and declaring you are
Knowing how to daily use "I AM" in your personal affirmations and meditations will unleash tremendous desirable changes in your life and health