In February 1968, Andy Warhol coined the phrase "fifteen minutes of fame." His actual statement is slightly different. He said, "In the future, everybody will be world-famous for fifteen minutes."
This is not about Andy Warhol, nor is it about fame. It is about fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes--Not a very long amount of time by any standard. However, while it is a very brief period to some, it can seem like an eternity to others, depending on the situation and the circumstances.
You need to be somewhere important in just fifteen minutes, and you are not quite ready. Those minutes seem to fly by. You are stuck in traffic on your way to catch a plane, your flight boards in fifteen minutes. Those minutes disappear as if by magic.
It is just one-quarter of an hour, fifteen short minutes, 900 seconds, but they are different things to different people. To some, they are too short; to others, they are too long.
This is not a very long book. However, it will take more than fifteen minutes to read. Yet, it contains only five chapters; each separate one is about how five distinguished people deal with fifteen minutes. These are not the best fifteen minutes of their lives; it is their last fifteen minutes.
The question to you is--What would you do with your one-quarter hour, your fifteen minutes, your 900 seconds? What would you be thinking? What would run through your mind if you knew for certain that you had only --
Fifteen Minutes to Live?